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Deep Commercial Kitchen Cleaning in Denver, CO

Daily Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning: Striking the Right Balance in Your Commercial Kitchen

Maintaining a clean and sanitary environment is crucial for any commercial kitchen. Not only does it ensure the health and safety of your employees and customers, but it also helps you comply with regulations and maintain the longevity of your kitchen equipment. When it comes to cleaning, finding the right balance between daily cleaning and deep cleaning is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of both approaches and provide practical tips to strike the right balance in your commercial kitchen.

The Significance of Daily Cleaning

Daily cleaning plays a vital role in preventing the buildup of dirt, grease, and bacteria in your commercial kitchen. Here are some key reasons why daily cleaning should be a priority:

1. Food Safety

Regularly cleaning countertops, cutting boards, utensils, and other food preparation surfaces helps eliminate cross-contamination and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses.

2. Employee Safety

A clean and organized kitchen reduces the chances of slips, trips, and falls. Removing spills, debris, and obstacles promptly ensures a safe working environment for your staff.

3. Equipment Maintenance

Daily cleaning promotes the longevity and efficiency of your kitchen equipment. Wiping down appliances, removing grease from grills, and cleaning filters prevent the accumulation of dirt and grease, which can lead to breakdowns and costly repairs.

4. Pest Prevention

Proper sanitation practices discourage pests from infesting your commercial kitchen. Regularly cleaning surfaces, removing food debris, and sealing entry points can help keep pests at bay.

To effectively implement daily cleaning practices, create a checklist of tasks that need to be performed regularly, assign responsibilities to your staff, and ensure they have access to appropriate cleaning supplies and equipment.

Challenges of Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

1. High Volume of Operations:

Commercial kitchens are typically busy environments with a high volume of food preparation, cooking, and cleaning activities. The constant flow of ingredients, utensils, and dishes can make it challenging to keep up with cleaning tasks.

2. Grease Buildup:

Grease is a common challenge in commercial kitchens, especially in areas such as exhaust hoods, ductwork, and cooking equipment. Grease buildup not only poses a fire hazard but can also attract pests and create unpleasant odors.

3. Hard-to-Reach Areas:

Commercial kitchens have various nooks, crannies, and hard-to-reach areas that are often overlooked during regular cleaning. These areas, including spaces behind equipment, underneath appliances, and ventilation systems, require extra attention to remove dirt, grime, and bacteria.

4. Time Constraints:

The fast-paced nature of commercial kitchens can make it difficult to allocate sufficient time for thorough cleaning. With tight schedules and demanding workloads, finding time for deep cleaning and comprehensive maintenance can be a challenge.

5. Staff Training and Accountability:

Ensuring that all staff members are properly trained in cleaning procedures and understand their responsibilities can be a challenge. Lack of training or inconsistent adherence to cleaning protocols can compromise hygiene standards.

6. Compliance with Regulations:

Commercial kitchens must comply with health and safety regulations, which often have specific requirements for cleanliness and sanitation. Keeping up with these regulations and ensuring ongoing compliance can be a challenge, particularly for businesses with limited resources.

7. Proper Waste Management:

Effective waste management is crucial for maintaining cleanliness and preventing odors and pests. However, managing food waste, recyclables, and other types of waste in a busy kitchen environment can be challenging without proper systems in place.

8. Equipment Maintenance:

Regular maintenance of kitchen equipment, such as ovens, grills, fryers, and refrigeration units, is essential for cleanliness and functionality. However, finding the time and resources to perform preventive maintenance and address equipment issues can be a challenge.

9. Staff Turnover:

High turnover rates in the food service industry can disrupt cleaning routines and lead to inconsistent cleanliness standards. Training new staff members on cleaning procedures and instilling a culture of cleanliness becomes an ongoing challenge.

10. Budget Constraints:

Allocating sufficient resources for cleaning supplies, equipment, and professional cleaning services can be a challenge for businesses operating on tight budgets. However, investing in proper cleaning and maintenance pays off in the long run by reducing equipment breakdowns, improving efficiency, and maintaining a positive reputation.

Addressing these challenges requires proactive planning, effective training, clear communication, and a commitment to prioritizing cleanliness and sanitation in the commercial kitchen. Regular assessments, feedback loops, and adapting cleaning procedures based on specific needs can help overcome these challenges and maintain a clean and sanitary environment.

Waste Management

Waste Management in Restaurant

Managing waste effectively is crucial for maintaining cleanliness and minimizing environmental impact in a busy commercial kitchen. Here are some strategies for managing waste in a busy kitchen environment:

1. Implement a Waste Management Plan:

Develop a comprehensive waste management plan that outlines procedures for handling different types of waste, such as food waste, recyclables, and non-recyclable waste. Include guidelines on proper segregation, storage, and disposal methods.

2. Train Staff on Proper Waste Handling:

Provide training to all staff members on waste management practices. Educate them on the importance of proper waste segregation, recycling, and disposal methods. Clearly communicate the procedures and expectations for waste management to ensure consistency.

3. Set up Recycling Stations:

Install clearly labeled recycling stations in convenient locations throughout the kitchen. Provide separate bins for different types of recyclables, such as plastic, glass, aluminum, and paper. Ensure that staff members are aware of the recycling stations and actively use them.

4. Compost Organic Waste:

Implement a composting system for organic food waste. Set up designated bins for collecting food scraps, vegetable peelings, and other organic materials. Partner with local composting facilities or explore on-site composting options to divert organic waste from landfills.

5. Optimize Portion Control and Food Preparation:

Minimize food waste by optimizing portion control and careful food preparation. Train staff to accurately measure ingredients and follow portion guidelines. Implement inventory management systems to track and reduce food waste.

6. Use Sustainable Packaging:

Choose eco-friendly and recyclable packaging materials for takeout orders and food deliveries. Opt for biodegradable or compostable containers, utensils, and packaging whenever possible. Encourage customers to dispose of packaging responsibly.

7. Monitor and Adjust Inventory:

Regularly monitor inventory levels to avoid overstocking perishable items. Proper inventory management prevents food waste due to spoilage or expiration. Use a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) system to ensure older ingredients are used before newer ones.

8. Minimize Single-Use Items:

Reduce the use of single-use items, such as plastic straws, stirrers, and disposable cutlery. Encourage the use of reusable alternatives or provide biodegradable options. Implement refillable condiment stations instead of single-serve packets.

9. Partner with Waste Management Services:

Collaborate with waste management services that specialize in commercial kitchen waste. These services can provide guidance, pickup schedules, and proper disposal methods for different types of waste generated in your kitchen.

10. Regularly Audit and Evaluate:

Conduct regular waste audits to assess the effectiveness of your waste management practices. Analyze waste data, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to your waste management plan.

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize waste, promote recycling, and create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation in your busy commercial kitchen. Remember to involve and educate your staff, track progress, and continuously seek opportunities for improvement.

The Importance of Deep Cleaning

While daily cleaning addresses immediate hygiene concerns, deep cleaning takes it a step further by tackling hard-to-reach areas and stubborn buildup. Here’s why deep cleaning should be incorporated into your maintenance routine:

a) Eliminating Hidden Dirt and Bacteria:

Over time, dirt, grease, and bacteria can accumulate in places that are not easily accessible during daily cleaning. Deep cleaning reaches these hidden areas, such as behind equipment, inside vents, and under appliances, ensuring a thorough and hygienic environment.

b) Enhancing Air Quality:

Neglected ventilation systems and exhaust hoods can become breeding grounds for grease buildup and airborne contaminants. Deep cleaning these systems improves air quality, reduces fire hazards, and maintains the efficiency of your kitchen’s ventilation.

c) Extending Equipment Lifespan:

Deep cleaning helps remove stubborn grease and grime that can deteriorate the performance and lifespan of your kitchen equipment. By investing in regular deep cleaning, you can avoid costly repairs or premature replacements.

d) Compliance with Regulations:

Health and safety regulations often require periodic deep cleaning to maintain a clean and safe commercial kitchen. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even closure of your establishment.

Consider scheduling deep cleaning sessions during slow periods or when your kitchen is closed to minimize disruptions to your daily operations. Hiring professional cleaning services specializing in commercial kitchens, like APS Hoods, ensures a thorough and efficient deep cleaning process.

Striking the Right Balance

Finding the right balance between daily cleaning and deep cleaning is crucial for the overall cleanliness and functionality of your commercial kitchen. Here are some practical tips to help you strike that balance:

Establish Clear Cleaning Procedures:

Develop comprehensive cleaning procedures that outline daily cleaning tasks and the frequency of deep cleaning activities. Ensure that your staff is well-trained in these procedures and understands the importance of following them consistently.

Delegate Responsibilities:

Assign specific cleaning tasks to different team members to ensure accountability and efficiency. Rotate responsibilities regularly to prevent monotony and maintain a fresh perspective on cleaning duties.

Invest in Training:

Provide your staff with adequate training on proper cleaning techniques, including the use of cleaning agents, equipment, and safety protocols. Regular training sessions help reinforce the importance of cleanliness and keep your team up-to-date with industry best practices.

Implement Cleaning Schedules:

Create a cleaning schedule that includes both daily cleaning tasks and periodic deep cleaning activities. Clearly define the frequency and scope of each task, ensuring that all areas and equipment are covered adequately.

Partner with Professional Cleaning Services:

Engaging professional cleaning services, such as APS Hoods, can alleviate the burden of deep cleaning and ensure a thorough and compliant cleaning process. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to tackle even the most challenging cleaning tasks.

Schedule a Commercial Kitchen Deep Cleaning with APS Hoods in Denver, CO

Maintaining a clean and hygienic commercial kitchen requires a balanced approach that combines daily cleaning practices with periodic deep cleaning sessions. By prioritizing both aspects, you can ensure the health and safety of your staff, comply with regulations, and prolong the lifespan of your kitchen equipment. Strive for consistency, train your team effectively, and consider partnering with professional cleaning services to achieve the highest standards of cleanliness in your commercial kitchen. Remember, a clean kitchen is not just a reflection of your professionalism; it is also a fundamental requirement for the success and reputation of your establishment.

Contact APS Hoods today to schedule a commercial kitchen cleaning. Send us an email or call (800) 750-7313 for a free quote.

FOG Disposal: How to Get Rid of Fat, Oil, and Grease

FOG Disposal: How to Get Rid of Fat, Oil, and Grease

Do you want to avoid FOGgy problems in your restaurant or industrial kitchen? FOG stands for Fats, Oils, and Greases, and they are inevitable by-products of cooking and preparing food. However, they can also wreak havoc on your plumbing system, the environment, and public health if they are not handled properly or recycled. That’s why you need APS hoods, the experts in FOG Disposal and commercial kitchen cleaning.

In this article you will learn where FOG comes from, why it poses problems for your plumbing system, the environment, and public health, how you can prevent and handle FOG issues in your restaurant or industrial kitchen, and who you can contact for professional FOG management and commercial kitchen cleaning services.

FOG is bad news for your kitchen and the planet. But APS hoods can handle your FOG disposal with ease in Denver, CO. You’ll save time, money, and hassle, and enjoy a spotless, secure, and smooth-running kitchen. Don’t miss out on a free quote from APS hoods.


What is FOG?

FOG stands for fats, oils, and greases, which are inevitable by-products of food preparation and cooking in restaurants and industrial kitchens. It can build up in grease traps, which require regular cleaning and pumping to avoid blocking the plumbing system and contaminating the sewer system. FOG disposal can also involve converting it into valuable products, such as biodiesel, by collaborating with an environmental services company.

Common Sources of FOG in Your Kitchen

Most restaurants have a lot of fats, oils, and greases in their kitchens — from the cooking oil that drips on the floor to the sauces that remain on the dishes, and even the burger grease that flies up to the vent hood. Some common sources of FOG in your kitchen are:

•  Cooking oil, lard, shortening, butter, margarine, and other fats used for frying, baking, or sautéing

•  Dairy products, such as milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream

•  Meat fats, such as bacon grease, chicken fat, beef fat, and pork fat

•  Sauces, dressings, gravy, mayonnaise, and other condiments that contain oil or fat

•  Food scraps, especially from greasy or oily foods, such as fried chicken, pizza, burgers, fries, etc.

The Environmental and Financial Risks of Improper FOG Disposal

FOGs, or fats, oils, and greases, are a major threat to your wastewater system if they are disposed of improperly. Because it can harden and accumulate in the sewer pipes, obstructing the water flow and leading to blockages. This can cause sanitaryseweroverflows (SSOs), which are incidents of sewage spilling over your premises, the streets, or the storm drains. SSOs can damage the environment, produce unpleasant smells, and endanger public health by polluting water sources and transmitting bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Moreover, it can also be expensive to remediate, and you may incur fines or business closures if you are liable for them.


How to Manage FOG in Your Restaurant

To prevent the mentioned problems, you should follow some best practices for FOG management, such as:

•  Wiping off dishes, pots, pans, and utensils with a paper towel before washing them

•  Collecting waste cooking oil in a container and disposing of it in the trash or recycling it at a designated facility

•  Installing a grease trap or interceptor to capture FOG before it reaches the sewer line

•  Cleaning and maintaining your grease trap or interceptor regularly

•  Hiring a professional collection service to remove and dispose of your FOG waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner

By following these best practices, you can protect your pipes and the environment, save money, and avoid fines or business closures.

 The Benefits of Proper FOG Disposal 

Proper FOG disposal can benefit your restaurant and the community in many ways. By preventing blockages in sewer lines, you can avoid backups, overflows, and costly repairs that can damage your property and the environment. By avoiding FOG contamination of storm drains or waterways, you can protect aquatic life and water quality. In addition to this, by avoiding foul odors, pest infestation, and health hazards caused by FOG accumulation in your kitchen or sewer system, you can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, by complying with local ordinances and regulations on FOG management, you can save money and avoid fines or business closures that can harm your reputation and profitability. And also by recycling waste cooking oil into biodiesel or other products, you can generate revenue and support sustainability.

How to Reduce FOG Generation in Your Kitchen

To reduce the amount of FOG, or fats, oils, and grease, you can follow some simple steps:

Step 1 

Use less oil or fat when cooking, and choose oils with high smoke points, such as canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, and grapeseed oil. So it will be easier to clean up the FOG that is left behind. 

Step 2

Use a strainer or a skimmer to remove excess oil or fat from food before serving or storing it. This will prevent FOG from entering your dishes, pots, pans, and utensils, and reduce the amount of FOG that goes down the drain. 

Step 3

Use a spatula or a scraper to remove oil or fat from cookware and utensils before washing them. It will reduce the amount of FOG that is washed into the sink or the dishwasher, and make it easier to wipe off the remaining FOG with a paper towel. 

Step 4

Use cold water to rinse dishes, pots, pans, and utensils before putting them in the dishwasher or the sink. Since cold water prevents FOG from melting and sticking to the surfaces.

Step 5

Use a grease trap or interceptor to capture FOG before it reaches the sewer line, and clean and maintain it regularly. Because it prevents FOG from clogging your pipes and causing sewer problems and also helps you comply with local ordinances and regulations on FOG management. 

Step 6

Hood and vent systems reduce grease levels in your kitchen by removing airborne grease and pollutants from cooking. Also, regular cleaning and inspection of hood and vent systems can ensure compliance with fire and health codes and efficiency, which prevents fire risks, improves air quality, and lowers FOG (fats, oils, and grease) in sewer pipes.

Step 7

Collect waste cooking oil in a container and dispose of it in the trash or recycle it at a designated facility. This will prevent FOG from entering your sewer system and also help you generate revenue and support sustainability by recycling waste cooking oil into biodiesel or other products.

FOG Disposal: How Thick Layers of Restaurant Grease Are Cleaned

Cleaning services such as APS-hoods take several steps for FOG disposal and grease management: 

Step 1: Fan Inspection And Cleaning

 We remove the cover and check the blades, the motor, and the belt of the fan on the roof. Then, we scrape off any grease on the fan and dispose of it properly.

Step 2: Duct Cleaning

We use a scraper to remove the solidified grease from the walls of the duct. Then, we collect the grease in a bucket and dispose of it properly. After that, we use a power washer to spray hot water and degreaser on the duct. The pressure and the temperature will be adjusted depending on the amount of grease. Then we use a vacuum to suck up the excess water and grease from the duct and we repeat the process until the duct is shiny and clean.

Step 3: Grease Filter Cleaning

We remove the filters and place them in a soaking tank filled with hot water and degreaser. Then, we let the filters soak for about 15 minutes, and after that rinse them with the power washer.

Step 4: Oven Hood Cleaning

We spray the hood with a degreaser and wipe it with a cloth. Then the lights, the switches, and the pipes are also cleaned.

Step 5: System Testing

Finally, we put everything back in place and then we will test the fan to make sure it’s working properly.

APS-hoods follows the local regulations and guidelines for FOG disposal and help you prevent fires and protect lives. Call us now for a free quote and a consultation.

For more information, watch the procedures of FOG disposal here

The Inspection and Enforcement Procedures for FOG Disposal

To ensure FSEs (Food Service Establishment) follow the FOG control rules, local authorities or sewer operators inspect and enforce FOG disposal in commercial kitchens. These procedures may differ by FSEs’ location and jurisdiction, but they usually include:

  • Inspection:

They check FSEs’ FOG equipment, practices, records, and reports regularly. The inspection details depend on FSEs’ risk, violation, and resource factors. They use tools to record their findings and suggestions.

  • Enforcement:

 They take action against FSEs who break the FOG control rules. The actions’ kinds and levels depend on the violation’s type and size, the sewer and environmental harm, and the non-compliance record. The actions may include notices, fines, penalties, orders, injunctions, or permit cancellation.

 Regulations and Compliance for FOG Disposal

FOG management is vital for reducing the environmental and public health hazards of FOG discharges into sewers. And it is governed by various laws and standards, depending on the FSEs’ jurisdiction and location. Hence, FSEs should check with their local authorities before disposing of their FOG waste. Some of the common regulations and compliance for FOG disposal are:

  • Environmental Protection Act
  • General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with FSE
  • FOG Legislation
  • FOG Best Management Practices Manual

The Common Violations and Penalties for FOG Disposal

Common FOG disposal violations and penalties are:

•  Discharging FOG that harms the sewer or POTW (Publicly Owned Treatment Works)

•  Failing to use or keep grease control devices as per local rules

•  Failing to keep FOG records, such as cleaning, invoices, manifests, and reports

•  Lying or hiding FOG information 

The consequences of these violations can range from notices, fines, penalties, orders, injunctions, or permit loss to criminal charges under RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act). 

FAQs About FOG Disposal

How Can I Collect and Store FOG Safely and Efficiently in FOG Disposal?

To collect and store FOG safely and efficiently, use a labeled container with a lid, store it in a cool, dry, and secure place, then contact a licensed FOG hauler or recycler regularly, and do not pour FOG down the drain.

How Can I Dispose Of Grease And Meat Grease From Dishes And Utensils?

You can dispose of grease and meat grease from dishes and utensils by scraping or wiping them off with a paper towel or a balm cleansing product before washing them. Also, you can use a sink strainer to catch any food scraps or solids that may contain grease and throw them in the trash or compost bin.

How Can I Get Rid of Bacon Grease or Cooking Oil in My Kitchen?

Don’t drain FOG. Instead, cool and solidify it. Then scrape or wipe it off with a paper towel or a balm cleanser. After that use a sealable container and trash to collect it or recycle it. You can also reuse it for cooking.

FOG Disposal: How to Select a Trustworthy and Accredited FOG Hauler

FOG disposal, or grease waste disposal, is an important aspect of running a restaurant or industrial kitchen. It affects not only your plumbing system but also the environment and public health. By following the best practices, regulations, and compliance for FOG management and disposal, you can avoid problems such as sewer blockages, overflows, fines, and business closures. You can also benefit from recycling waste cooking oil into biodiesel or other products. APS hoods can help you with FOG disposal and management and commercial kitchen cleaning, so you can focus on your core business. Contact us today for a free quote and see how we can make your kitchen cleaner, safer, and more efficient.

Keeping Your Restaurant Up to Code with Regular Inspections

Keeping Your Restaurant Up to Code with Regular Inspections

As a restaurant owner, one of the key challenges you have to deal with is to keep your facility code-complaint at all times. Violation of health and safety codes can have dire consequences for your business. Whether you operate a commercial kitchen in a hotel, restaurant, school, hospital or any other facility, it is essential to adhere to all the codes in a proper manner. By staying up to code, you will be able to run your business in a smooth and hassle-free manner, keep guests and employees safe and avoid heavy fines and legal complications. Worse still, you may not be able to operate your facility ever again. That is why you should always seek the help of professionals to conduct regular inspections and stay up to code.

So, the big question is how you can remain compliant with the healthy and fire safety codes. In this article, we will discuss the exact topic and share with you lots of practical tips and useful recommendations.

Importance of Regular Inspections

Inspections and audits on a regular basis are essential for enhancing safety of a restaurant and commercial kitchen and achieving operational excellence. You should be happy about inspections, and not feel the opposite. There are several good reasons that indicate the importance of regular health and fire safety inspections conducted in hotels, cafes, restaurants, dining centers etc.

When running a commercial kitchen, you need to adhere to the standard operating procedures. Due to a large production of smoke, heat and grease, a restaurant kitchen can become vulnerable to the risk of fire. On the one hand, you need to prevent food borne illnesses. On the other hand, you need to reduce the risk of kitchen fires for the safety of your guests and employees. This is exactly why regular inspections are so important for all commercial kitchens. You can carry out the internal audits on your own with the help of trained staff. But conducting professional inspections requires working with health and safety inspectors. 

Regular inspections are crucial for every restaurant business. By consistently following safety practices, you will earn the trust of visitors. Remaining code-compliant will attract more customers to your business because they will feel comfortable and safe visiting and dining in your establishment.

Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations

There are compulsory rules for maintaining proper hygiene, food safety and sanitation in a restaurant and commercial kitchen. If a facility breaks any of these rules, it is termed as a health and safety code violation. Regular inspections are meant to help restaurant businesses comply with all these codes and ensure that guests remain safe from any kind of food poisoning and illnesses.

The foundation of a restaurant is built upon preparation and delivery of safe and delicious foods. Whether you run a cafeteria, dining facility, food preparation service or restaurant, you should always abide by all the health and safety regulatory guidelines in order to keep customers safe and attract more customers as a result. Not staying up to date with the code requirements will lead to code violations, which can affect your business in multiple ways. If it is found during an inspection that you have violated health and safety regulations, hefty fines can be levied and disciplinary action can be taken against your business.

If your restaurant facility fails an inspection, this would draw the attention of health and safety inspectors even more and conduct detailed scrutiny. Violation of codes doesn’t always mean food-borne illnesses. If toxic products are kept close to food supplies, this can create problems for your business.

Enhancing Food Safety Practices

Delivering safe and hygienic food is the main responsibility of restaurants. In order to increase food safety in your restaurant and commercial kitchen, you should stick to a number of best practices. 

In a commercial kitchen, the chances of cross-contamination is always high. If your staff is well-trained in the use of equipment, you will be able to eliminate the chances of contaminated food. Whether it is the use of knives or the use of surfaces, you should follow proper sanitation rules and guidelines. Different types of food items need to be kept at different temperatures. For example, foods that are meant to be kept in the refrigerator should not be kept out for a long span of time. Likewise, serious attention must be paid to the storage of utensils and dishes. Make strong food safety policies for your facility and review these policies from time to time. Reach out to a restaurant management specialist for effective policy creation.

One of the key food safety practices for restaurants or any food establishment to follow is the storage of cleaning products and sanitation chemicals in a proper manner. Every restaurant needs to store cleaning supplies, but what is important is to store in a way that doesn’t affect food safety.

Ensuring Proper Sanitation and Cleanliness

It is crucial to ensure that each of your kitchen employees understand the importance of proper cleaning and sanitation throughout the entire facility. If you run a large and busy commercial kitchen, it could be easy to skip closing cleaning duties. Proper cleaning and sanitation will ensure that no corner or surface in the facility becomes the breeding ground for mold and bacteria. It is a best practice to train your employees in the various techniques of restaurant cleaning.

Ignoring the kitchen sanitation can have serious consequences. No matter how busy your restaurant or commercial kitchen is, you should always make sure cleaning is carried out on a regular basis. Apart from everyday general cleaning done by the staff, you should hire professionals to perform detailed cleaning of the kitchen equipment and appliances. If you are in search of a professional sanitation and cleaning company for your restaurant in Denver, CO, APS Hoods is the ideal place to get the task done exactly as per health and safety codes.

Maintaining Equipment and Facilities

For anyone running a food service establishment, maintaining the kitchen equipment and appliances is the foremost duty. Setting up a commercial kitchen and purchasing all the heavy-duty equipment is a big investment, which you should provide the best protection. As per the fire safety code requirements, equipment maintenance is obligatory because it reduces the risk of fire emergencies and enhances the safety of the entire restaurant facility.

Here are key benefits of maintaining commercial kitchen equipment:

  • Prevent equipment failures
  • Avoid unexpected downtime
  • Avoid expensive repairs and replacements
  • Enhance food safety

When you give all the cooking equipment and appliances timely maintenance, you will be able to avoid costly repair and replacement. Not only that, you will actually prolong the lifespan of all the equipment. 

In order to ensure proper equipment maintenance, you should develop a program that is a perfect match for your specific needs. Every food service facility has its own unique needs and requirements. With the help of professionals, it will become fast and easy to create an ideal maintenance program. It is always a good idea to seek the help of experts from a company such as APS Hoods in Denver, CO, for proper and effective restaurant kitchen maintenance.

Preventing Pest Infestations

Pest control is actually a part of the food safety practices that every food service facility should adhere to. Pest infestations in the facility cause food contamination and reflect truly badly on the reputation of the business. A pest-infested environment will drive visitors away. Leave alone infestations, even one or two insects or pests crawling here and there in the dining area will discourage guests from returning. Plus, pest invasions will cause costly stock damage. 

That is exactly why effective pest control is an essential part of the overall restaurant management. However, it can be difficult to prevent pest infestations unless you have an effective program in place.

There are multiple surveys conducted on pest sightings in a restaurant and their effects on guests. When a guest spots a pest in a food service establishment, they don’t usually keep it to himself or herself. In fact, it is like a piece of breaking news that can pass from one person to another quite fast. Many guests will simply stop coming back to a restaurant or cafeteria after spotting a pest in the facility. If you are serious about reputation management, you should give serious attention to proper pest prevention and control in your food service establishment.

When it comes to pest control, there are some areas in a commercial kitchen that are more prone than others. In particular, you should pay the most attention to food storage areas, waste disposal areas, food preparation areas and dining areas. There are some simple but highly effective ways that you should use to prevent the infestation of pests and keep pests away. 

Therefore, make sure pest prevention and control is part and parcel of your overall cleaning and sanitation policies. Regular inspections are a surefire way to keep a close watch on entry of pests and take proper action to address the issues while they are still in the initial stage and easy to control.

Training and Educating Staff

Your own staff can prove to be of great help in keeping the kitchen up to code. For that to happen, you will need to provide your employees with proper training on the correct use of all the systems and units installed in the facility, the fire suppression system and fire extinguishers in particular.

Some of the most important topics you should educate and train your commercial kitchen employees are as follows:

  • Food safety
  • Cleaning and sanitation
  • Food handling and storage
  • Workplace safety
  • Use of fire suppression system
  • Use of fire extinguishers

Each worker in your restaurant kitchen or cafeteria should be trained in these areas in order to enhance safety and stay code-compliant. What should employees do, if a fire breaks out all of a sudden? This is a very important issue and your workers should be well-trained to take all the initial essential steps to deal with such emergency situations in a fast and effective manner. 

If you are in Denver, CO, call in professionals from APS Hoods for proper and correct training of your restaurant kitchen staff.

Building a Positive Reputation

No matter what industry you operate in, having a positive reputation is key to business growth and success. If you operate in the food service industry, you should be highly concerned about your reputation. 

Code violations will hurt your business reputation really badly. It can drive customers away and take a toll on your business. Keeping your food service establishment up to code will help you build a solid, positive image among the public. This, in turn, will help you spread the word about how you genuinely care about visitors’ health and safety. That is exactly why you should perform regular restaurant inspections and give proper focus and attention to food safety regulations, health and safety compliance, food handling practices, sanitation and cleanliness and the overall management of your restaurant and commercial kitchen.

Being Prepared for Surprise Inspections

A local health inspector can make a visit to your restaurant and commercial kitchen many times in a year. But are you truly prepared for such surprising inspections? You should always remain prepared for such health and safety inspections in advance and also be confident to pass the same. 

To pass surprise inspections by the local inspector, you should know and understand the food code, as published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Carrying out self-inspections is a good way to find out if your restaurant kitchen is up to code or whether you need an upgrade or modifications. Create a maintenance checklist and use it to maintain your commercial kitchen in a proper manner. Seek professional help, if you have difficulty understanding food codes.

Still Have a Question? Let us Talk!

If you have additional questions about restaurant code requirements and inspections, reach out to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our company specializes in restaurant and commercial kitchen management including cooking equipment maintenance, sanitation and cleanliness, fire protection, pest control, staff training etc. You can dial our phone number or write us an email.

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    Exhaust System Cleaning
    The Benefits of Custom Commercial Kitchen Design

    The Benefits of Custom Commercial Kitchen Design

    Setting up a commercial kitchen is not an easy feat. Whether spacious or small, every commercial kitchen has different needs. Based on the specific day-to-day needs, the kitchen should be designed to remain functional in order to prep, cook and serve food in a timely manner. A great deal of expert planning is required to optimize the operational efficiency of a commercial or community kitchen. That is exactly where the need for a custom commercial kitchen design comes in. During the design process, you need to carefully consider all the key aspects of the kitchen design, right from food preparation and storage to cleaning. So, never go for a one-size-fits-all approach, as such a design will not be suited to your specific needs.

    Let us broaden your knowledge about custom-designed commercial kitchens and explain what kind of benefits it has to offer.

    What is Custom Commercial Kitchen Design?

    If you operate in the food service industry, you should definitely understand how a custom commercial kitchen design is different from a standard commercial kitchen design. Unlike a standard or regular design, a custom-designed restaurant kitchen or community kitchen is designed based on your everyday needs and vision. Such a kitchen includes high quality industrial cooking equipment and appliances with a highly customized design and components.

    Essential design elements of a customized commercial kitchen include:

    • Service requirements
    • Cooking
    • Food storage
    • Food preparation
    • Cleaning

    A high-performance, custom design refers to a highly organized, functional and efficient commercial kitchen. Such a kitchen makes use of the entire area in a well-planned manner without wasting a single inch of the valuable space. The good news is that it doesn’t take more time to design such a restaurant kitchen, compared to a standard or regular commercial kitchen.  

    If you have a question in this regard, feel free to get in touch with one of our experts at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

    Benefits of Custom Commercial Kitchen Design

    There are ample benefits of building a custom-designed commercial kitchen for a restaurant, cooking facility, food preparation center etc. If you plan to build a commercial kitchen soon or want to remodel or upgrade an existing restaurant kitchen, you should become aware of all the important benefits that a fully tailored and professional kitchen design has to offer. Understanding these benefits will keep you well-informed and help you make the right decision.

    More Efficient Use of Space

    The success of a restaurant business largely depends on how functional and efficient its commercial kitchen is. So, when you start building a new restaurant, cafeteria, pub or cooking facility, you should see to it that the kitchen you design fulfills all your specific needs in a proper manner. 

    If the commercial kitchen is well-planned and expertly designed it will make the day-to-day operations in the restaurant fast and easy. The staff will move without any difficulty and the visitors will also experience ease of movement as a result. Since the size and requirements of every commercial kitchen is different, the best idea is to custom-design this space. Customized design means you will make the best and most efficient use of the space available. 

    Increased Productivity and Workflow

    The purpose of setting up a commercial kitchen is to prepare and serve food to a large number of customers. That is exactly why it is crucial to focus on productivity and workflow during the designing of the facility. If the utilization of space is proper and the cooking equipment and machinery are organized in a clever manner, the productivity will increase. When you choose to custom-build your restaurant kitchen, you will get the best performance and results. Kitchen employees will be happy doing their jobs in a hassle-free and comfortable environment.

    Increased productivity will ultimately boost your bottom line. So, make sure you get your commercial kitchen design tailored to your specific needs with the help of highly trained restaurant design professionals. 

    Better Hygiene and Sanitation

    Great food and excellent customer service will bear no meaning, if you fail to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in a commercial kitchen. Abiding by hygiene rules are important in order to prevent the risks of food contamination and food-borne illnesses. When you are designing a restaurant kitchen, the set up and arrangement should make cleaning and maintenance easy and quick. Custom commercial kitchen design will help you achieve this objective. 

    Improved Safety for Staff and Customers

    Accidents may happen in a commercial kitchen anytime. The kitchen staff work in a hot and smoky atmosphere surrounded by many different types of machinery, appliances and equipment. When it comes to building a restaurant kitchen, it is crucial to keep all these factors in mind and design the cooking facility in a manner that reduces the risks of safety hazards. You need to provide your employees with a safe working environment where they don’t remain exposed to slips, trips, falls, burns, cuts, lacerations, sprains etc. Not just for the staff, the commercial kitchen safety is important from the customers’ point of view as well. 

    By planning for increased safety for employees and customers, you will set the business up for success. Your customers will also feel safe when dining in your restaurant and you will attract more customers as a result. 

    Enhanced Customer Experience

    No matter which city, customers constantly look for restaurants that will provide them with a unique experience. If you plan to open a new restaurant or transform an existing eatery, you should pay attention to customer experience. Unless you provide customers with a new and refreshing experience, they will not be satisfied and will not return. It is not just food for which customers visit a particular restaurant, but the ambiance also is one of the crowd-pullers. 

    By hiring professionals and building your restaurant kitchen and dining area as per your specific needs, you will be able to create a perfect atmosphere for everyone including the employees and the customers.

    Tailored to Specific Needs and Requirements

    One of the biggest benefits of creating a custom-designed commercial kitchen is that it serves you specific needs in a perfect manner. In fact, the very procedure of designing a custom commercial kitchen begins with a detailed assessment of what you exactly need on a day-to-day basis. Based on the kind of menu, every restaurant has different requirements. It is these specific needs that professionals focus on when designing the restaurant kitchen and the dining area. Whether you plan to open a cafeteria, pub, bar, community kitchen, fast food service center, a customized design will fulfill your exact needs and requirements.

    If you have a question about the benefits of designing a custom commercial kitchen, feel free to reach out to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. One of our specialists will answer your questions and clear your doubts.

    Factors to Consider in Custom Commercial Kitchen Design

    Unlike a standard design, a custom design for a commercial kitchen takes all essential aspects into account. Experts think of the commercial kitchen as an efficient factory within a restaurant. Regardless of what your specific goals are, design engineers and specialists will create exactly what you need. Here are some of the key considerations for custom commercial kitchen design.

    Menu and Food Preparation

    The entire custom design project begins with the menu type. What kind of menu have you planned for your eatery? You need to look at all the menus you will serve including for breakfast, brunch, luncheon, afternoon, dinner etc. There are many different types of menus that you can plan and serve at your restaurant. Based on the menu and your requirements for food preparation, professionals will start to evaluate what type of kitchen design will be ideal.

    Equipment Selection and Placement

    A commercial kitchen is outfitted with a wide range of heavy-duty, industrial equipment and machinery. In commercial kitchen design, selection and installation of all the equipment will be an important factor. The design specialists will plan for the set up and arrangement of all the kitchen machinery as they create the commercial kitchen layout. Whether it is the cooking equipment, HVAC systems or the ventilation units, a custom design will include details on each of these. You will be guided on selecting the right type and quality of equipment.

    Traffic Flow and Workspace Design

    Traffic flow is a crucial factor in commercial kitchen set up. Employees should be able to move through the restaurant building without any kind of difficulty or hassle at all. If movement is fast and easy, waiters will be able to pick up food, deliver food to customers and clear the tables very quickly. Likewise, the workspace should be highly functional. You need to create a very safe and comfortable workspace for the staff in order to have smooth operations.

    Budget and Timeline Considerations

    When getting a custom design for your commercial kitchen, one of the first things you will want to know is how much the entire project will cost you. You will need to have a budget for project design and management, cooking equipment and appliances and the cost of installation. Restaurant building contractors and commercial kitchen designers will sit with and discuss all these. The delivery of the project will be done as per the timeline given by the contractor.

    Compliance with Local Regulations and Codes

    The NFPA has given crystal-clear instructions for the food service industry to follow in order to minimize safety hazards. If you are going to open a restaurant, you should become familiar with all these fire safety and building codes and regulatory guidelines and follow them in a proper manner.

    The local regulations and safety codes may vary depending on where exactly your restaurant or eatery is located. When you have professional restaurant design experts by your side, you will never have to worry about compliance with these codes when building a commercial kitchen. Professionals will create the design in accordance with the safety regulations and obtain all the necessary permits so that the project can be completed without any hassle.

    At APS Hoods, we have a strong and highly dedicated team of commercial kitchen design professionals. Feel free to talk to one of us to find out how we can help you and create a customized design to meet the everyday cooking, food preparation and serving requirements of your kitchen. We are a one-stop shop for all kinds of restaurant and commercial kitchen design in Denver, CO.

    The Importance of Working with a Professional Designer

    Building a restaurant and designing a commercial kitchen is no easy fit. For such an important and complex project, you cannot depend on amateurs or people with little experience. Instead, you need to work with seasoned professionals who have ample experience in creating the entire commercial kitchen set up including the selection and installation of all the cooking equipment, machinery, appliances and fire suppression and HVAC systems. 

    When you work with trained professionals, you will be able to choose the right type and quality of cooking equipment and complete all the installations exactly as per regulatory guidelines. Professional designers and engineers will do extensive research and come up with an ideal solution that helps you stand out and beat out the competition as well. Restaurant design contractors have tie ups with other vendors and professionals so that you don’t have to worry about all this.

    Whether it is the build process, budget or timeline, you will be able to discuss everything in detail with the experts. With restaurant design specialists by your side, you will get a better return on your investment.  

    Examples of Successful Custom Commercial Kitchen Designs

    It is a great idea to check out some of the successful past projects when you decide to work with professionals. This will give a fair idea about the process a restaurant design company follows to accomplish projects. Plus, you will understand the key design features such as commercial kitchen efficiency, workflow, safety, sanitation etc. You will find out the benefits of these features. Whether you plan to build a new commercial kitchen or remodel an existing one, you should definitely check out a few examples and case studies to set expectations right.

    At APS Hoods, we proudly share examples of successful commercial kitchen designs we have created in the recent past.

    Talk to a Commercial Kitchen Design Specialist

    Customized design is a surefire way to build an ideal commercial kitchen to fulfill your exact day-to-day needs of cooking and preparing food and serving them to customers in a timely manner. There are a host of other benefits of creating a tailor-made commercial kitchen design. Most of all, it will set your restaurant business up for success. If you have a question or want to know about how it works, reach out to one of our specialists at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

    For your initial consultation, you can dial up our office a phone number or send us an email using the contact form on our website. 

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      Exhaust System Cleaning
      Commercial Kitchen Equipment

      Tips for Maintaining Commercial Kitchen Equipment

      It requires a lot of time and effort to properly set up a commercial kitchen. If you plan to run your restaurant successfully, you should pay serious attention to the maintenance of all the equipment, systems and appliances fitted in the commercial kitchen. Whether it is the cleaning of the cooking equipment or the cleaning of the hood exhaust system, it should all be done in an effective manner. With timely commercial kitchen equipment maintenance and cleaning, you will be able to avoid many kinds of issues and run your restaurant business in a hassle-free manner. By doing so, you will minimize the risk of safety hazards, keep the environment fresh and welcoming and remain compliant with the fire safety and building codes. 

      If you are a restaurant owner or manager, this guide is for you. We’ll discuss all those practical tips and recommendations that you should follow in order to maintain all your commercial kitchen equipment in a proper manner while enhancing the safety and well being of your employees and visitors.

      Benefits of Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning

      Keeping all the equipment and systems in your commercial kitchen will bring you a host of benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of a neat, clean and well-maintained restaurant kitchen facility. 

      • Lower your utility bills
      • Avoid unanticipated breakdows
      • Maintain quality and taste of food
      • Prolong equipment lifespan
      • Increase resale value of equipment
      • Keep workers and guests safe
      • Stay code-compliant

      Grease deposits are very common in large kitchens. If not cleaned in time, the kitchen equipment and machines will gather grease buildup over time, leading to a risk of dangerous flare-ups. That is why you should seriously focus on maintaining the entire areas of the restaurant kitchen in a proper manner and schedule routine cleaning of all the systems, equipment and machines. As an essential part of the overall maintenance, you need to get the fire suppression system, fire sprinklers and fire extinguishers properly inspected, tested and repaired.

      For detailed explanation of these benefits, feel free to reach out to one of our specialists at APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our company specializes in the professional cleaning and maintenance of restaurant kitchens.

      Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

      It is crucial to keep the cleaning and maintenance standards for your commercial kitchen high at all times. This will be the proof of your commitment to providing the best and safest environment to employees and guests. In fact, you should keep your kitchen and the dining area sparkling clean, so that everyone is safe and you build a solid reputation as a restaurant business.

      When it comes to kitchen equipment cleaning tips, our professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO, have to offer you some practical advice and suggestions in order to help you with the maintenance task.

      Daily Cleaning Routines

      Cleaning after each shift ends is a good practice that everyone in your restaurant facility should follow. The list of tasks that should be done on an everyday basis must include daily cleaning as well. Most of all, you need to get rid of the flow of food odors, which continues to become heavy, one shift after another. At first glance, daily cleaning may look like a lot of work. But once you divide this among workers into all stations, this will feel like a breeze.

      It is important to understand that one dirty kitchen area will affect other areas. That is why every area and station requires urgent attention for proper cleaning on an everyday basis and maintaining high standards.

      When you want to create a cleaning checklist for restaurant equipment maintenance, you should create a separate list for all cleaning tasks that should be completed on a daily basis. You should aim to get these tasks done at the end of a shift or at the end of the day. Some daily basis cleaning tasks for a commercial kitchen include wiping down all prep area surfaces and cooking equipment and appliances. Get rid of splatters from the surfaces of stoves and refrigerators. For cleaning the equipment, you may need to use a good quality oven and grill cleaner. Whether it is cooking utensils, dishtowels, aprons, uniforms or the dining dishes and glassware, they should all be washed and sanitized at the end of a shift in a proper manner. 

      Regular Maintenance Tasks

      Regular maintenance is a highly useful practice that will keep your restaurant kitchen safe for work and dining. When it comes to restaurant equipment maintenance, you should pay attention to all the heavy-duty machines and systems that your facility is outfitted with. Tasks such as wiping down the griddles and grills, cleaning the burners and checking the grease filters should be an important part of the overall regular maintenance tasks for the facility.

      Fryers are used to serve huge quantities of fried foods to guests on a regular basis. It is essential to regularly maintain the fryers by extracting dirty oil from the equipment, cleaning the fry baskets and combustion fans as well as checking for gas leaks. Ranges should be regularly maintained, as these are one of most used appliances in a large commercial kitchen. Clean the burners and grates and clean the ranges, particularly the rear of the ranges by moving it. Your regular maintenance tasks should include checking and inspecting all fridges and freezers.

      While you focus on maintaining the commercial kitchen equipment and machines, you should not forget the floor maintenance. Use a degreaser to remove grease and oil on the floors. Watch out for any kind of cracks or bumps in the floor. Keep a close watch on the functioning of the floor drains.

      Deep Cleaning Procedures

      Basic daily cleaning and deep cleaning are two different things. While your own workers and staff can handle the daily cleaning, deep cleaning procedures will require hiring trained professionals. Deep cleaning a commercial kitchen is a detailed procedure, which requires both training and experience. Since the staff in your facility don’t have this kind of training and expertise, you will need to reach out to a commercial restaurant hood cleaning expert in your area.

      Since deep cleaning is not general cleaning, it gets rid of all the dirt and debris in every nook and cranny of the commercial kitchen. This is something that general everyday cleaning cannot achieve.

      One of the biggest benefits of deep cleaning is that it takes the overall hygiene of the kitchen facility to the next level. Professionals invest time and effort into these elaborate procedures to clean and degrease the entire restaurant kitchen including cleaning the grease filters, ducting system, ovens, microwave, refrigeration units and all the ceilings, walls and floors as well. Conducting deep cleaning in your commercial kitchen prevents the risks of food-borne illnesses and helps you maintain safety and remain compliant to fire safety and building codes. Plus, it eliminates different kinds of pests that might have taken shelter in the kitchen.

      To schedule the deep cleaning of your restaurant kitchen, reach out to one of our professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our services include kitchen equipment cleaning, commercial HVAC system maintenance, pressure washing services, commercial hood cleaning, fan service etc.

      Troubleshooting Common Issues

      Problems with kitchen machinery can arise anytime. However, many of these problems can be avoided by focusing on daily cleaning and regular maintenance of all the cooking equipment and appliances. However, there are some common issues that can still pop up in a kitchen facility. So, it is a great idea to stay aware of them and find out how you can troubleshoot them immediately.

      Some common kitchen issues include:

      • Overheating of cooking equipment
      • Fryer temperature problem
      • Warewashers not functioning properly
      • Clogged sinks and drains
      • Refrigeration issues

      Overheating of the cooker is a common issue in commercial kitchens. You can get rid of this issue by keeping the filters and vents clean. For issues with the fryer, it is a good idea to use an external thermostat. This will help you monitor oil heat on a regular basis. If the commercial warewasher in the kitchen is not cleaning dishes in a proper manner, this could be due to a faulty spray arm or a clogged filter. Likewise, you may experience a number of other common issues, which you can troubleshoot fast and easily with some basic knowledge and training.

      If you want expert tips on troubleshooting common issues in your restaurant kitchen, cafeteria or cooking facility, feel free to talk to one of our highly trained professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

      Tips for Extending Equipment Lifespan

      Setting up a commercial kitchen or a food service business is a big investment. It is crucial that you plan and take steps that will extend the lifespan of all the expensive cooking equipment in your facility.

      If you want all your cooking equipment to last longer, you should keep a few crucial tips in mind. First, you should always rely on expertly trained professionals for the proper and correct installation of all the equipment. Second, you should perform regular cleaning and maintenance of all the kitchen machinery, equipment and appliances. Third, you should arrange for staff training and education so that they are ready for the proper use of each and every equipment. Most of all, you should invest in high quality kitchen equipment and systems.

      For extending equipment lifespan, it is also important to keep abreast of the latest technologies and upgrade the equipment and systems as your needs evolve with time to fulfill changing customer requirements.

      Specific Equipment Maintenance Tips

      The cooking equipment is the core of your restaurant. In order to keep all the equipment and machinery efficient and functional, you should follow some of the most useful maintenance tips given below.

      Refrigerators and Freezers

      Cleaning of the interior and exterior of the refrigeration units and freezers should never be ignored. You should clean the condenser coil and the evaporator coil and check the gaskets on a regular basis. See to it that the fridge’s air filters are ventilating in a proper manner. Keep the refrigerators dry.

      Ovens and Ranges

      Remove crumbs and splatters from the surface. Clean the interiors and the cooktop burners on a regular basis. Check out if there are any grease deposits on the fans and remove if there are. If these are specialized ovens, take the help of an experienced person for its proper cleaning. Create a monthly cleaning routine for the range hood filters to avoid unexpected issues.

      Grills and Griddles

      The best practice is to empty and clean the grease drawer at the end of every shift. The griddles will need deep cleaning on a weekly basis. Also, don’t forget to remove the surface oils if they are present. 


      Don’t let the deep fat fryers in your kitchen become a fire hazard. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation to properly clean and maintain this cooking equipment. In addition to routine cleaning, get the fryers inspected by a trusted restaurant cleaning company at least once in a year.


      Get rid of food residue from the commercial dishwasher. Clean the exterior and see if there are any leaks. Drain the dishwasher in a proper manner. If the drain is clogged, unclog and clean it on a regular basis. Make sure the spray nozzles are clean and use the right detergent for washing.

      Slicers and Mixers

      After the end of each shift, clean and sanitize the slicers in a proper manner. This is very important from the viewpoint of food safety. Always use a clean slicer when you are going to serve a food item raw. Clean every component of the mixer and examine the electrical wiring of the equipment.

      Coffee and Beverage Machines

      Clean the coffee brewing unit and examine the steam pressure. Clean the water tank and sanitize it as well. See if the grinder settings are correct. Don’t ignore the outside of the machines. Use a lint-free cloth to clean and wide the exterior of the coffee and beverage machines.

      If you have a question about specific restaurant equipment maintenance, APS Hoods in Denver, CO, is the right place to get it answered. Our professionals will explain well and equip you with valuable tips.

      Staff Training and Education

      For a smooth functioning of your commercial kitchen, you should ensure your workers and staff are trained and educated in the correct use and proper maintenance of all the cooking equipment and appliances.

      You should educate your staff on food safety, food storage, and food-borne illnesses. When you run a restaurant business, you need to ensure all your kitchen staff understand the crucial value of food hygiene. Train your employees in everyday cleaning and sanitation of the commercial kitchen equipment. Provide them training on food handling and storage in a proper manner.

      Still Have a Question?

      Hopefully, these tips on commercial kitchen equipment maintenance, deep cleaning procedures for kitchen equipment and extending equipment lifespan will help you run your restaurant business in a hassle-free manner. If you still have any questions or want to schedule your commercial restaurant hood cleaning, reach out to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. You can either give us a phone call or write to us an email using the enquiry form given on our website. 

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        Exhaust System Cleaning
        The Importance of Proper Commercial Kitchen Ventilation

        The Importance of Proper Commercial Kitchen Ventilation

        Commercial kitchens use a wide range of heavy-duty cooking equipment and appliances that create plenty of heat and smoke. Unlike regular kitchens, these kitchens are designs in accordance with the current fire safety and building codes and strict sanitary standards. One of the key requirements for setting up and smoothly running a large restaurant kitchen is proper ventilation. If you already run a commercial or community kitchen, you should pay serious attention to its proper maintenance and cleaning by trained professionals. If your cooking facility is well-ventilated, you will be able to create a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for employees to work and guests to have a wonderful dining experience.

        As a responsible restaurant owner and cooking facility manager, you should understand the importance of proper commercial kitchen ventilation and make sure the entire space remains free from heat, smoke and odor. 


        Inside a commercial kitchen, the air often gets contaminated with smoke, grease and other pollutants. Particularly, contaminants are produced when the kitchen fuel continues to burn for hours on end. That is exactly why every large, commercial kitchen requires a high quality HVAC system. The role of kitchen exhaust systems is to keep the indoor air fresh and contaminant-free. 

        The success of a restaurant or dining center depends on the kind of environment it provides for workers and guests. Cleanliness is extremely important for a commercial kitchen to function in a proper manner. If you keep the kitchen well-ventilated, you will keep the entire area free from contaminated air. If the contaminants are not removed and the indoor air is not fresh, this kind of environment is going to create potential safety hazards for everyone in the facility. You need to install a ventilation system in order to improve kitchen air quality. A proper ventilation system will regularly function to make the kitchen environment suitable for workers.

        Installing a ventilation system will not just improve the air quality in the kitchen, but it will also keep the environment of the dining area fresh and free from different kinds of odors and smells. If you have a restaurant, cooking facility or cafeteria in Denver, CO, you should reach out to one of our specialists at APS Hoods and find out more about local health codes and regulations.

        Dangers of Poor Ventilation

        Poor ventilation will take a toll on people and business. If you run a restaurant, cafeteria or community kitchen, you should definitely remain fully aware of the dangers of poor quality ventilation. Let us take you through the health and safety risks associated with poor kitchen ventilation.

        Health Risks

        Commercial cooking facilities produce so much smoke, heat and grease that the indoor kitchen air becomes contaminated. If the indoor air quality continues to be poor, it is going to pose health risks to workers. 

        Continued exposure to commercial kitchen contaminants can lead to a wide range of health problems for workers. Headaches, dizziness, eye irritation and respiratory illnesses are some of the problems contaminated indoor air can cause. It is your obligation to provide complete safety and protection to your employees as well as diners. Increased health risks will ultimately affect the operational efficiency of your restaurant business and your bottomline.

        Fire Hazards

        One of the major dangers of ineffective commercial kitchen ventilation is the risk of fire hazards. Without proper exhaust hood cleaning and maintenance, grease and other air-borne contaminants will continue to deposit inside the hood filters and the ductwork of the HVAC system. This grease build up is one big reason for the origin and spread of kitchen fire, causing loss of property and even human lives. Therefore, it is crucial that you build and maintain your restaurant and commercial kitchen as per the fire safety codes and regulations in your area.

        Legal and Financial Consequences

        Not staying code-compliant can bring a lot of trouble for restaurant and commercial kitchen businesses. It is mandatory to adhere to all the fire safety codes and building codes applicable for the area where you have the facility. If it is found during inspections that you are up to code, you may find yourself caught up in legal tangles, which can drain your energy, time and money.

        In the worst case, you may have to pay a heavy penalty for violating the necessary code or even close your business altogether. 

        If you are in search of a company that specializes in restaurant hood installation and kitchen ventilation maintenance, head over to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our experts will answer all your questions with full clarity so that you are fully aware of the dangers and take the right steps to avoid them.

        Benefits of Proper Ventilation

        There are several advantages of a well-ventilated restaurant kitchen. But you need to invest in a high quality ventilation system that is ideal for the day-to-day needs of the type of restaurant you have. You need to consider some essential factors before you make a decision on getting a vent hood system installed in your facility. For this, you need to have an expert by your side or rely on a company that specializes in creating various types of kitchen ventilation design. 

        Odor Control

        Owing to a wide variety of cooking and food preparation, the kitchen gets filled with smells and odors. In the absence of a high quality HVAC system, the odor will linger inside the kitchen and travel outside as workers come in and go out. As a result of this, the odors will reach the dining area as well.

        If you plan to provide guests with an unforgettable experience, you should not just create a wonderful ambiance, but you should also keep the dining area free from all kinds of food odor and smells. That is exactly where the role of a right type of and properly installed vent hood system comes into play. HVAC systems for restaurants can be custom-designed as per your specific requirements. If you are in search of a kitchen hood design company, you should reach out to APS Hoods, which caters to the needs of restaurant facilities all over Denver, CO.

        Improved Air Quality

        Maintaining proper ventilation throughout the kitchen area and the entire restaurant is essential for improved air quality. HVAC systems for restaurants are designed to perform exactly that function.

        Installation of an HVAC system is a surefire way to circulating proper ventilation through all the areas of the restaurant, cafeteria or community kitchen. The role of an HVAC system is a crucial one, as it doesn’t just keep the commercial kitchen and all the other rooms well-ventilated, but it actually promotes air circulation and keeps the temperature under control. But when it comes to building a commercial kitchen ventilation system that is a perfect match for your needs. Whether it is the installation of the pollution control units, kitchen exhaust systems or restaurant hood installation, you should get it all done by seasoned professionals. Having experts by your side means the project will be done right first time and completed within the given timeframe, while abiding by all the local codes, terms and regulations.

        Increased Energy Efficiency

        There are multiple reasons for high energy bills. If your energy consumption is failing to stop, poor kitchen ventilation can be a major reason. To reduce energy bills, you should definitely reach out to a kitchen hood installation company and have their experts custom-design an HVAC system for your restaurant and commercial kitchen according to your specific needs. 

        Enhanced Kitchen Efficiency and Productivity

        Work productivity is of utmost importance, no matter what type of business. When you are running a large, commercial kitchen, you should make sure the productivity levels of your employees are high. 

        For enhanced productivity, you must give your kitchen workers a safe and comfortable environment to work in. This further stresses the need for installing a proper commercial kitchen ventilation system. Fitted with a top quality and highly efficient HVAC system, your facility will make working for employees easy and fast. This will boost their productivity levels.

        Compliance with Local Codes

        One of the key benefits of maintaining proper ventilation in your restaurant means you will remain code-compliant. 

        Adherence to local health codes and regulations is crucial in order to operate a large kitchen or restaurant in a hassle-free manner. First, you need to familiarize yourself with all the local building and fire safety codes and then get your kitchen ventilation design developed in accordance with the same.

        Key Components of Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems

        A commercial kitchen ventilation system is made up of several components. When it comes to developing an exhaust hood system, professionals will work on each of the key components and assemble them together in an accurate manner so as to deliver the best performance on a daily basis.

        Essential ventilation system components include:

        • Exhaust Fans
        • Range Hoods
        • Hood Filters
        • Make Up Air Systems
        • Ductwork

        Before investing in a ventilation system, you should evaluate the exact needs of your commercial kitchen or community kitchen in a proper manner. Your system will be up to par only when it is ideal for your needs and has been designed by seasoned engineers such as those from APS Hoods.

        Choosing the Right Ventilation System for Your Kitchen

        If you are not an expert yourself, selecting the right kind of kitchen ventilation design and restaurant fire suppression systems can prove to be quite daunting. This is where you will need the help of a professional.

        All ventilation systems installed in kitchens and dining centers are not the same in design, features and quality. Based on your needs, you will need to invest in the right kind of system as well as get it installed by expertly trained technicians. Whether it is the exhaust hood systems, hood design, rooftop equipment or the fire protection system, you need to choose it all correctly. 

        For expert advice on which HVAC system to install, reach out to one of our specialists. Our professionals will equip you with genuine and unbiased advice to help you make the right decision.

        Maintenance and Cleaning of Ventilation Systems

        All ventilation systems required regular cleaning and maintenance, no matter what type or size a system is. When you get a vent hood system professionally installed, the technician will explain every crucial detail, so that its cleaning and maintenance is never ignored or delayed. Timely ventilation system maintenance, repair and replacement will not only keep the entire system functioning in a smooth manner, but it will also extend the lifespan of all the components. In any case, don’t forget to ask the technician for some valuable maintenance tips. Following some simple but effective tips will help you a great deal in maintaining the kitchen systems.

        At APS Hoods, we provide commercial kitchen ventilation installation as well as expert cleaning and maintenance of the system. If you have a question in this connection, feel free to get in touch with us.


        Hopefully, you have by now understood the importance of having proper ventilation in the commercial kitchen and throughout the dining rooms and other areas of the restaurant. It is crucial to invest in a high quality and ideal type of vent hood system in order to remove steam, heat, smoke and odor from the kitchen in a proper manner and create a fresh and healthy environment for employees and guests. If you are in search of ventilation design specialists in Denver, CO, APS Hoods is the ideal destination to fulfill all your installation needs. Plus, we have highly trained technicians to carry out fast repairs and replacements of the equipment. Our aim is to help you have the best ventilation design for your exact needs.

        Our range of commercial kitchen services include installation of HVAC systems for restaurants, ductwork installation, exhaust hood cleaning, range hood repair and replacement, vent hood system maintenance, fan service etc. For your free consultation, you should give our office a phone call or write us an email using the contact form given on our website. 

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          Exhaust System Cleaning
          Power Washing What You Need to Know to Keep Your Restaurant Clean Inside Out

          Power Washing: What You Need to Know to Keep Your Restaurant Clean Inside Out

          If you operate a restaurant or commercial kitchen, it is your foremost duty to keep it neat and clean at all times. It is not just the interiors where your focus should be. But a tidy exterior is also equally important. Many restaurant owners give more focus to the interiors and ignore the exteriors. If you plan to make your restaurant come alive with a fresh and clean environment, you should keep it clean both inside and outside. Though you can use many techniques for restaurant cleaning, vent hood cleaning and wall and floor cleaning, power washing is one of the most effective of all techniques. Using this method, you will be able to clean up a large area quickly while also reaching those areas that are usually hard to reach.

          In this article, we will discuss how you can use power washing or high pressure washing to keep your restaurant and commercial kitchens thoroughly neat and clean and create an appealing look for visitors.

          Myth: Power Washing Uses a lot of Water

          All cleaning methods are conducted using water. Some methods consume more water while others consume less. It is a common misconception among restaurant owners and managers that high pressure washing systems require the use of a huge amount of water. However, the truth is exactly the opposite; power washing helps you clean more effectively with less water.

          Water is a precious gift and it must be saved as much as possible. The technology behind power washing or high pressure washing is designed in order to reduce the consumption of water in cleaning.

          If you have been using other commercial kitchen cleaning methods till now, it is time to turn to power washing. No matter which part or area of the facility you want to clean, high pressure washing does it all with a high degree of effectiveness. Pressure washers are designed to carry out grease trap cleaning, restaurant hood cleaning, trash chute cleaning, kitchen cleaning, wall cleaning, floor cleaning etc. In fact, this precision method is used to clean both the inside and the outside of a restaurant, cooking facility or commercial building. It is only that you are aware of how to perform pressure washing in a proper manner. Only experienced professionals will be able to conduct restaurant cleaning using high pressure washing.

          To find out more about how power washing will be carried out in a large kitchen, cooking facility, restaurant or cafeteria, feel free to reach out to one of our specialists at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

          Benefits of Power Washing for Restaurant Owners

          Power washing has a host of benefits to offer to restaurant and commercial kitchen owners. It is one of those cleaning methods that serves all in one cleaning purpose. This means you can use high pressure washing to clean every bit of your facility, right from the parking lot and entrance to the dining areas and the kitchen interiors. Not only that, power washing can do a lot more.

          Here are some of the most important benefits of power washing or high pressure washing for commercial kitchen owners.

          Remove Graffiti and Unwanted Markings

          For restaurant owners, unwanted markings on the outside walls is a constant pain. But you don’t have to worry at all, as power washing will take care of everything. No matter where you have these graffiti, you can remove them all with the help of power washing tools and techniques. 

          Restaurant owners often wonder about how to remove different kinds of graffiti on their walls. You may have these unwanted markings on concrete, wood or metal. Feel confident that high pressure washing is powerful enough to help you get rid of all kinds of graffiti and even older markings. In fact, you will be able to get the task done in half the time of what it usually takes. Adding some natural additives to water and then spraying it via a power washer is a proven and highly effective technique to clean up the exterior walls and remove all graffiti.

          Wash Exterior Signage

          It is crucial to keep the exterior signage of your restaurant clean. It is a part of the first impression that you make on visitors. However, restaurant owners often miss out on this element when carrying out restaurant kitchen cleaning. One of the reasons behind this is that the signage is difficult to reach.

          Just because you find it hard to reach the exterior signage doesn’t mean you will ignore cleaning it. If you use the right method for commercial restaurant cleaning, you will be able to reach every area and surface, not just outside the facility but also inside it. High pressure washing is one method that helps you perform thorough cleaning outside and inside the restaurant. Equipped with the right set of tools, you will be able to easily reach, wash and clean the exterior signage of your facility. Pressure washing lances and spray water guns are highly effective tools to carry out exterior cleaning. All you need to do is use the right wand extension in order to reach the signage without any kind of difficulty at all.

          Once the exterior signage is sparkling clean, it will look professional to every visitor and diner to your restaurant. Most of all, it will increase the confidence of visitors to enter and eat in your facility. Having neat and clean signage sends a clear signal that you genuinely care about cleanliness.

          Clean Sidewalks and Parking Lots

          If you care about cleanliness in a genuine way, you should show it to visitors and guests the moment they step into your facility. Neat and clean sidewalks and parking lots play a crucial role in making a good, positive impression about your business. Pressure washing proves effective at this task.

          Many restaurant owners often ignore the proper cleaning of the sidewalks and the parking lot. Dirty and stained spaces leave a negative impression on the minds of the restaurant visitors. That is why you should never oil spills, grease and excessive dust and dirt on the sidewalks and in the parking area. Use surface cleaners to wash and clean all these areas. Most of all, use pressure washing tools and techniques to get rid of stubborn stains and chemicals.

          Proper cleaning and maintenance will not only make the sidewalks and parking lots look good, but it will also extend the longevity of the flooring material. Welcome your visitors into a fresh and clean environment.

          Clean Dumpster Areas

          Trash receptacles and dumpster areas should never be missed out. When it comes to restaurant pressure washing, one of the most neglected areas is the dumpster area. It is very important to clean the inside and outside of the dumpster corrals as well as the space surrounding it. Due to spills around the dumpster area, a lot of pests and insects get attracted. If not cleaned on a regular basis, the dumpster area will soon turn into a breeding ground of several pests.

          Bad smells from the trash receptacles and dumpster areas can linger around in the air and spread to other areas of the restaurant. This will create hygiene issues and the risk of health hazards.

          That is why it is extremely important to keep a watch on the overall maintenance of the garbage receptacle and dumpster corrals. Power washing is a highly effective method to clean up this area. This type of cleaning will remove all the dirt, grease and other spills while keeping pests and insects away. By using the right power washer as well as a liquid degreaser, you will be able to keep the dumpster area looking good without having any bad odor lingering around. To find out more on high pressure washing the dumpster area in your restaurant facility, you should get in touch with one of our experts at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

          Power Washing the Commercial Kitchen and Interior Areas

          After the cleaning of exteriors is done, it is time to power-wash the interior areas of the restaurant and the commercial kitchen. A commercial kitchen consists of several appliances and equipment. Each of these items require focused attention in order to ensure thorough cleanup.

          Interior areas cleaning include:

          • Kitchen cleaning
          • Vent hood cleaning
          • Vent cleaning
          • Grease trap cleaning
          • Trash chute cleaning
          • Duct cleaning
          • Wall cleaning
          • Floor cleaning

          Pressure-washing the interiors of the restaurant requires a great deal of experience and skills. Not using the right tools and cleaning in an incorrect manner can lead to improper cleaning and lead to damage. 

          Right from Range hood filters and hood ducts to kitchen equipment and ovens, each of these require proper degreasing and cleaning. In a commercial kitchen, grease buildup is very common. If the grease deposits are not washed and cleaned properly, this can lead to potential fire hazards. Unless power washing tools are used, it can be difficult to degrease the hood and other appliances. All restaurant cleaning should be done in a manner that is completely safe.

          Using power washing surface cleaners, you can wash all the walls and floors inside the restaurant and commercial kitchen. Power washing is a proven method to keep the interiors of your facility clean and safe.

          Power Washing Tips You Can Use

          If you lack prior knowledge and experience, you are not yet ready to operate power washing tools. Power or high pressure washing is a specialized method to get rid of grease deporits, oil spills, stubborn stains, excessive dust etc. Not operating it correctly and safely can lead to serious injuries.

          First of all, you should know about how different nozzle tips work. There are nozzles with 40 degrees, 25 degrees, 15 degrees etc. Based on your specific needs, you will need to use different nozzles with wide tips, narrow tips, very narrow tips etc. Different nozzles are needed to remove grime on the concrete surface and to remove stains on a metal surface. The red power washer (zero-degree) nozzles should never be used close up on any type of surface. 

          Before you can operate the power washing tools, you will need to understand the function of various nozzle tips.

          High pressure washing tools are available in two models: gas powered and electric powered. Usually, gas pressure washers are considered to be more powerful than the electric ones. However, gas-powered pressure washers are also known to make more noise than the electric-powered ones. That is why it is very important to select the right type of power washer for your needs. 

          Most of all, anyone who operates power washers should be fully aware of how powerful these machines are. If handled in the wrong way, these machines can inflict serious wounds and injuries. Before starting to use the machine, the operator should dress himself or herself in proper safety gear, which includes eye protection, ear protection, boots, hand gloves, long sleeves etc. You can never handle or operate power washing tools without training and experience. These machines, if operated incorrectly, can damage doors, windows and screens.

          Always hire experienced technicians to perform power washing to clean your restaurant, cafeteria, commercial kitchen or cooking facility inside-out. Professionals will first do all the prep work, use the machines correctly and adjust the spray angles as required while adhering to all the safety guidelines.

          Talk to a Commercial Restaurant Cleaning Expert

          Cleaning and maintaining a restaurant or large kitchen in a proper manner requires seeking the help of trained professionals. If you plan to select the right power washing products and carry out high pressure washing in a proper and correct manner, you should head over to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our technicians are quite well-versed with the use of all kinds of power washer tools and carry specialization in commercial kitchen cleaning, restaurant hood cleaning, vent hood cleaning, duct cleaning, grease trap cleaning, trash chute cleaning, wall cleaning, floor cleaning etc. Plus, we provide hvac installation and repair services.

          For your free consultation, feel free to talk to one of our highly trained and experienced restaurant cleaning specialists via a phone call. You can also write to us an email using the contact form given on our website.

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            Exhaust System Cleaning
            Commercial HVAC Units

            7 Tips to Keep Your Commercial HVAC Units in Good Health

            One of the most crucial responsibilities of a restaurant owner or building manager is to pay attention to the proper functioning of the HVAC systems. A commercial HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system is made up of various elements and components. If any of these parts of a unit has an issue, it can affect the efficiency of the entire system and can even lead to total failure. This, in turn, can disrupt business and drive clients away. If you operate a restaurant, commercial kitchen or a food service center, you should always make sure your HVAC system functions to its fullest potential. But how exactly do you keep HVAC machines in good health? In this article, we will discuss that and a lot more.

            Being a commercial HVAC system specialist, we at APS Hoods possess an in-depth knowledge of how these systems function and how you should care for the units to keep getting the best results. Our services also include hood exhaust cleaning, grease trap cleaning, HVAC installation, HVAC repair etc.

            Why Install a Commercial HVAC System

            When running a restaurant or large kitchen, you constantly need to maintain better indoor air quality and regulate the indoor temperature. Composed of heating units, ventilation system and air-conditioning units, the HVAC performs a crucial role by providing a safe and comfortable environment to both kitchen employees and guests in the dining area. HVAC systems are complex machines, designed to keep large areas well-ventilated and fresh. That is why you should seek the help of trained professionals for HVAC installation, service and repair.

            Every restaurant or cooking facility is different, and it requires custom-made HVAC machines for high efficiency and use on a regular basis. Some of the key benefits of these machines and units are as follows.

            • Control and regulate indoor temperature
            • Improve indoor air quality
            • Reduce energy consumption
            • Improve work environment
            • Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations

            When running a restaurant, it is your first priority as the owner or the manager to give workers a safe and comfortable work environment. By installing commercial HVAC systems, you will protect your employees against different kinds of health hazards and increase their productivity levels. Once you have these machines installed in a proper manner, you should give them proper maintenance in a timely manner to avoid any kind of major issues or sudden system failure.

            At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we specialize in HVAC installation, HVAC repair, HVAC make up air and HVAC balancing as well as in commercial kitchen cleaning and restaurant hood cleaning among others. To find out more about our services, get in touch with one of our professionals.

            How to Keep the Efficiency of Your HVAC Units at Maximum Levels

            Maintaining HVAC systems properly can be difficult. Equipped with some useful tips, you can ensure the HVAC machines installed in your restaurant kitchen functions at their peak efficiency levels. Here are some proven tips to help you get the most out of your heating, ventilation and AC units.

            #1. Be Proactive about Maintenance

            After the installation of your HVAC machine, you should create a proper schedule for its regular maintenance. Many restaurant owners seek HVAC services for maintenance only when an issue arises. However, this is not the right approach, if you plan to get the best results from your heating and air conditioning system. A proactive approach is always the best advice in this regard.

            Instead of waiting for a problem to come up and then get the maintenance done, you should give your HVAC units proactive maintenance. This means you should plan a maintenance schedule as soon as you get the units installed in your restaurant kitchen or commercial building. Regular maintenance brings facility managers a number of benefits such as keeping your energy costs down as well as avoiding unexpected failures or outages. Most of all, scheduled maintenance will help you avoid major problems and expensive repairs as a result.

            Here is a quick look at what regular HVAC maintenance includes:

            • Checking and cleaning blower assembly
            • Replacing filters
            • Replacing fan belts
            • Cleaning combustion blower housing
            • Hood exhaust cleaning
            • Grease trap cleaning
            • Trash chute cleaning
            • Vent hood and duct cleaning
            • Cleaning condenser coils
            • Cleaning drain lines
            • Cleaning fan blades
            • Cleaning burner assembly
            • HVAC make up air
            • HVAC balancing

            These are part of a routine preventative maintenance. Every HVAC unit requires proper attention and maintenance. Since these are complex machines, you should get its repair and maintenance carried out only by highly trained and experienced technicians such as those from APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Professionals carry deep knowledge and expertise in cleaning and maintaining each key element of components of the heating, ventilation and AC units. Right from cleaning and inspecting to testing and lubricating all components, our technicians will carry out the entire maintenance in a careful and detailed manner.

            #2. Keep a Watch on Energy Consumption

            One of the key tips to keep your HVAC machines in good health is to monitor the consumption of energy on a regular basis. If you struggle with constantly increasing energy bills, you should take it as a warning sign and find out if your HVAC system has problems, as soon as possible.

            Every system requires regular upkeep and maintenance. Your HVAC machines are no different. Even if you have installed the high quality units, the system will stop giving peak performance without regular maintenance. Just by getting regular upkeep by professionals, you can save up to 20% on your energy bills. Trained technicians conduct a thorough inspection of each element of the HVAC system and understand exactly how much energy the system is consuming. Finally, the technicians find out the issues and carry out maintenance and repair in order to increase energy efficiency. As a result, your energy bills go down.

            Therefore, never let your energy bills rise simply because of poor or delayed HVAC maintenance. As soon as you see energy consumption go up, reach out to us for an inspection of the units in your facility. 

            #3. Conduct Regular HVAC Inspections

            One of the best ways to ensure highly efficient functioning of your HVAC is to conduct inspections on a regular basis. Most of all, regular audits or inspections will keep costly repairs away. Since these machines are made up of several intricate components, the inspection will help you find out if there is anything wrong with these parts and fix them before major problems can arise.

            During a routine inspection, the technician will take a closer and detailed look at the inner workings of the HVAC system. 

            • Checking HVAC controls
            • Checking refrigerant levels
            • Checking electrical connections 
            • Checking thermostat
            • Inspecting wiring
            • Cleaning condensation drains
            • Cleaning drip pans
            • Checking motors and switches

            In fact, the technician will inspect each and every key component of the HVAC system including both the indoor and outdoor units. Usually, the technician also cleans and replaces HVAC coils during the audit.

            How frequently you should get the inspections done depends on exactly what size and type of commercial HVAC you use. It is ideal to get it done at the interval of every three months. If you are not sure about your exact needs, you should definitely consult one of our HVAC system specialists at APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Based on your specific needs, our professionals will recommend the best frequency and schedule for carrying out the inspections of your systems. 

            #4. Create a Predictive Maintenance Plan

            It is always smart to address problems before they happen. If you plan to maintain the peak health of your heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, you should create and execute a predictive maintenance plan.

            Predictive maintenance planning is one of the most effective tips for restaurant owners to follow. This kind of maintenance means you will get advanced maintenance in order to detect components that might stop functioning. Predictive maintenance will give you adequate time to order the parts that need replacement. In this way, you will be able to avoid a number of serious safety hazards and keep your commercial kitchen workers safe as well. To do this, you can use an HVAC health tool to conduct diagnostic tests on your units and systems. Such a diagnosis will immediately make you aware of what might happen to the HVAC or any of its parts in the near future. The tool will also help you troubleshoot the problems.

            Based on the results of the HVAC diagnosis tests, you can schedule the inspection and maintenance without any delay.

            #5. Use an Energy Management System (EMS)

            Run by computer-aided tools, an EMS or energy management system is a highly useful tool to monitor the performance of a wide range of commercial and industrial machines. If you want to keep a close watch on the performance and efficiency of the HVAC system in your facility, using an EMS is a great idea. The system is based on the latest AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. Using this technology, the energy management system gathers valuable data about your systems including its use of energy and system issues. You can use this data to identify issues ahead of time and schedule HVAC repair and maintenance.

            The use of an EMS helps you avoid costly repairs while ensuring your heating and ventilation systems perform with maximum efficiency continuously. Plus, this enables you to prolong the life of the equipment.

            If your energy bills are constantly rising, using an EMS is an excellent idea to monitor the consumption of energy by your HVAC units and then reduce high consumption by taking the necessary steps. In fact, one of the major roles of an energy management system is to immediately increase cost savings. Using these advanced AI systems can help you bring down energy bills by up to 30%. Most of all, you will be able to keep your HVAC units at peak health as a result.

            #6. Beware of Commercial HVAC Problems

            It is a good idea to make yourself aware of the common issues that arise with a heating and ventilation system in a commercial facility. If you spot these problems and take remedial measures immediately, you will be able to turn them into major problems. Often, many facility and building managers ignore many of the common problems and deal with expensive repairs later.

            Some of the common HVAC problems include short cycling, leaking refrigerant, dirty filters, dirty condenser coils, squeaking motor sound, unbalanced fan vibration, rattling sound from the blower etc. 

            Apart from these, there are many other common problems that can arise with your heating and air conditioning system from time to time. While you cannot avoid these minor issues, it is crucial to address them immediately. Preventative and predictive maintenance is a surefire way to keep most of these problems from happening and keep your HVAC units working at its maximum efficiency. To find out more about common commercial HVAC problems, feel free to get in touch with our expertly trained professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO. 

            #7. Seek the Help of a Professional

            When it is about maintaining the health of your HVAC units, you should rely only on highly trained and experienced professionals. After reviewing your machines and units, professionals will assess the size and complexity of your commercial heating and air conditioning system and then suggest an ideal frequency for the regular and predictive maintenance. With an in-depth and customized maintenance plan, you will ensure that your HVAC system works at peak efficiency levels while you save costs and bring down your energy bills in a significant manner.

            Many commercial kitchen owners and building managers wait for issues to arise and take action after something has happened. Instead of being one of them, you should plan good HVAC health in advance.

            Talk to a Commercial HVAC Technician

            Now that you have understood that commercial HVAC machines are robust, complex and sophisticated structures, you should make sure you give them proper attention and maintenance on a regular basis. If you operate a restaurant, commercial kitchen or food preparation facility in Denver, CO, you should head over to APS Hoods for all kinds of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning needs including HVAC installation, HVAC repair, HVAC maintenance, exhaust system cleaning, duct cleaning, vent hood cleaning, hood installation, restaurant kitchen cleaning etc.

            For your free consultation, you should give our Denver office a phone call or write us an email using the contact form on our website.

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              Exhaust System Cleaning

              How to Clean a Restaurant’s Kitchen Hood

              Restaurants and commercial kitchens can’t operate without exhaust hoods. Exhaust or range hoods are an essential part of the kitchen setup. Since a restaurant produces a lot of grease, you need to install an exhaust hood system that is designed to fulfill your everyday needs. While the range hoods keep your restaurant safe and comfortable, it is crucial for you to clean and maintain the commercial kitchen hoods in a proper manner. By keeping your kitchen hoods clean, you will keep the restaurant running in a smooth manner and remain code-compliant. 

              At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we specialize in commercial kitchen and equipment cleaning. If you are unfamiliar with it, let us help you understand how commercial kitchen hood cleaning is carried out.  

              Why Commercial Kitchen Hoods Need Cleaning

              Being a restaurant owner, you should know the importance of cleaning. But you should also remain fully aware of what could happen, if you do not clean and maintain your kitchen exhaust hoods on a regular basis. Given below are some of the key reasons why exhaust system cleaning is essential.

              Fire Prevention: Restaurant fires can be very dangerous. Improper cleaning or failure to clean the exhaust hoods is one of key reasons behind restaurant fires. When range hoods are left uncleaned, they gather grease and grime, which increases the risk of fire in the kitchen manifolds. Greasy fires are difficult to control and can spread very fast. That is why the first step you should take is to prevent this fire from happening by keeping the kitchen hoods clean.

              Insurance Liability: If the due date of your exhaust system inspection passes and the cleaning is not done, you will be solely responsible for any kind of damage that occurs due to fire breakout. The insurance company will not cover the losses caused due to the fire. If you plan to avoid this situation, you should get the inspection conducted by professionals in a timely manner.

              Productivity: Vent hood cleaning is an essential part of the overall commercial kitchen maintenance procedure. If you keep the hoods clean, the maintenance task becomes easier. As a result, the kitchen remains free from heat, smoke and contaminated air, improving the indoor air quality. Most of all, clean range hoods mean your restaurant will have maximized function and the efficiency and productivity of the kitchen employees will increase as well.

              Regular hood exhaust cleaning and grease trap cleaning will keep your restaurant functioning without any hassles or interruptions. You will keep both your employees safe, healthy and happy.

              What are the Components of a Commercial Kitchen Hood?

              A commercial kitchen hood consists of three main parts including Type I or Type II hood, the grease ductwork and an exhaust fan. The hoods are installed over the restaurant equipment to collect and remove grease.

              The process of commercial hood cleaning is an elaborate one. A trained professional starts the procedure while following each step in a proper and safe manner. If an amateur or an untrained person performs the cleaning, he will expose himself to various types of hazards and might end up causing damage to the expensive kitchen equipment and appliances in the process. That is exactly why you should rely only on specialists for the job and get all the cleaning done correctly. Every part of the exhaust hood needs to be cleaned separately.

              Restaurant hood cleaning involves exhaust hood cleaning, grease trap cleaning, hood filter cleaning, hood fan cleaning, grease duct cleaning and trash chute cleaning. If you have a question in this regard, feel free to talk to one of our experts at APS Hoods, which operates in Denver, CO.

              Restaurant Hood Cleaning Procedure

              Following the step-by-step process of hood cleaning ensures your restaurant remains free from different kinds of safety and fire hazards. The cleaning should be conducted exactly as per NFPA standards.

              Exhaust Hood Cleaning

              The function of an exhaust hood is to throw contaminated air out of the kitchen. If not cleaned and removed, the contaminants deposit in the vent hood system, resulting in poor ventilation and risk of fire.

              In order to clean the range hoods, the technician first removes all the components. So, he will uninstall parts such as the grease traps, hood filters, exhaust fans etc. This ensures that the cleaning of every single component is done separately and in a proper and effective manner.

              The technician prepares a cleaning solution by mixing the liquid degreaser and warm water in a bucket. Then, the cleaning of the hood interior starts. After scrubbing and wiping the interior, the professional starts cleaning the exteriors of the range hoods. In order to deliver a thorough clean, kitchen cleaning companies use a wide range of methods and tools during the process. At APS Hoods, we regularly perform commercial restaurant cleaning and vent hood cleaning and understand the varying needs of every cooking facility with absolute clarity. With our certified and trained technicians by your side, you can feel confident that the exhaust hood cleaning of your restaurant facility will be conducted with full professionalism.

              Grease Trap Cleaning

              Grease traps are installed in order to prevent greasy substances from getting into the ventilation and the sewage system. 

              There are different sizes of grease traps. So, the frequency of these devices depends on their actual size installed in a restaurant, cafeteria, dining center etc. If you neglect grease trap cleaning, these devices will start to overflow. This, in turn, will take a toll on the entire exhaust hood system.

              In order to clean the grease trap, the technician first uninstalls it or removes it from the range hood. Then, the scrubbing and degreasing of this device is conducted. It is crucial to not let the removed grease deposit pass through the drain. In fact, all the greasy material should be collected in a container. After scrubbing, the grease traps are placed into a solution. After 10-15 minutes, the devices are taken out of the solution and then air-dried before reinstallation.

              Kitchen Hood Filter Cleaning

              Hood filters are a crucial part of the exhaust hood system. The role of these filters is to filter the air that is pushed through the hood system. In the absence or failure of these filters, grease will deposit inside the air ducts. This, in turn, could become a potential fire hazard creating risk for everyone working inside the kitchen as well as the visitors who come to dine in the restaurant.

              Since hood filters catch and remove the particulate matter in the air, they need proper cleaning on a regular basis. When it comes to cleaning the kitchen hood filters, the technician will first uninstall the component from the range hood. Once separated from the unit, it becomes easy to clean the filters. Once the degreasing solution is ready, the technician puts the filters into it. Based on specific needs, the filters can be left to soak in the solution for several hours. After removal from the solution, the hood filters get scrubbed and rinsing until fully clean.

              Before the filters are ready to reinstall, the technician makes sure the component is fully dry. Giving hood filters a thorough clean in a timely manner keeps the entire kitchen exhaust hood system in good shape.

              Hood Fan Cleaning

              Located inside the range hood, the exhaust hood fan pulls the air through the filter. So, the device plays a crucial role in getting rid of the heat, steam or smells from the commercial kitchen. It is due to these fans that the distribution and flow of the air in the kitchen remains balanced. Based on the type of exhaust hood system you have installed in your cooking facility, there may be a few or more fans inside the hood. It is very important to keep the hood fans clean, just like other components of the kitchen exhaust or range hood system.

              To clean the hood fan, the professional uninstalls the device first. Once the fans are separated from the hood system, it becomes much easier to clean and degrease them in a proper manner. 

              After the fan blade covers are removed, the technician gets access to each one of the fan blades. Now, the fan blades are detached as well. In this way, the technician can clean each fan blade individually. If your hood system has several fans, it will be important to not fix up all the blades with one another. The technician leaves all the blades in the cleaning solution to soak. After soaking has been done, the fan blades are taken out the solution and left to dry. Once fully dried, the technician starts to reattach the hood fan blades, one after another.

              Finally, the blower is put back into the kitchen hood for reinstallation. This is how the hood cleaning procedure is completed.

              Kitchen Hood Duct Cleaning

              All the hood ducts need thorough cleaning to function with maximum efficiency. Those docs that lie out of the range will be easy to clean. To properly clean all the ducts, you will need the help of experienced professionals. Trained technicians will clean all the ducts including the easily reachable ones as well as those that are hard to reach. Using the cleaning solution, the interiors and the exteriors of the hood ducts will be scrubbed and washed and cleaned.

              Once duct cleaning has been completed, the ducts will be left to dry. To know more about the hood ducts and the methods used to clean them, get in touch with one of our professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO.

              How Often Should Commercial Kitchen Hoods be Cleaned?

              The frequency of hood cleaning varies from one type of restaurant to another. Many restaurants are required to carry out the exhaust hood cleaning at the interval of every three months. To find out the exact frequency, three key factors play a crucial role including the menu items, amount of cooking and the type of cooking equipment and appliances you use in the kitchen.

              A monthly hood inspection is required for those restaurants that use solid fuel for cooking operations. Likewise, you may need to set up a monthly, quarterly, semi annual or annual hood cleaning schedule.

              To find out more about the frequency of restaurant hood vent cleaning, reach out to one of our commercial cleanup experts. At APS Hoods, we will first evaluate the specific cleaning needs of your restaurant, bar, hotel, dining center, cooking facility etc. Then our experts will develop the most ideal cleaning schedule for your business to eliminate potential safety hazards and stay compliant to the fire safety codes as outlined by the National Fire Protection Association.

              Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Services

              A restaurant’s kitchen hood cleaning is different from general cleaning. If you lack the knowledge and experience to do the exhaust system cleaning yourself, you should seek the help of professional bar and restaurant cleaning services. Trained professionals specialize in commercial kitchen hood cleaning and carry out the procedure while abiding by all the necessary codes and regulations. Professionals will use the right set of tools as well as correct methods to properly clean every component of the exhaust hood system installed in your kitchen.

              In addition to cleaning, you can hire a restaurant cleaning company for the inspection and maintenance of hood systems too. To get more details on these services, get in touch with one of our specialists.

              Still Have a Question?

              If you are a restaurant owner, you should never ignore or delay the inspection and cleaning of your exhaust hood system. Uncleaned hoods create serious safety hazards, putting the safety and health of your employees and guests at risk and putting you in violation of the essential codes. If you have an additional question or want to schedule restaurant hood cleaning in Denver, CO, reach out to APS Hoods. Our bar and restaurant cleaning services are designed to help you run your business smoothly by eliminating potential risks of fire hazards.

              For your free consultation, you can reach our Denver office via a phone call or write to us an email using the contact form.

              Along with APS Hoods, we also run Hood Builder and Nationwide Fire Protection to bring you all the restaurant design-related services in one place. For your free consultation with one of our specialists, you can either call our office phone number or write to us using the contact form.

              The One-Stop Shop for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of All Equipment and Parts in a Commercial Kitchen

              The One-Stop Shop for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of All Equipment and Parts in a Commercial Kitchen

              The overall design of a restaurant and large kitchen has a massive impact on the staff and guests as well as the restaurant’s profitability. A great deal of planning goes behind how exactly all the cooking appliances and equipment will be arranged in the available space in order to make the kitchen both safe and comfortable for the employees to work in. During the construction of a restaurant, professionals pay serious attention and adhere to all the building and fire safety codes as prescribed by the local authorities. Whether it is the cooking appliances, water supply, drainage, heating and ventilation systems, every part and component of all the systems and units must be designed in a highly effective and accurate manner. 

              If you plan to build a new restaurant or remodel an existing one, you should reach out to APS Hoods in Denver, CO, a highly trusted company that specializes in commercial kitchen design, exhaust hood installation, HVAC installation, kitchen equipment cleaning, restaurant hood repair, duct repair etc.

              The Restaurant Industry Has Reinvented Itself!

              Over the last one decade, the restaurant industry has evolved and come a long way. This is to keep pace with the changing demands of the customers as well as the changing codes, laws and regulations.

              When you start designing and building a kitchen, the first thing you should do is to familiarize yourself with the recent developments in the restaurant and commercial kitchen industry. If you are up-to-date, it will become easier to build a restaurant and commercial kitchen that caters to the specific needs of the modern-day guests and keep the employees happy. Right from investing in the right type of commercial cooking appliances to the methods of installation, you should carry out every project with a focus on the changing needs. Food safety, food handling practices and waste management should be paid serious attention.

              Not just design and construction, but the maintenance of all cooking appliances and equipment in the commercial kitchen is an important concern. That is exactly why it is crucial to work with those professionals who have deep expertise in building a large kitchen from the scratch level.

              Designing a Restaurant Floor Plan

              A restaurant floor plan contains all the details about the physical arrangement of the cooking appliances and equipment and all other components including refrigerators, stoves, ovens, freezers, mixers, slicers, range hoods, sinks, fire suppression systems, tables, chairs, entrance area, waiting area, windows, doors, emergency exits and a lot more. If you plan to design and construct a large kitchen, the planning stage is of utmost importance. Here, it is extremely important to understand that one size does not fit all, particularly when it comes to designing restaurants and commercial kitchens. Every floor is different and unique.

              It is the job of experts to create an ideal floor plan for a restaurant based on the specific needs of that restaurant. Design engineers and professionals are quite well-versed as to how the space can be maximized and made functional and practical for a hassle-free working experience in the kitchen.

              Most importantly, the floor plan should be designed in accordance with the building and safety codes. A commercial kitchen is designed for employees in the first place and the dining area for guests in the first place. When a restaurant is designed and constructed, the focus should remain on the needs of the average customer. Apart from APS Hoods, we operate two other sister companies including the Hood Builder and Nationwide Fire Protection to provide clients with a one-stop shop where they can get all services for building a commercial kitchen, completing all the technician works and installation and maintenance of all cooking appliances.

              To find out more about what exactly a restaurant and commercial kitchen floor plan will be designed and what it will include, reach out to one of our highly trained professionals at APS Hoods in Denver, CO. 

              What Equipment You Need in a Commercial Kitchen

              The kitchen is the core part of a restaurant. It is the kitchen where all the different types of foods are prepared and dishes are cooked. A commercial kitchen has a wide range of cooking appliances and equipment to perform different functions for proper cooking and food preparation. The actual selection of the kitchen equipment depends on what kind of menu you have for guests.

              Here is a list of some of the most important appliances and equipment you will need in your large, commercial kitchen.


              The moment you think about a restaurant kitchen, oven is the first word that comes to your mind. Before you choose ovens, you should be clear about exactly what type of restaurant you plan to operate. There are both specific ovens as well as multipurpose ovens. It is important to understand that ovens occupy a lot of space inside a kitchen. That is why you need to pick the right size and quality of commercial oven. It is always best to go through online reviews and testimonials before you invest in the right type and brand of commercial ovens. Always go for oven brands that have a solid reputation for providing top quality for years.

              With our professionals by your side, you will find it easy to select the right type, size and quality of ovens for your commercial kitchen.

              Exhaust Hoods

              The air inside a commercial kitchen becomes contaminated and polluted due to the production of a large amount of heat and smoke. The function of exhaust hoods is to throw the contaminated air out in order to maintain better air quality inside the kitchen. There are two main types of kitchen hoods including Type I and Type II. Based on what type of cooking will be done in your commercial kitchen, you will need to select either the Type I or Type II exhaust hoods. 

              Range hoods or exhaust hoods are one of the most crucial pieces of commercial kitchen equipment. Experts will custom-design exhaust foods to fit the exact needs and size of the cooking station.

              Heating and Air Conditioning

              A perfect commercial kitchen offers a fully safe and comfortable working environment for employees. Without proper heating and air-conditioning, working inside the kitchen will be extremely difficult and unsafe. 

              No matter what season or weather it is, a properly installed heating and air-conditioning system will create a safe working environment. However, setting up this entire system requires planning. The heating and air-conditioning system is designed as per the size and type of your kitchen. While correct installation is essential, it is also important to give the system regular maintenance.


              Like you design and plan for everything else, you should also plan for kitchen ventilation in a proper manner. Since a lot of people work inside the kitchen, it becomes crowded as well as sweaty. 

              Using a high quality HVAC system, you will be able to take care of each including heating, ventilation and air-conditioning together. If your kitchen is well-ventilated, the indoor air quality will improve and offer employees a cool and comfortable working environment for the staff. When it comes to the ventilation hood installation, it is very important to carry out the entire project while following all codes and safety regulations. The vent hoods should also be powerful enough to pull out contaminated air and pull in fresh air without any hassle.

              HVAC makeup air and ventilation air volume are important considerations during the design and installation of the vent hood system. At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we possess sound expertise in designing ventilation hood systems as well as provide HVAC service, HVAC repair and HVAC balancing. Feel free to get in touch with one of our experts to get more information.

              Food Processors

              Food processors are one of the most useful equipment placed in a restaurant kitchen. Whether it is chopping, slicing or blending, food processors make all these tasks feel like a breeze. When looking for these appliances, you will come across different types and varieties. Based on your exact needs, you should purchase the right type of food processors for your commercial kitchen. Some popular types of these processors include Batch bowl food processors, Continuous feed food processors, buffalo choppers etc. Over the years, the design of food processors has also evolved to maximize functions. When looking for these appliances, you should definitely take a look at the products’ horsepower ratings.


              When it comes to the selection of food slicers, you should take your menu into account. Without having slicers, the staff will have a hard time prepping food. You should always select the most ideal type of food slicers for your commercial kitchen. Slicers are available with different horsepower capacities. If you will do a great deal of slicing in your kitchen, go for high HP slicers. 

              Freezers and Refrigerators

              Refrigerators are essential equipment for storing foods and ingredients. You will need a highly efficient refrigeration system both for storing food as well as managing your inventory. Freezers and refrigerators used in a large kitchen are commercial-grade. These refrigerators are designed to fulfill the specific needs of a commercial kitchen on an everyday basis. Depending on what type of restaurant you plan to build, you can choose either reach-in or walk-in refrigerators.

              Walk-in refrigerators are custom-designed to suit the specific needs of large restaurant kitchens. To find out more about what type of refrigeration system will be best for your kitchen, you should seek the help of experts.

              Commercial Kitchen Cleaning and Maintenance

              Building a large, commercial kitchen is a big investment. That is exactly why you need to pay serious attention to the proper cleaning and maintenance of every area, part and component of the restaurant kitchen.

              Giving your commercial kitchen proper maintenance will extend the life of all the appliances, equipment and units. While you may want to do some general cleaning on your own, you should always call in professionals to clean all the commercial-grade equipment and cooking appliances. Without proper training, cleaning these appliances can be unsafe and dangerous. Plus, you may even end up damaging the expensive equipment in the process. Cleaning and maintenance of ovens, refrigeration system, exhaust hood system, cold rooms and fryers requires training and certification. At APS Hoods, we specialize exhaust system cleaning, grease trap cleaning, trash chute cleaning, kitchen equipment cleaning, range hood cleaning and duct cleaning as well as wall and floor cleaning.

              Timely cleaning of kitchen equipment and appliances will help you boost efficiency and avoid costly repairs. Our company has a well-defined procedure in place for restaurant hood cleaning.  Our professional cleaning includes degreasing the hoods, removal of grease deposits from other components and cleaning the duct work as well as repairing the exhaust hood fan belts.

              Why You Should Work with Us

              Whether it is the design and construction of a commercial kitchen or its proper cleaning and maintenance, we are your one-stop solution to all the needs. In addition to APS Hoods, we run two other companies to provide you all restaurant-related services under one umbrella. With our expertly trained professionals, you will be able to design and build the restaurant and commercial kitchen of your dreams while staying compliant to all the codes, laws and regulations.

              Our track record for accomplishing restaurant building projects is well-proven. We cater to the needs of restaurants, hotels, food establishments, cafeteria, coffee shops and cooking facilities all across Denver, CO.

              Talk to a Commercial Kitchen Design Specialist

              Do you plan to launch your new restaurant and commercial kitchen soon? Whether you want to open a new one or remodel an existing one, head over to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Being a restaurant construction and design company, we provide complete restaurant building services including the entire design, construction and maintenance as well as all the technical work. Our professionals will help you set up a restaurant, commercial kitchen, cafeteria, dining establishment or cooking facility while abiding by all the essential codes and regulations.

              Along with APS Hoods, we also run Hood Builder and Nationwide Fire Protection to bring you all the restaurant design-related services in one place. For your free consultation with one of our specialists, you can either call our office phone number or write to us using the contact form.

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                Exhaust System Cleaning
                Troubleshooting Tips For Your Commercial Restaurant Ventilation Hood System

                Troubleshooting Tips For Your Commercial Restaurant Ventilation Hood System

                If you plan to run your commercial restaurant in a smooth manner, you should always pay attention to the proper functioning of the kitchen ventilation system. If the ventilation hood system does not work with full efficiency, all kinds of problems will continue to arise while interrupting business. You may have to deal with poor indoor air quality and increased risks of fire and safety hazards. That is why it is crucial to keep a close watch on how the kitchen ventilation system works and address every issue as quickly as you spot it. Accurate troubleshooting is essential not just to address various problems but also prevent them in the future.

                Let our experts at the APS Hoods in Denver, Colorado, help you with some of the most useful troubleshooting tips for your commercial restaurant ventilation system. Our company specializes in the installation, repair and maintenance of HVAC systems for a range of commercial kitchens.

                Why Proper Kitchen Ventilation is Crucial!

                Before food is ready to serve, everything happens in the kitchen. A large commercial kitchen generates a great deal of heat, smoke and odor on a regular basis. If all of this is not handled in a proper manner, it can become really hard for the staff to work in the kitchen. Not just the workers, but the uncomfortable and unsafe kitchen environment takes its toll on the guests too.

                Installation of a high-grade ventilation system is essential in a commercial kitchen. The system is specially designed to maintain better air quality inside the kitchen and ensure a comfortable working condition. All the heat and smoke that is generated in the kitchen on a daily basis makes the indoor air impure and contaminated. Poor indoor quality affects the health of the workers. Deposits of grease in the range hoods enhances the risk of kitchen fire. Proper ventilation is a proven way to deal with all these issues and ensure smooth running of the kitchen as well as the restaurant. Though it is important to invest in the right type of HVAC system, it is also essential to give the system proper attention and maintenance. Timely inspection, repair and maintenance will also extend the life of your commercial ventilation system.

                Different types of problems can arise with any commercial restaurant ventilation system. What is important is that you get the problems solved without any delay. Ignoring even some minor issues can worsen the situation further and affect the entire ventilation system and reduce its lifespan.

                Useful Troubleshooting Tips for Your Kitchen Vent Hoods

                It is a good idea to have some knowledge of how a typical ventilation system in a large or commercial kitchen works. While you may come across various types of problems with the commercial vent hoods, there are some issues that you can troubleshoot yourself. Using some troubleshooting tips means you will be able to fix problems fast without affecting the business. 

                Given below are some of the most useful troubleshooting tips you can use the next time your ventilation system is not working.

                Ventilation System Doesn’t Turn On

                If you turn on your kitchen ventilation system but it won’t start, you will certainly feel concerned. When it happens, you may also think that the entire system has been damaged. However, you should not worry much and do some troubleshooting to find out what exactly is the reason for it.

                When an issue arises with your vent hood system, many things will come to your mind. But unless you find out the exact reason, you can never be sure what has caused a specific problem. If your ventilation system fails to start, you should first take a look at the breakers and the wiring. The problem may arise due to the failure of a power-related component in the vent hood. You may be able to troubleshoot the commercial vent hoods in this case and fix it quickly. In case you are unable to detect the problem, the best idea is to seek professional help.

                For more details on this problem and how to fix it, feel free to talk to one of our HVAC repair specialists at APS Hoods.

                Rattling Sound Comes from the Vent Hood System

                One problem that may arise with a commercial kitchen ventilation system is a rattling sound heard when the system starts.

                If you hear rattling noises coming from the vent hood system, this means one or more components are loose. The components that make the noises may be located either in the external or internal part of the system. It can be easy to take a closer look at all the external parts and see if there is anything loose. But finding a loose component inside the system will be difficult. In such cases, it is important to locate the component that is producing the noise. Any delay in this regard can worsen the problem and the system can sustain costly damages.

                If you cannot find a loose component you can fix yourself, you should immediately reach out to a trained technician or a kitchen hood installation specialist in or near your location. If your restaurant is located in Denver, CO, APS Hoods is an ideal destination to hire highly trained technicians.

                Breaker Needs Constant Resetting

                Do you have to reset the breaker of your ventilation system? You may come across this issue when running the system. While you would think that it is the fuse that is the culprit, the cause may be something else.

                It is not always the fuse that requires you to repeatedly reset the breaker of the kitchen vent hood system. Many times, it happens because the HVAC motor is faulty. Apart from checking whether the motor is damaged, you should also have a look at the motor starters, located on the back side of the access panel. Both the trip button and the reset button are located inside the access panel of the vent hood system. If you find that you have to push the trip button over and over again, this means you need to replace the vent hood motor with a new one.

                The problem in question may arise due to other causes. It is for a highly trained HVAC technician to troubleshoot the restaurant ventilation system and find out the exact cause and fix it in a proper manner.

                Kitchen Air is Smokier than Usual

                Heat and smoke are common in a commercial kitchen. But if you find that the level of smoke is higher than usual, it is troubleshooting time. Another problem with a smokier kitchen is that the indoor air temperature rises too. When a problem like this arises, you will certainly be worried.

                The environment inside a commercial kitchen should always remain comfortable and healthy. Too much smoke and heat will make it hard for workers to do their job in a proper and effective manner. That is why you should take action as soon as you see your kitchen atmosphere is smokier than usual. One common culprit behind this problem is greasy vent hoods. Over time, the range hoods collect a lot of grease and this is how more smoke is formed. In particular, you should take a look at the vent hood, exhaust hood filters and exhaust fan.

                While you may be able to handle minor problems on your own, it is always best to take the help of an experienced technician. At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we specialize in exhaust system cleaning, vent hood cleaning, grease trap cleaning, duct cleaning, trash chute cleaning etc. For more information, reach out to one of our highly trained and skilled vent system specialists.

                A professional will perform vent hood cleaning in an effective manner as well as replace the damaged hood filters, if required.

                Kitchen is Infiltrated by Excessive Moisture

                If a lot of moisture infiltrates your kitchen, it can cause health and hygiene issues. To find out whether you have this problem or not, the quickest tip is to take off the exhaust hood fan’s cover after shutting off power.

                You will always see some amount of moisture, which is not a problem. But if the amount of moisture crosses limits and it infiltrates your commercial restaurant kitchen, you should be concerned. As a result of excessive moisture, you will face sanitation issues as well as mold growth. If the problem is not taken care of in a timely manner, your restaurant will be badly affected.

                Reach out to a professional for an inspection of the kitchen exhaust system and get the necessary repair and maintenance done.

                Excessive Heat in Restaurant

                When you have a problem with your ventilation hood system, it is not just the kitchen that is affected. In fact, the entire restaurant as well as the building can get affected as a result of that. If your restaurant feels hot, it is definitely time to take a closer look at how your vent hood system is functioning.

                Too much heat in a restaurant is an even bigger problem during summer months. The reason for excessive heat is negative pressure created by the exhaust hood system you have installed. As the ventilation system operates, it throws out hot and contaminated indoor air and draws in fresh air. There has to be a certain balance between the two for your kitchen and restaurant to remain cool and comfortable. If the vent hood fan stops to perform its function in an efficient manner, the air inside the kitchen becomes hot and it gradually heats up the entire restaurant.

                The solution to this problem is air balancing. If you are in search of a company that specializes in commercial air test and balancing, head over to APS Hoods that operates in and near Denver, Colorado.

                Prevent Problems with Regular Vent Hood Maintenance

                At all times, you should ensure the ventilation system of your commercial kitchen runs in a hassle-free manner. While problems with the system may arise from time to time due to various reasons, you should never ignore any of the problems – even if it appears to be a minor one. In fact, you should try to understand how the commercial vent hoods in your restaurant work as well as know how to find out when the system is not working in a completely efficient manner. As soon as you spot an issue, you should wear your troubleshooting hat or seek the help of an expert to address the vent hood problem in a fast and efficient manner. 

                Hopefully, the troubleshooting tips above will help you solve a number of problems in a speedy manner. One surefire way to prevent vent hood problems is to give the system timely repair and proper maintenance.

                When you run a commercial restaurant, your goal is to pull as many visitors as possible and increase the bottomline. That is why it is extremely important to provide both your kitchen workers and guests a safe, healthy and comfortable environment. When diners feel great comfort, they will visit your establishment over and over again while also spreading the word about it. So, always take proper care of your vent hood system and ensure it runs efficiently and smoothly.

                Talk to a Commercial Vent Hood System Specialist

                Ventilation hoods serve a crucial role in a restaurant’s kitchen. As a restaurant owner, you definitely have a number of things to handle. But you should never ignore the regular maintenance of the vent hood system. When it comes to troubleshooting, inspecting and cleaning the system, you should always remain proactive. If you spot ventilation hood problems you can’t handle on your own, you should reach out to an expert for an ideal solution. At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we provide professional commercial hood services, kitchen equipment cleaning, vent hood cleaning, grease trap cleaning, exhaust fan services etc.

                For your free consultation, you can give our office a quick phone call or write an email using the contact form on our website.

                Commercial Kitchen Equipment Installation

                Commercial Kitchen Equipment Installation

                The installation of commercial kitchen equipment is not easy to accomplish. You cannot just buy an equipment or machine and plug it in. When it comes to setting up a kitchen, you will need to do a great deal of planning so that all the specific requirements are met in a proper manner and there are no space issues. Plus, you also need to adhere to the local safety standards in order to keep your workers as well as the property protected and clean at all times. Manufacturers of commercial kitchen equipment remain focused on the use of advanced technology, so that the specific needs of every restaurant or commercial kitchen are fulfilled. That is why you should always rely on a restaurant equipment company that specializes in the professional installation of kitchen hood, HVAC, range hood, exhaust hood and other essential equipment. If you are in Denver, CO, you should head straight to APS Hoods for kitchen equipment installation.

                Essential Pieces of Commercial Kitchen Equipment

                Based on your specific needs, you may either want to redesign your kitchen set up or start a new restaurant kitchen altogether. Whichever is the case, you will first need to have a list of what specific equipment you are going to need and plan their installation ahead of time.

                Cooking Equipment:

                No matter what the size of your kitchen, you will certainly need an entire range of cooking equipment to fulfill the day-to-day cooking needs of your commercial restaurant. Key equipment for cooking includes ovens, stoves, grills, ranges, deep fryers etc.  The ovens you buy are much more powerful than traditional ovens. Whether it is baking, cooking vegetables, roasting, broiling or drying, these ovens are an essential equipment that need to be installed in a large, commercial kitchen. Likewise, every cooking machine and component needs to be installed in a proper manner, so as to make the functioning of the kitchen smooth. Working with experts will ensure that you have a well structured and fully functional restaurant kitchen, which caters to the guests and visitors without any kind of hassle.

                Refrigerated Equipment:

                When running a commercial kitchen, you will need to store a wide range of foods. Using the right type of refrigerated machines and freezers allows workers to properly and safely store food items as well as prevent food spillage in the kitchen. Commercial refrigeration systems are specially designed to meet the specific requirements of large kitchens. Main refrigerated equipment in a restaurant kitchen include upright freezers, under counter freezers, ice machines, walk-in freezers, walk-in coolers, refrigerated displays, reach-in refrigerators and freezers. These are the same type of equipment you might have seen in supermarkets and specialty food stores. When buying and installing all these kitchen equipment, you will need the help of an expert. Every piece of refrigerated equipment should be installed in a proper manner so that there are no functioning or space issues in the kitchen.

                Commercial Hood:

                Installation of hoods is an essential part of the overall set up of a commercial kitchen. Also referred to as range hood or exhaust hood, it is a device of utmost importance. The commercial hood hangs right above the stove or cooking station in a large kitchen. The purpose of range hood installation is to keep the kitchen area free from smoke, heat and greasy air. When you operate a commercial restaurant, it is your duty to take steps for the safety of your workers and guests. This is exactly where the exhaust hood plays a crucial role by removing the contaminated air from the kitchen and filling it up with fresh air from outside. As a result of this, the kitchen as well as the restaurant area remains safe from the risk of fire. For more information on the design of commercial hoods and kitchen hood installation, feel free to talk to one of our specialists at APS Hoods. We are one of the most trusted suppliers of commercial kitchen hoods. Plus, we specialize in the installation, repair and maintenance of range hoods.

                HVAC System:

                The installation of a commercial HVAC system is conducted to perform three crucial functions: heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Workers inside a large, commercial kitchen need a safe and comfortable environment. Whether it is winter time or the summer season, comfort of restaurant employees always remains an important concern. A high quality and properly installed HVAC system ensures that the indoor air quality of the kitchen is excellent. There are different types of commercial HVAC systems. Before HVAC installation can begin, you need to get an inspection done by an expert and then have the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system customized to suit the specific needs of the type of restaurant you operate. 

                Grease Trap:

                When it comes to kitchen equipment installation, you can never ignore the potential of grease traps. Instead of smelling like grease, your restaurant should attract guests with a delicious, mouth-watering aroma. If the grease traps in your kitchen are dirty, they will produce foul odors that will spread in the entire restaurant. That is why you need to install grease traps properly as well as pay serious attention to their cleaning, repair and maintenance. As you see, the range of equipment installed in a commercial kitchen is huge. You need all the essential equipment, right from cooking and refrigerated equipment to range hoods, hvac system, grease trap installation, hood fan etc. If you plan for an ideal set up and correct installation, you should seek the help of our experts at APS Hoods. Based in Denver, CO, we serve and work with a wide range of commercial kitchens, cafeteria, restaurants, food service centers and cooking facilities and help them remain efficient, functional and protected against hazards.

                The Process of Installation Matters!

                For top quality installation of all commercial kitchen equipment, professionals follow a well-defined procedure. It is important to make sure every step of the process is followed in a proper and correct manner.

                Site Survey:

                The process begins with a survey of the restaurant site. The goal of the survey is to identify the exact needs as well as the goals of the restaurant or the commercial kitchen. Without a clear understanding of the goals, it will be difficult for technicians to select the right kind of equipment for installation in the kitchen, cafeteria, food service center or restaurant.  Technicians will collect all the details and key measurements in order to proceed to the next step of the kitchen equipment installation. The survey also enables experts to give you a quote for the installation.


                The next step involves planning for all equipment installation as per the space available in the kitchen. Based on the measurements, the professionals will plan out the exact type and size of the equipment that should be installed in your commercial kitchen. The planning stage also includes an internal inspection of all the kitchen equipment for quality and standard.


                Now, the team of specialists will arrive at the site so that the installation of all the equipment and components can be carried out. Technicians will perform their job with a high degree of precision. Once all the cooking, refrigeration, range hoods, grease traps and exhaust fans have been installed, the technicians will review all utility connections. This is to ensure that all the installed components function in a smooth and hassle-free manner. 


                The process is not over yet. Along with the installation of all the equipment in your restaurant kitchen, the company will also provide you with a warranty on the quality and usage of the products. Professionals cannot disappear right after their job of setting up the kitchen is complete. A warranty means the installation company stands behind all of their products and helps the restaurant owner with an open-door communication for hassle-free operation of the kitchen. While the installation of the commercial kitchen equipment should be done with the highest level of accuracy, the process needs to be free from headaches. Being the restaurant owner, you should have complete peace of mind feeling confident that the entire process has been carried out in a correct manner while following all the fire safety codes and building codes in the state. APS Hoods has a solid team of highly trained and certified technicians to ensure top quality installation of kitchen equipment, range hood, HVAC, hood fan installation etc.

                Why You Should Rely on Experts

                The installation of every piece of commercial kitchen equipment is a job that requires a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Whether it is the cooking equipment, freezers, refrigerators, commercial hood or the HVAC system, the installation of each of these should be done in a professional and reliable manner. Only experts will be able to ensure premium quality installations. Every food preparation facility has its own unique requirements. That is why there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the installation of various components in a large, commercial restaurant.  Expertly trained professionals will pay adequate attention to understanding the specific needs of a commercial kitchen and then plan out everything in proper detail and carry out the customizations as required. At APS Hoods, we focus on every step of the kitchen equipment installation procedure in a proper manner as well as ensure that the lifespan of all the equipment increases. We assist restaurant owners with everything from equipment design and selection to implementation and installation. All our technicians are factory trained and highly competent for carrying out the job as per your specific needs and expectations.

                Need Expert Help with the Installation of Commercial Kitchen Equipment?

                Whether you need help with the complete setup of a commercial kitchen or want to replace one or few components in it, you can always count on highly skilled and trained technicians from APS Hoods in Denver, CO. With our professionals by your side, you can feel confident that every piece of the commercial kitchen equipment will be installed in a proper and accurate manner. We specialize in commercial hood installation, HVAC installation, grease trap installation, hood fan installation as well as the maintenance and repair of all these components. For your free consultation, you can call our office phone number or write us an email using the contact form on our website.

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                  Exhaust System Cleaning
                  Commercial Hoods Motor Seal, Repair and Replacement

                  Commercial Hoods Motor Seal, Repair and Replacement

                  The commercial hood system of a large kitchen consists of three major parts:  kitchen hood, grease duct and exhaust fan. The exhaust hood or the range hood of a commercial kitchen is an essential device, which is installed to ensure a safe working environment for the staff and a fresh and odor-free atmosphere for guests. As a smart and responsible restaurant owner, it is your duty to keep the entire hood system in excellent working condition at all times.

                  After you have outfitted your restaurant with a high quality kitchen exhaust hood system, you should give it proper maintenance, particularly the exhaust fan motor, so that the smoke, heat and the airborne grease leave the kitchen area in a proper manner and the staff can stay safe while working.

                  Common Exhaust Fan Issues

                  Various issues with the exhaust fan may arise from time to time. What is important is that you spot the signs early and call in hood fan repair experts in time so as to avoid the failure of the exhaust hood system.   

                  Before the system stops to work efficiently or fails altogether, you will hear rattling or unusual sounds. Too much vibration is yet another sign that there is something wrong with your commercial hood. If the hood system fails to turn on and there is no problem in the circuit, you should know that there is a major issue. Among other reasons for the system failure is the burned out motor. This is the stage where you should immediately seek professional help. Avoid fixing these hood issues yourself, as DIY techniques can worsen the problem even more.

                  At APS Hoods, we specialize in the maintenance, repair and replacement of the exhaust fan and the hood motor. If you have a motor failure, our professionals will look into the problem and fix it in a proper manner. Whether you need a hood motor seal, repair or replacement, our technicians will troubleshoot issues swiftly and provide the best fix to maximize mechanical efficiency.

                  Types of Exhaust Fan Motor

                  Exhaust hood systems use different types and capacities of motor. You will find the standard or single phase motor in small exhaust fans. For industrial purposes, systems use split-phase motors. Capacitor-start motors are ideal for use in large industrial machinery. Powerful motors are designed to effectively deal with a large amount of mechanical stress and give the best output.

                  The motor in a commercial range hood rotates the fan blade so that it can pull air via the range hood vent. In the event of a worn out or burned out motor, the motor will not spin the blade properly and the air will not be circulated as a result. In this case, the fan motor will need to be replaced with a new one.

                  At APS Hoods, our technicians are proficient in accurately identifying the issue and then repair or replace the motor as per need. We also deal in hood motor sales and provide restaurants with high quality products.

                  Range Hood Motor Replacement

                  The installation of a new motor is carried by following a number of steps in a correct and proper manner. Our range hood technicians are quite proficient in the entire procedure and skillfully perform the entire job.

                  The key steps include:

                  • Disconnect electrical power to the exhaust hood
                  • Pull the filters out of the hood
                  • Remove the side panels
                  • Pull the range hood down
                  • Remove the fan blade
                  • Remove the motor
                  • Install the new hoods motor
                  • Reinstall the fan blade and range hood
                  • Reassemble the hood
                  • Restore electrical power to the hood

                  Each of these steps needs to be followed in a skillful manner. To replace the range hood motor, technicians use a set of right tools and safety equipment. Trying to fix this on your own can prove to be hazardous. Plus, a specific fan motor must be replaced with a new motor of the right model and size. So, always seek the help of qualified technicians to get these replacements.

                  Range Hood Motor Repair Symptoms

                  If there is a motor failure, the commercial exhaust hood will not function with maximum efficiency. There are some common symptoms that you can use to immediately identify something is wrong.

                  • The hood’s fan does not pull enough air
                  • The exhaust hood does not function properly
                  • The exhaust fan makes a noise
                  • The hood’s fan does not work
                  • The hood’s fan gets turned on by itself

                  All these symptoms indicate that your commercial range hood is not in good shape. If you spot any of these signs, you should reach out to APS Hoods in Denver, Colorado, to identify the issue and get it fixed.

                  Properly Maintain Exhaust Fans to Remain Code-Compliant

                  The repair and maintenance of exhaust fans is not important just to ensure hassle-free operation and longer lifespan of the equipment. You need to maintain the device also to eliminate fire safety hazards.

                  Exhaust fans installed in large kitchens, cafeteria or a catering facility need cleaning on a regular basis. Grease-laden vapors lead to buildup in the range hood and this increases the risk of fire. As per the guidelines put forth by the National Fire Protection Association, it is mandatory for restaurant owners to get their exhaust fans regularly cleaned by certified professionals.

                  If you are looking for highly trained and qualified technicians for proper maintenance of your kitchen exhaust hood, you should head straight to APS Hoods, which operates in Denver, Colorado. 

                  Do You Have Issues with Your Exhaust Hood Motor?

                  If the exhaust fan of the range hood in your commercial kitchen is not working in the most efficient manner, the system has an issue. Ignoring the symptoms or delaying the seal, repair or replacement of the hood moto can cost you dearly. So, you should take professional help before it is too late. At APS Hoods, we do not just repair and replace range hood motors but also have different types, sizes and models of motors on sale to suit your specific requirements.

                  Give our Denver, Colorado, office a phone call or write us an email to talk to one of our commercial hood specialists.

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                    Exhaust System Cleaning

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                    Commercial HVAC Motor Seal, Repair and Replacement

                    Commercial HVAC Motor Seal, Repair and Replacement

                    The HVAC is an essential system, which is required by every commercial restaurant or facility to have a safe and healthy work environment. Failure of this system will disrupt the business operations, affecting the bottomline. As a responsible facility manager, you should always keep a close watch on the motors in the HVAC system. If the efficiency of the motor decreases, the entire HVAC system will not give the best output and the working environment will deteriorate. From time to time, you may need to repair or replace the motor altogether to restore the efficiency of the HVAC system in your large restaurant or commercial kitchen.

                    A worn out motor will take a toll on the HVAC unit and you may need to invest in a new HVAC system as a result. If you plan to avoid this situation and save money, you should keep the motor in great shape.

                    What Does an HVAC Motor Do?

                    The HVAC motor or the blower motor is the main component, which conditions air and then helps the cool air circulate throughout the entire space of your kitchen or other commercial facility. The motor spins the fan which moves the air through ducts and vents for proper ventilation.

                    Even if it is a small size motor, it has enough potential or power to carry a large amount of conditioned air. Modern motors are a lot more powerful than their earlier versions. But their efficiency can still reduce over time. If your facility is outfitted with an HVAC system, you need to focus on the performance of the motor to have the entire unit functioning with maximum efficiency. The motor has a critical role to function to keep the temperature at the correct level, as stated by the thermostat. A well-maintained motor translates to energy bill savings.

                    Broadly speaking, HVAC motors can be categorized into: Single-speed Motor and Variable-speed Motor. As the name suggests, a single-speed motor operates at just one speed whereas a variable-speed motor has the efficiency to operate at multiple speeds including both lower and higher.

                    When Your HVAC Motor Needs a Repair

                    No matter how powerful the motor of your facility’s HVAC system is, it will experience wear and tear as time passes. If your heating, ventilation and air conditioning is not working properly, the motor is often the culprit. If the motor is faulty, technicians can look into the issue and repair it.

                    Before a motor gets worn out or fails, it gives some signs through which you can identify there is something wrong with your HVAC unit. 

                    Key signs of a faulty HVAC motor include:

                    • Weak airflow from the vents
                    • No airflow comes out of the vents at all
                    • Excessively high energy consumption
                    • Unusual sounds from the HVAC 
                    • Overheating the motor

                    A faulty or worn out motor has a hard time doing its job. So, the first sign of the problem is little or no airflow at all from the vents. This often happens when the quality of the motor has deteriorated or the accumulation of dirt and dust inside. If the HVAC system of your facility makes some unusual or strange sounds, there can be a problem with the motor. It is also common for a faulty motor to get overheated. An experienced technician will conduct an inspection to diagnose the exact problem with the motor and then fix it, if the motor parts are repairable. 

                    At APS Hoods, we have a highly competent team of technicians who specialize in the troubleshooting and repair of a wide range of HVAC motors. We offer effective solutions to restore the efficiency of the motor.

                    When to Replace Your HVAC Motor

                    Even when most problems in the blower motor can be fixed with a repair, it may not always be the best solution.

                    Even if you have the HVAC motor repaired by a technician, problems can still arise in the future. Imagine if the blower motor malfunctions over and over again and how it will affect your overall business operations. That is why going for a replacement is a sensible decision in many cases. 

                    If you have issues with your HVAC motor, you should first reach out to our highly skilled team at APS Hoods and schedule an inspection. Our technicians will get to the root of the problem and then suggest the most ideal solution to resolve the problem. If the issue is repairable and the option is feasible too, our professionals will repair the faulty blower motor in a proper manner. If a repair does not look feasible, you will need to replace the old motor with a new one.

                    You Should Rely Only on Qualified HVAC Technicians

                    Whether it is a repair or a replacement, you should always hire an HVAC contractor which has a solid reputation and extensive experience in fixing all types and models of commercial HVAC motors.

                    That is where the role of APS Hoods gains importance. Our company has specialization in motor seal, repair and replacement. Also, we deal in superior quality blower motors manufactured by reputed brands. Our professionals have expertise in the selection of the right model and size of motor to suit the specific needs of your HVAC system. We employ the latest tools and up-to-the-minute technology to evaluate the efficiency of the motor and can accurately point out which parts have a problem. After an assessment of your facility’s needs, our specialists will provide you the most ideal solution to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs.

                    Talk to an HVAC Motor Technician

                    Commercial HVAC systems consume a high amount of emergency and impact the cost of operation in a considerable way. Timely repair and replacement of the blower motor is a surefire way of reducing these expenses. 

                    If you have noticed problems with your facility’s HVAC system, chances are there are faults in the motor. Talk to one of our highly skilled and qualified HVAC technicians to get an inspection and find the most effective solution to the problem. Our motor seal, repair and replacement services are aimed at bringing down your facility’s operating costs and increase the bottomline. Also, we have a range of top quality, branded HVAC blower motors on sale. You can reach out to us via a quick phone call or write us an email using the contact form.

                    HVAC Inspect, Troubleshooting and Repair

                    HVAC Inspect, Troubleshooting and Repair

                    No matter when your HVAC system fails, it will cause discomfort to the kitchen staff and disrupt business. If you have outfitted your commercial kitchen with an HVAC system, you should get a timely inspection and quickly troubleshoot issues so that repair can be affordable. Ignoring or delaying repairs of the system can lead to costly repairs later. Worse still, you may need to replace the entire unit with a new one for proper indoor quality, health, and safety. Always seek the services of professionals to maintain your HVAC system in an effective manner. Outages happen mainly due to a lack of maintenance. Therefore, it is key to understand the importance of regular maintenance.

                    What is HVAC?

                    An HVAC or Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condition system is installed to heat or cool a building or facility. It keeps the space cool during summers and warm during winters. Key components of the system include an A/C unit, heat pump, furnace, etc. The main purpose of designing and installing such a system is to comply with the environmental requirements for the comfort of people. You’ll find the usage of HVAC systems in a wide range of facilities including industrial, commercial, and residential.

                    HVAC Inspection

                    Once you have outfitted your commercial kitchen or restaurant with a high quality HVAC system, it should be your top priority to keep it operational at all times. No matter what time of the year it is, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system should work properly to meet your facility’s comfort needs. Regular inspection is a surefire way to maintain a proper HVAC system. At the APS Hoods, we provide HVAC inspection by highly experienced professionals. The HVAC inspection procedure consists of multiple steps. Each step should be carried out in a correct and safe manner by experienced professionals while adhering to all the necessary safety guidelines.

                    Run a Thermostat Test:

                    The system inspection begins with a thermostat test in which the HVAC technician finds out whether it is working in an efficient manner. The technician checks whether the heating and cooling mechanisms have any issues when turned on and turned off.

                    Inspect Air Filters:

                    The function of HVAC air filters is to purify the air of impurities such as dust, dander, pollen, etc. The inspection finds out whether the air filters are in good condition to properly purify the air. 

                    Evaluate Air Flow:

                    Measuring the airflow through the HVAC ducts and equipment is an important step in the overall inspection process. If the airflow is not proper, the system will not heat and cool the facility in an efficient manner. So, the technician finds out whether the airflow rate is at a typical level.

                    Check Refrigerant Level:

                    Low refrigerant level prolongs the time taken for the HVAC system to cool off the space. Ultimately, it leads to high energy consumption. During the inspection, the technician checks whether the refrigerant level is optimum for the AC unit to function properly.

                    Check Heater/ Furnace:

                    It is crucial to inspect if the heater or the furnace is working with maximum efficiency. In order to do that, the HVAC technician turns on the heating element and then measures the temperature of the air. Insufficient heating means the heating element has an issue. 

                    Check the Blower Motor:

                    The blower motor is a crucial component of every HVAC system. If it does not operate properly, the system will not give the desired results. The technician will inspect the motor and find out if it has any issues. Loud or unusual noises coming from the motor mean there is something wrong. There are many other warning signs of a faulty HVAC motor as well.

                    Other Components:

                    In addition to these, there are multiple other components that need to be inspected. The HVAC technician will conduct an inspection of each and every part of the system including the condenser, evaporation coil, and all the electrical parts as well as the compressor. During the inspection, the HVAC technician will also level the unit and clean the filters as well as the evaporator coil. The goal of the inspection is to find out the overall efficiency of all the units of the HVAC system. Once the job is done, the technician will prepare a detailed report of the inspection for your understanding. If the HVAC system or any of its components has a problem, a proper inspection will bring it to light so that you can get the maintenance or required repair. If you plan for a professional inspection of your facility’s HVAC system, reach out to one of our highly experienced technicians at the APS Hoods in Denver, Colorado.

                    HVAC Troubleshooting

                    The goal of troubleshooting is to identify and solve issues. If you plan to quickly fix the problems with your restaurant’s HVAC system, you need to get troubleshooting done by highly skilled technicians. At the APS Hoods, our professionals perform troubleshooting of a wide range of HVAC systems and diagnose and establish a plan of action to fix the problems in a professional manner. HVAC troubleshooting by an expert involves the identification of a problem, diagnosing the problem correctly, and then developing and implementing a plan of action, and then verifying the system for functionality. Most of all, the technician documents every detail of the entire procedure for your record. In order to diagnose problems with the HVAC system, technicians first begin with the visible components and then work their way to the inner parts of the system. So, the HVAC technician will first troubleshoot whether the system has power. Next, the specialist will move on to the service panel and see if the circuit breaker has tripped or not.  The heater or the furnace and the A/C unit each have their own circuit breaker or fuse. If the fuse has tripped, broken, or blown, the troubleshooting will reveal the fault for the removal or replacement of the circuit breaker. The next step in HVAC troubleshooting is to check the thermostat for power. The HVAC troubleshooting involves checking the furnace, the air conditioner, and the ventilation units. Experienced technicians employ a wide variety of techniques and tools to carry out the troubleshooting in a proper manner. The technician checks the HVAC air conditioning unit for air filters circuit breakers, vents, outages etc. The outside A/C unit is also checked during the process. At the APS Hoods, we have an expert team of highly qualified, trained, and experienced technicians for professional troubleshooting of all sizes and models of HVAC systems.

                    HVAC Repair

                    It is not uncommon for HVAC systems to develop various kinds of issues over time. Most minor issues will go away with maintenance and cleaning of the coils and the filters. Regular servicing and preventive maintenance are key to avoiding a number of HVAC issues. Other problems will require immediate attention from the facility manager or the owner of the restaurant.  What is important is that you keep a close watch on the performance of your facility’s HVAC system. As soon as you spot any problem with the system, you should call inexperienced HVAC technicians. Key signs that you need HVAC repair include:

                    Change in Airflow:

                    If there is a change in the airflow of your HVAC system, it will not cool off in an effective manner. Slower than normal airflow takes its toll on the efficiency of the system and the A/C unit does not get as cold as it used to be. This can be an indication of a problem with the compressor. So, you should get in touch with an HVAC technician for the required repair.

                    High Energy Bill:

                    A steady monthly bill means your HVAC system is functioning in a proper manner. But if the bill amount continues to increase month after month, this is a warning sign. If there is something potentially wrong with the system, the consumption of energy will be higher. It usually happens with the change in season. Fluctuations in the energy bill should be taken as a warning sign and you should immediately seek the help of professionals to get repairs done.

                    Old Age:

                    Different kinds of problems will arise as your HVAC system gets older. Every type and model of HVAC has a certain lifespan. Once it passes that period, you should expect to see problems. While regular preventive maintenance can prolong the lifespan by a couple of years, it can not fully restore the previous efficiency level. Either the problems will go away with repairs or you will ultimately need to replace your old HVAC system with a new one.

                    Noises and Smells:

                    If your HVAC system makes unusual sounds, it is a sign there is something wrong. Not just sounds, but the machinery also begins to give off smells like that of dirty socks. Noises and smells coming from the system mean you need repair services as soon as possible.

                    Moisture or Dust Buildup:

                    Excessive deposits of moisture or dust in your commercial kitchen or restaurant facility signal a problem with the HVAC system. Such problems will possibly require the cleaning of the entire system, vent hood cleaning, and duct cleaning. The technician will find out and fix if there are other problems that lead to the excessive dust buildup.

                    Power Failure:

                    A sudden power failure of the HVAC system is a potential sign there is a problem. If the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment gets turned off or the circuit breakers trip frequently, you should call in HVAC specialists to troubleshoot and carry out the necessary repairs. If you ignore these signs, it can take a toll on the electrical components of the system. Seeking the help of professionals for timely repairs will save you both money and time. At the APS Hoods, we have an expertly trained team of professional technicians to carry out all kinds of HVAC repairs. Getting the repairs done without any delay will help you run your restaurant business smoothly as well as avoid damage to other components of the HVAC system. Feel free to talk to one of our HVAC specialists for further details on HVAC system repair service.  

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                      What is HVAC?

                      Talk to an Expert HVAC Technician

                      If you have an HVAC system installed in your commercial facility, you should give it timely maintenance and repair to prolong its lifespan. Whether you have noticed strange furnace noises, thermostat malfunctions, mechanical wear and tear, water leaks, or ignition problems, you should always rely on experienced technicians for high quality services. If your commercial kitchen or restaurant is located in Denver, CO, you should head straight to the APS Hoods for expert installation, inspection, troubleshooting, and repair of a wide range of HVAC systems. Schedule your free HVAC consultation with one of our specialists to find out how we can help you fix the problems with your facility’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system to increase efficiency and lower your energy bills. You can reach out to our Denver office via a quick phone call or email. Read More Articles:
                      1. HVAC System: Summer is a Perfect Time for Adjusting by APS Hoods
                      2.  All You Wanted to Know About Commercial Vent Hoods
                      3. Range Hood Installation Explained
                      commercial restaurant kitchen cleaning in Denver, CO

                      All You Wanted to Know About Commercial Vent Hoods

                      Every commercial kitchen needs to fulfill some legal requirements in order to operate in a healthy and safe manner. Heat, smoke, and grease are consistently produced in a large cooking facility. As a result of this, the indoor air in the kitchen gets contaminated and unsafe for employees. In fact, an unsafe kitchen atmosphere also takes a toll on the other areas of the restaurant. That is exactly why every facility manager needs to install a ventilation system in their kitchen. Commercial vent hoods play a crucial role by allowing a large kitchen or restaurant to properly remove the contaminated indoor air and replace it with fresh air from outside. Commercial vent hoods vary in terms of type, size, and design to match the specific needs of a large kitchen facility. In this article, we will talk about the commercial vent hood, how it works and how the kitchen hood is installed, repaired, cleaned, and replaced in a professional manner.

                      What is a Commercial Kitchen Hood?

                      A commercial vent hood is a device that is installed over the cooking station or appliance to facilitate ventilation. A commercial vent hood is called by different names such as exhaust hood, range hood, and kitchen hood. The function of the vent hood is to pull out the contaminated indoor air of the kitchen. The exhaust hood also improves the indoor air quality by bringing down the deposits of smoke and grease.

                      Types of Commercial Vent Hoods

                      Broadly speaking, all commercial kitchen hoods fall under two categories: Type I and Type II. The range hoods can be differentiated from each other on the basis of what type of materials they filter out.

                      Type I Vent Hood:

                      This vent hood is specially designed to remove smoke, heat, and grease from the kitchen. Hence, it is also termed grease hoods. Inside a commercial kitchen, you will find Type I hoods mounted over cooking appliances such as deep fryers, grills, broilers, etc.

                      Type II Vent Hood:

                      This vent hood is designed to throw out moisture such as steam and vapor from the indoor air. In addition to these, some range hoods can also remove odor from the indoor air. You will often find these hoods fitted in a cafeteria over coffee machines, pasta cookers, rice cookers, and some pizza ovens. These hoods are also referred to as condensate hoods. Which type of commercial vent hood to use depends on what type of cooking you do in your commercial kitchen, cafeteria, or restaurant. Type II vent hoods do not have grease filtering capacity. Before you install a vent hood, you should seek the help of an expert hood builder or hood design specialist. If you are in Denver, CO, you should feel free to talk to one of our experts at APS Hoods.

                      Commercial Vent Hood Design

                      The design of all commercial vent hoods is not the same. Based on the specific layout of your kitchen, you need to opt for a suitable design. To finalize the hood design, you will need to consult with professionals. Three most common vent hood designs include:

                      Wall Canopy Hoods:

                      These exhaust hoods are hung on the wall, right behind the cooking equipment in the kitchen. They are mounted in a way that they remain stretched out over the cooking appliances.

                      Island Canopy Hoods:

                      These vent hoods hang from the ceiling, above the cooking equipment in the kitchen. The specific design is used where the cooking equipment is located away from the walls. One key feature of this design is that all four sides of this canopy hood remain open. Island canopy hoods require a much stronger exhaust fan than those fitted in other hoods.

                      Low Proximity Hoods:

                      These vent hoods are located in close proximity to the cooking equipment and appliances, hence the name. Also referred to as back shelf hoods, the low proximity hoods are installed in commercial kitchens where the cooking equipment is placed at counter-height. When it comes to vent hood installation, the design of the hood is of utmost importance. If the hood design is not proper and suitable for your kitchen’s needs, the quality of the ventilation will be affected.  

                      How Does a Commercial Vent Hood Work?

                      Commercial vent hoods are fitted over the cooking appliances in a kitchen. As the cooking goes on, a motor-powered fan pulls the contaminated air and other particles into the ventilation machine. Next, the contaminated air passes through the ductwork, which remains attached to the ventilation unit. In this way, the heat, smoke, grease, vapor and other particles are expelled outside. The hood system also has a make-up air device, which replaces the removed air with fresh air from outside. The entire unit functions to keep the indoor kitchen air fresh and cool.

                      Vent Hood Installation

                      Installation of vent hoods or range hoods in commercial kitchens is a detailed procedure involving multiple steps. Setting up the hoods is not just about selecting the most ideal type and design. But it is also about meeting the local laws and regulatory guidelines for the safe and hassle-free operation of the restaurant facility. If the building and fire safety codes are not followed in a proper manner, you should expect to fail inspections and face many kinds of safety hazards. The vent hood should be designed and installed to effectively manage the amount of exhaust that will be produced in a commercial kitchen. If the hood is larger than the required size, energy bills will go up. On the other hand, smaller vent hoods will fail to properly ventilate the kitchen area. In order for the installation to be proper and as per exact need, you will need to fulfill these specific requirements:  
                      • Minimum overhang requirements should be at least 6 inches.
                      • The elevation range should not surpass 4 feet.
                      • Installation of a Type I hood should also have a fire suppression system.
                      • One type of hood cannot replace another.
                        The vent hood installation requirements will vary depending on whether the range hood being installed is Type I or Type II. In fact, the regulatory guidelines for different hood types are also different. Placement of the hoods at the correct height, approval of the materials, proper grease duct support, and proper air displacement are other important guidelines that must be adhered to. At APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we specialize in the professional installation of a variety of commercial vent hoods and designs. Let us help you outfit your kitchen facility with a safe and legal vent hood system.

                      Vent Hood Repair

                      The overall functioning efficiency of a kitchen HVAC system depends on the quality and condition of the vent hood. Since the vent hood or the range hood works very hard in a commercial kitchen setting, it also needs repair from time to time. When the vent hood needs repair or maintenance, it will give you some warning signs that you should never ignore. Any negligence in this regard can worsen the problem even more leading to costly repair or full replacement. Key signs of commercial vent hood repair include:
                      • Haze in the kitchen or other areas of the restaurant
                      • Hot and smokey restaurant facility
                      • The exhaust fan motor makes loud noises
                      • Defective control board or electrical issues
                      • Odors do not go away
                      • Smoke hovers in the kitchen
                      • Problem with heating and cooling unit
                      If you come across any of these issues, this means the vent hood of your kitchen range hood system is in need of repair.  Multiple issues can arise as a result of a failed vent hood. If the vent hood does not function with full efficiency, the gravest danger you can face is the risk of a kitchen fire. So, always keep an eye out for minor issues and have them repaired by qualified experts as soon as you can. Most issues are related to the exhaust fan or the make-up air fan of the kitchen vent hood. At APS Hoods, we have a highly trained and qualified team of technicians who can repair all kinds of problems with the vent hood. Give us a quick phone call and we will dispatch our specialists to diagnose the root cause of every commercial vent hood issue and fix it in a swift and correct manner. 

                      Vent Hood Cleaning

                      The kitchen vent hood needs to be cleaned in a proper and timely manner. While you will often remember to clean the flyers and the oven in your commercial kitchen, the vent hoods are often overlooked. The vent hood is a magnet for deposits of grease and other contaminants. These buildups do not just ruin the indoor air quality, but they increase the risk of a fire in the kitchen manifolds. As per the NFPA guidelines, you should get the vent hoods cleaned by professionals every few months or once a year. The frequency of vent hood cleaning depends on the volume of cooking done in the kitchen. Right from cleaning the grease traps and the filters to cleaning the interiors as well as the exteriors of the hood, every component requires proper cleaning. Get in touch with APS Hoods for proper cleaning of every part of the commercial vent hood installed in your kitchen. Whether it is the essential components or the interior and the exterior of the kitchen hood, our technicians will properly degrease, wipe off and clean the entire vent hood.

                      Kitchen Vent Hood Replacement

                      When the hood components have worn out completely or sustained damage beyond repair, it is time for their replacement. APS Hoods is a highly trusted supplier of all range hoods parts for large kitchens, dining centers, food service facilities, and other commercial cooking establishments. Our kitchen vent hoods are one of the most durable you will find in the market. Whether it is the quality of vent hood parts and accessories or compliance issues, you can always rely on our company for the best service.

                      Talk to a Commercial Vent Hood Specialist

                      If you still have a question about kitchen vent hoods or need expert help with the repair, cleaning, or replacement of your facility’s range hood, head straight to APS Hoods in Denver, CO. Our specialists will educate you on every crucial aspect of the vent hood as well as the entire exhaust hood system. Our goal is to ensure you have a highly efficient vent hood in your restaurant facility so as to ensure a safe and comfortable atmosphere for your kitchen staff and guests. You can reach out to us via a quick phone call or send us an email using the contact form given on our website.  

                      Some related post:

                      1. Top Tips for Commercial Air Duct Cleaning by Ventilation Cleaning Experts in Denver, Colorado.

                      2. What is the process and method of cleaning air ducts and vents? When should your ventilation systems be replaced?

                      3. Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

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                        Exhaust System Cleaning
                        commercial restaurant kitchen cleaning in Denver, CO| Exhaust Hood System Cleaning

                        All About Exhaust Hood System Cleaning

                        Outfitting a commercial kitchen with an exhaust hood system is essential for effective protection against fire hazards. Every facility manager, therefore, should invest in the most ideal and advanced hood system. Though the exhaust hood system minimizes the risk of fire breakouts in the kitchen, the use of fuel and high volume of cooking often leads to grease and grime buildup over time. To keep your employees and visitors as well as the facility itself safe at all times, you need to pay serious attention to the cleaning of the commercial exhaust hood system. At APS Hoods, we specialize in the degreasing of every component of the kitchen hood system. Whether it is the removal of grease from the ducts, the hood, the vents, or the exhaust fans, our professionals are expertly trained in the entire procedure to deliver the best results for a restaurant facility.

                        What the Cleaning Process Involves

                        The cleaning of the exhaust hood system is an elaborate multi-step procedure, which should be performed only by qualified and certified professionals. If you operate a large commercial kitchen, restaurant facility, cafeteria, or dining center, you should always make sure that the cleaning of your exhaust hood is carried out in a correct manner for a strong defense against fire hazards. Given below are some of the key steps that the exhaust hood system of a commercial kitchen or restaurant facility involves.

                        Exhaust Fan Inspection:

                        The fan is a crucial part of the exhaust hood system. If the heat, smoke, and odor of the kitchen have to be removed, the fan needs to work with utmost efficiency. That is why the fan needs degreasing and cleaning to minimize fire hazards and stay code-compliant. Inspection by trained technicians is important to ensure proper fan operation.

                        Appliance Removal:

                        Before the exhaust hood is ready for cleaning, all the appliances will need to be removed. The draping of the exhaust hood will also be removed. Our grease cleaners will remove all the cooking appliances and hood components to carry out cleaning in a professional manner.

                        Hood Filters:

                        Usually, the exhaust hood filters need cleaning at intervals of every 2-3 months. If your cooking is high volume and involves a lot of frying, a greater frequency of cleaning will be required. For this, professionals will first detach the filters and soak them up for proper cleaning.

                        Disarm Fire Suppression System:

                        To perform hood cleaning, grease cleaners will also detach the fire protection system. Once this system has been disarmed, it becomes easy to clean the hood and the other parts of the exhaust hood system. Feel confident our technicians will do the job right.

                        Ductwork Cleaning:

                        Due to a consistent supply of grease-laden vapor, the hood ducts accumulate a lot of grease and grime. Unless properly cleaned, this can become a sure fire hazard. So, the cleaners will scrape, degrease and clean the entire ducts as well as the plenum area.

                        Check for Leaks:

                        It is crucial to examine the quality of the vent hood ducts. If the system has leakage, the kitchen environment will not have proper ventilation. Poor ventilation will have a bad impact on the indoor air quality and the productivity of the kitchen staff. That is why checking for leaks in the vent hood is an important part of the overall exhaust hood cleaning process.

                        Fan Belt Replacement:

                        A broken or worn out fan belt will reduce the efficiency of the hood fan and the entire exhaust hood system. After the hood fan has been cleaned, the technicians will replace the worn out belt with a new, high quality belt so as to keep the system functioning efficiently.

                        Roof Condition:

                        In commercial kitchens, the exhaust hood vents out of the roof. Venting outside is a best practice, as it reduces the extent of damage in the event of a fire breakout or accident. During exhaust hood cleaning, professionals will examine the roof vents and assess the roof condition. The review will be documented so that you can refer to it as per need.

                        Reinstall Fire Suppression System:

                        After the hood and all its parts and components have been degreased, washed, and cleaned, the professionals will start to reinstall all the detached parts. The fire suppression system will be rearmed into the exhaust hood in an accurate manner.

                        Verify Fan Operation:

                        Since the hood fan is a key component of the ventilation system. Post-cleaning and reinstallation of the system, the technician will operate the hood fan and see if it works efficiently.

                        Restore the Kitchen:

                        The exhaust hood cleaning leaves a lot of greasy residue on the kitchen floor. As part of the overall cleaning, grease cleaners will mop up, wash and clean the entire kitchen area. Finally, you will have a spotlessly commercial kitchen with a highly efficient exhaust system. The fresh and clean kitchen atmosphere will keep both the employees and visitors happy.

                        You Need a Professional Exhaust Cleaning Service

                        As a facility manager, you should have the kitchen staff do the exterior cleaning of the exhaust hood on a regular basis. However, deep and detailed cleaning of the exhaust hood system should always be performed by only certified and qualified grease cleaners, as mentioned in NFPA 96.  Exhaust hood cleaning involves disassembly, degreasing, and inspecting by well-trained professionals. Whether it is the hood filters, grease troughs, hood fans, or the ductwork pipes going to the roof, a qualified service provider will properly pressure-wash and clean each and every part of the system. The ultimate goal of grease cleaners is to minimize fire hazards, enhance the efficiency of the ventilation hood system and give your kitchen a neat and fresh look.

                        Does Your Hood Exhaust System Need Cleaning?

                        Restaurant fires can prove to be devastating. Most of these fires occur simply because the hood exhaust has been left uncleaned. Maintaining a proper exhaust hood system doesn’t just help you eliminate fire hazards, but it also helps you avoid penalties by the fire department and the city health inspector. If you plan to operate your food service facility in a hassle-free manner and increase your bottom line, you should hire the services of a qualified hood cleaning company such as the APS Hoods. Based in Denver, Colorado, we offer professional hood cleaning and maintenance of commercial kitchens, restaurants, and dining facilities. If you are a restaurant owner or manager, schedule your kitchen exhaust hood cleaning without any delay. You can get in touch via a quick phone call or write us an email using the contact form on our website.

                        Some Related Post:

                        1. Commercial Kitchen Appearances Matter – The Importance of a Pristine Exhaust Hood Finish | Denver

                        2. Hood Exhaust Cleaning & Kitchen Maintenance Best Practices for Busy Restaurants

                        3. Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning : The Definitive Guide


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                          Exhaust System Cleaning
                          Range Hood Installation Explained

                          Range Hood Installation Explained

                          Large kitchens in hotels, restaurants, and other food service facilities operate for several hours in a row, on a consistent basis. As a result of the frequent, high volume of cooking, the facilities also produce a large amount of fume, heat, smoke, grease, and grime. To deal with all of this accumulation, hospitality businesses require to install commercial range hoods. The purpose of the kitchen hood or range hood is to maintain proper air quality and keep the environment safe and healthy, both for the staff as well as guests who visit the restaurant for dining.  If you run a commercial kitchen, you should have some knowledge of how range or exhaust hoods are installed for proper ventilation.  

                          Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.


                          Planning and Preparation

                          All commercial kitchens are not the same. Before the range hood installation is carried out, the facility managers need to consult with hood builders and contractors to develop an effective plan for the project. At APS Hoods, we design an array of range hoods to suit the specific needs of a large kitchen or a commercial food service facility. From hood schematics to specifications and assembling of all the hood components, all the crucial details need to be planned in an accurate manner. If the planning is not correct, the quality of the installation will not be perfect. Poorly designed and installed range hoods will not deliver the results as per your expectations. When it comes to preparation, it is crucial to determine the need for sturdy structures to support the weight of the hoods. So, specialists will inspect the location of the hood installation and evaluate whether there is a need to install additional structures to set up the range hoods. According to the guidelines put forth by the National Fire Protection Association, installers will need to leave adequate gaps or clearance between the range hood, exhaust ducts, and the construction materials. Professional range hood installation is performed in accordance with the building codes. The entire project is carried out as per the ventilation hood diagram.

                          Kitchen Hood Installation

                          The installation of commercial range hoods involves several essential steps, each of which should be followed correctly. Professionals make sure the entire procedure is performed in an error-free manner.

                          Safety Codes:

                          During the installation, the utmost priority is to ensure the safety of the workers. Range hood contractors execute the project while adhering to the safety codes outlined by the concerned authorities. Professionals use proper gear and tools to minimize the risk of physical injuries.

                          Range Hood Diagram:

                          After the ventilation hood parts have been unpacked, a review will be conducted to see to it that all the components are in good shape and there is no damage. The professional will check out the hood assembly and get started with the installation as per the diagram. The hood diagram includes all the details of the project as it was planned.

                          Hood Position:

                          The installation manual contains crucial details in regard to how the range hood will be hung and supported. The installation process will be executed in a careful manner while making sure that adequate support is available to hold the weight of the hood weight. Here, the contractor may also need to make some adjustments to properly set up the hoods.

                          Elevate Hood Bottom:

                          In compliance with the national and local codes, the installation specialists need to raise the bottom of the range hood a few feet from the ground. If this criterion is not fulfilled, the codes will be violated. High lifts are employed to lift the hood for accurate positioning. Again, this will be done as per the details mentioned in the range hood diagram.

                          Duct Welding:

                          The installation manual has all the details about the installation of the duct-work. This is an important step of the entire hood installation process. The welding of the ducts is a job that requires a great deal of precision. Professionals perform the task while leaving no gaps or leaks. Leakage in the ductwork pipe can cause multiple problems in the future.

                          Other Installations:

                          The range hood setup involves the installation of grease filters, grease cups, and lighting. Once the ventilation hood has been installed and positioned, these smaller installations will follow. The installation of a commercial range hood is an elaborate process. Apart from what you read above, there are many other details that the entire procedure involves. From hanging the range hood to drilling and securing the threaded rods, installers have to focus on each task with great attention to detail. If you plan for the hood installation to be performed in a correct manner while abiding by all the safety and building codes, you should hire only the experts.

                          Factors to Consider for Hood Installation

                          Before the range hood installation can begin, it is extremely important to ensure all the electrical components are in proper order.  Also, commercial kitchen hoods should vent outside of the building. If the hoods vent inside of the building, in the ceiling, or in the basement, the risk of fire accidents will increase manifolds. In fact, in the event of a fire breakout, there will be great damage to property and assets. That is why you should only rely on professional contractors for the range hood installation.  The cost of range hood installation depends on the type or style, materials used, and the location of the commercial kitchen. Usually, you can expect contractors to finish the project in around a day.

                          Hire a Professional Range Hood Installation Company

                          From selecting the right type of range hood for your commercial kitchen to getting the installation done in a swift and correct manner, APS Hoods has a successful track record spanning over two decades. If you have a question or want some more clarity on any particular aspect of the procedure, you should feel free to consult with one of our hood installation specialists. For your free consultation and quote, you can give our office a phone call or write us an email using the contact form. Some related Posts:
                          1. Restaurant Cleaning Services: Commercial Kitchen Appearances Matter – The Importance of a Pristine Exhaust Hood Finish | Denver
                          2. Hood Exhaust Cleaning & Kitchen Maintenance Best Practices for Busy Restaurants
                          3. All You Need to Know About Restaurant Hood Maintenance to Protect Your Investment

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                            commercial kitchen hood
                            Vent Hood Cleaning | Restaurant Facility Cleaning | restaurant cleaning services | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                            The Definitive Guide to Restaurant Facility Cleaning

                            No restaurant owner would want their customers to get sick. But this can happen if you don’t pay serious attention to keeping your restaurant squeaky clean at all times. The foodservice industry follows very high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. If you run a restaurant facility or a large commercial kitchen, you should follow a proper cleaning routine on a regular basis. It is not just the health department that wants you to keep the restaurant facility neat, clean, and hygienic. All your employees and your customers look for a healthy and safe environment as well. If your restaurant and the cooking facilities are poorly maintained, you will come across a range of issues. In fact, many of such issues can put you in great trouble and your overall business can be negatively impacted. As the responsible owner of a restaurant, you should offer a safe working environment for workers and a superior dining experience for guests. At American Professional Services (APS-Hoods), we specialize in the professional cleaning of restaurants and commercial kitchens. With the help of our professionals, we have prepared this guide to proper cleaning of restaurant facilities. Read on to find out the details of proper restaurant cleaning.

                            Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                            Official Rules: Food Safety in the Kitchen

                            All restaurant and commercial kitchen owners are legally obliged to follow the food safety hygiene standards as stated by the CDC and health departments. In a large commercial kitchen, the volume of cooking is not only high but these activities go on for several hours in a row, on a regular basis. That is why it is extremely important to carry out proper cleaning procedures and keep the kitchen, all the cooking equipment and appliances, and the entire restaurant well-maintained. Proper cleaning of the restaurant facility will eliminate the risk of cross-contamination and food poisoning as well as the risk of getting different types of allergies and infections. According to the CDC, four crucial steps to food safety include Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill. Health departments in every state conduct regular hygienic inspections to make sure all restaurants, cooking facilities, and food preparation services remain food code compliant. In the event of failing an inspection by the health department, your restaurant can run the risk of being closed altogether – until you address the problems. The health inspector may also revoke your food license as a result of non-compliance with the food safety code. From day one of opening your restaurant, you should adopt thorough and stringent cleaning practices.

                            Cooking Appliances and Equipment

                            A large, commercial kitchen remains fitted with a wide range of cooking appliances and equipment. When it comes to keeping the restaurant facility healthy and safe, the kitchen area is the space that requires the most attention. That is why maintaining it in a proper manner is an essential part of the cleaning procedure. Given below is a list of each item that should be cleaned.


                            All the ovens in a restaurant should be cleaned after each shift. Wiping up these areas regularly will prevent the buildup of grease and grime. The interior of the oven also needs proper cleaning. In the market, you will find specific cleaning products to clean the ovens. Use the right type of cleaning products to remove spillages, grease, and grime from the ovens. If you operate a commercial kitchen, you should seek the help of professional restaurant cleaners.


                            Maintaining proper fridge hygiene is an essential part of adhering to the food safety code. If you want to enhance food quality and safety, you should wipe and sanitize the refrigerators in a proper manner. This cleaning routine should be carried out between every shift. Most importantly, you need to focus on the interiors of the fridges and give them a thorough cleaning. Deep cleaning of refrigerators should be performed by professionals once a week.

                            Coffee Machines:

                            While following a cleaning routine, you should not miss out on the Expresso and other coffee machines. Use a special fluid to carry out the cleaning of these machines in a proper manner.


                            Spills require instant cleaning between every shift. Apart from this, you should clean the interiors of the appliance once a week. One good method is to place a non-metallic microwave-safe bowl, filled with water, inside the appliance and leave it there for one minute. You should either put it at a high temperature or let it sit there until it steams. In any case, don’t forget to clean the doors of the microwave while performing the overall cleaning of the appliance.


                            Every large commercial kitchen uses kettles and water boilers for preparing hot drinks on a daily basis. These appliances should also be cleaned and descaled in a thorough manner at least once a month. If the frequency of hot drinks preparation in your restaurant is high, you should clean the appliances more often to stay compliant with food safety standards. Hoods, Vents, and Exhausts: The air quality of the restaurant kitchen should always be maintained in order to provide a safe environment to the workers and create an odor-free environment in the restaurant. A poorly maintained or clogged ventilation system will lead to multiple issues over time. The unhygienic build-up of grease and grime is very common in hoods, exhaust fans, vents, and ducts. If the build-up is ignored or it is not cleaned in time, the quality of air in the kitchen will continue to deteriorate. So, exhaust hood and vent cleaning should always be an essential part of the overall cleaning procedure. At the APS Hoods in Denver, CO, we offer professional exhaust system cleaning, vent hood cleaning, and duct cleaning for large commercial restaurants. Our goal is to offer a comfortable and healthy working environment to the kitchen employees.

                            Storage Area

                            Many restaurant owners don’t pay serious attention to the deep cleaning of the storage areas. In addition to maintaining the commercial kitchen, you should thoroughly clean and sanitize every storage area. At the APS Hoods, our commercial kitchen cleaning service also involves taking good care of all the storage areas. Whether it is the racks, shelves, or cabinets, our skilled cleaners will reach every bit of these spaces and remove the dirt, dust, and lose debris in an effective manner. The problem with dirty storage areas is that they can easily attract different types of pests. Once you have an entry of pests inside, they can multiply very fast and infest the entire facility. So, storage area deep cleaning is important both in terms of cleanliness and pest control.

                            Sinks and Washing Stations

                            To maintain a commercial kitchen, you should keep every surface and area inside it neat and hygienic. Sinks and washing stations are some of the areas that are often missed out or ignored by restaurant owners.

                            Sinks and Taps:

                            Make it a routine to clean and sanitize these areas of the kitchen between every shift. The sinks, taps, and draining boards require frequent cleaning like other surfaces of the commercial kitchen.

                            Grease Traps:

                            It is a legal requirement to install grease traps in every commercial kitchen as per the official regulations. Due to the high volume of cooking and frying, a great deal of waste oil and grease is produced in a large kitchen. If these wastes are not removed, they will cause plumbing issues or clog the sewer system. Since grease traps filter out fats and oils, they need thorough cleaning on a periodical basis. If they are cleaned and emptied with the right frequency, the machine will function in a highly efficient manner.

                            Kitchen Drains:

                            The sinks and the plumbing in the kitchen will function properly when the kitchen’s drains are clear. Blockages in the drains will cause sink issues, affecting the overall hygiene of the kitchen. Therefore, hire a professional to thoroughly clean the drains every 2-3 weeks.


                            Just because it is a cleaning appliance doesn’t mean it should not be cleaned. The dishwashers in the kitchen also need proper cleaning and sanitization. Use an anti-bacterial cleaner to turn the dishwasher into a spotlessly clean appliance. Likewise, the cutlery and the glassware cleaners should also be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis for the best results.

                            Waste Disposal Units:

                            Tough buildup in the waste disposal unit in the kitchen doesn’t just create blockages but also releases foul smells. This can take a toll on the air quality inside the kitchen and the restaurant as a whole. There are specific cleaning products that you can use to remove the stubborn buildup in the disposal units and have the entire drainage system work efficiently as a result. Seek the help of professionals to choose the right cleaning products.

                            Kitchen Floor, Hard Surfaces and Ceilings

                            Grease buildup, grime, and food crumbs are not limited to kitchen equipment and cooking appliances alone. If you have been operating a restaurant for a couple of years now, you will know how unhygienic floors, walls, and ceilings of the kitchen can become over time. If such buildup is ignored or not cleaned properly, it can release unpleasant smells to linger around and become a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria and harmful germs. If you don’t want your workers and visitors to fall sick due to this unhygienic environment, you should make cleaning the walls, floors, hard surfaces, and ceilings a crucial part of the cleaning routine. While you may have been sweeping and mopping the walls and floors, stains from spills and grease buildup will not go away easily. For effective deep cleaning and sanitization, you will need to hire a restaurant cleaning service. If your restaurant is located in Denver, CO, you can always rely on APS Hoods for proper cleaning of all the walls, floors, and ceilings in the facility. Whether it is the cleaning of walls, floors, ceilings, or any other hard surfaces, our skilled professionals will use the right cleaning product and leave it after application to sit there for a few minutes. This will allow the product to work effectively and disinfect the surface in a proper manner. After the deep cleaning is complete, you will have all surfaces free from bacteria and germs, and the entire restaurant facility will smell fresh and present a truly welcoming environment for guests.

                            How to Create a Restaurant Cleaning Routine

                            From day one of opening your restaurant, you should set up a well-defined cleaning routine. Apart from promoting a cleanliness culture among kitchen workers and the staff, you should come up with a cleaning schedule, which is specific and clearly defines what exactly needs to be cleaned and when. You will need to categorize various cleaning tasks on the basis of how frequently they are needed for a healthy and safe environment in the restaurant. Some cleaning tasks will need to be carried out more frequently than others. Make sure your cleaning routine outlines each task in clear detail. Of course, creating a restaurant cleaning checklist will prove to be highly effective. You can outline regular and more frequent tasks that should be carried out between every shift. If you run a large commercial kitchen, you should work with an experienced restaurant cleaning company in or near your location to develop a customized cleaning schedule for each area of your facility.

                            Do You Need Professional Restaurant Cleaning?

                            It is difficult to maintain cleanliness in a big restaurant or a large commercial kitchen solely with the help of the staff. At the American Professional Services (APS-Hoods), we specialize in the cleaning of kitchen appliances, cooking equipment, exhaust hood, vents, and ducts as well as all the floors, walls, ceilings, and hard surfaces of a restaurant facility. If you are a restaurant proprietor, we can be your most ideal cleaning partner for creating a fresh, welcoming, and healthy environment for your employees and guests. In addition to these, we also offer commercial hood installation, hood repair, HVAC repair, and fire protection system installation, etc. Our goal is to keep your restaurant squeaky clean, healthy, and safe all year round. Feel free to reach out to our Denver, CO, office via a phone call or an email for your free consultation for restaurant cleaning. Some related post:
                            1. Do You Have a Smoky Kitchen? We Have the Perfect Solutions.
                            2. Exhaust System Cleaning for Restaurants (A Quick Guide)
                            3. Restaurant Cleaning Instructions and Checklists for a Happier Health Inspector

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                              Exhaust System Cleaning
                              Do You Have a Smoky Kitchen?

                              Do You Have a Smoky Kitchen? We Have the Perfect Solutions.

                              Running a restaurant kitchen is not a small feat. As the owner, you have to pay attention to an array of tasks for smooth operation. After you are done choosing the right type of kitchen appliances and creating a great menu, you need to deal with greater challenges such as ventilation, fire suppression, and the overall air quality of your restaurant. Unlike a home kitchen, a large commercial kitchen generates a lot of smoke and grease on a regular basis. A smoky kitchen poses a range of health and safety risks that you must avoid in an effective manner. If you are struggling with a smoky kitchen and want to improve the ventilation of your restaurant kitchen, you should always invest in a top-quality exhaust hood system as well as perform its maintenance on a regular basis. This is exactly where you are going to need the help of experts. At American Professional Services (APS Hoods), we offer the most ideal solutions to keep your commercial kitchen smoke-free. Our services include exhaust hood cleaning and commercial kitchen cleaning as well as installation and maintenance of exhaust hood systems by experts. If the exhaust hood system is top quality and the hood fans function effectively and you maintain the system well, you can get rid of smoke and improve air quality in the kitchen. 

                              Importance of Ventilation for Your Restaurant Kitchen

                              The high volume of cooking in a large kitchen produces a range of contaminants such as smoke, steam, and grease. As a result of this, the air quality inside the kitchen becomes poor. The airborne contaminants make it difficult for the staff to productively work inside the kitchen. Not just the staff, it also puts the health and safety of your customers and neighbors at risk. If you plan to properly run your kitchen and keep your business growing, you must always see to it that the airflow is proper and the ventilation system functions with maximum efficiency.

                              Health and Safety

                              You can never run a successful restaurant business unless you pay serious attention to the health and safety needs of the staff and guests. The smoke and odor generated in a commercial kitchen contain a number of harmful contaminants which can cause multiple types of skin and eye allergies as well as respiratory problems. A high-quality exhaust ventilation system removes the smoke and odor from the kitchen and keeps your staff and customers safe and healthy.

                              Comfortable Working Environment

                              Working inside a large kitchen for hours on end is a difficult job in itself. It is your duty as the owner to provide a comfortable working environment to your employees and staff. If the workers feel comfortable, they will be able to work efficiently and their productivity will increase. Happy and productive employees translate to getting more work done in an appropriate manner. Therefore, make sure the ventilation system in your kitchen is functioning efficiently. If it is not, you should either get it repaired without any delay or replace it with a top-quality exhaust hood system.

                              Energy Efficiency

                              Proper ventilation improves airflow inside the kitchen and enhances the efficiency of the HVAC system. As a result of this, the energy consumption is reduced and you are able to save on your utility bills.

                              Kitchen Odor Management

                              In a large kitchen, you can’t avoid odors that are produced from cooking and food itself. But you can certainly manage it so that the odor is removed quickly and it does not pass on to other areas of the restaurant. Your kitchen exhaust system does this quite well. Provided you maintain the system well, the exhaust hood prevents odors from the kitchen to escape to other areas.

                              We Provide Expertly Engineered Kitchen Exhaust Hood Solutions

                              All kitchen exhaust hoods are not the same. They vary in design, designation, size, and other features. In the market, you will come across a variety of exhaust hood systems of multiple qualities. It is crucial to select a system that is the most ideal match for the kind and volume of cooking you do. At the APS Hoods, we follow a well-defined procedure to equip your restaurant with the most perfect exhaust hood design.

                              Type of Cooking:

                              What type of cooking you do matters more than the volume of cooking in your restaurant. Certain cooking procedures generate more smoke and grease than others. The first thing our team does is to inspect the kind of cooking that is done in your commercial kitchen. If you are only frying, boiling, and grilling, one specific type of hood will be required. There is another exhaust hood system for kitchens where cooking also involves baking and steaming.

                              The volume of Smoke:

                              The volume of heat, smoke, and grease your kitchen produces is also a crucial factor that plays a role in the selection of the right kind of exhaust hood for your restaurant. Depending on this volume, your commercial kitchen will require a hood with a specific exhaust rate.  Our ventilation experts will conduct a proper inspection of your commercial kitchen to calculate the exhaust rate. APS Hoods specializes in providing restaurant kitchens exactly the type of exhaust hoods they need. If you are not sure what the exhaust rate for your commercial kitchen should be, feel free to reach out to one of our professionals for a detailed consultation.

                              Design of Kitchen:

                              When it comes to getting the perfect solution for a smoky kitchen, the design of the kitchen also needs to be considered. The hood design should be in line with the design of your commercial kitchen. There are different types of exhaust hoods including Proximity Hoods, Wall-mounted Canopy Hoods, and Island Canopy Hoods. Each of these comes along with its own unique features and requires a specific type of hoods installation. With the help of our professionals, you will be able to select the best matching hood for your kitchen.

                              Size of Kitchen:

                              Apart from the type of cooking you do, the exhaust rate, and the design of your kitchen, you also need to take into account the size of your commercial kitchen. To craft the most ideal solution for the proper removal of smoke, heat, and grease and to create an effective capture zone, our team of ventilation experts will measure the size and height of your kitchen. The exhaust hood installation must be done at the correct height to maximize efficiency. The hood needs to be installed in a way that the smoke from the kitchen does not pass to other areas of the restaurant. That is why consulting with experts should never be ignored, if you want the perfect hoods.  

                              Our Full Suite of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood Services

                              APS Hoods offers a whole range of services to cover everything related to the proper installation and maintenance of kitchen exhaust hoods. Whether you are already running a restaurant or you are planning to start one soon, you can always rely on us for the highest quality of services.

                              Kitchen Hood Installation

                              For a smoke-free environment, your kitchen needs a highly efficient ventilation system. Based in Denver, Colorado, APS Hoods has been offering expert installation services for a range of restaurants and large kitchens. There are multiple factors that must be considered to carry out a hood installation in a correct and effective manner. No matter how much cooking you do and what the size of your commercial kitchen is, we will fit your kitchen with the most ideal kitchen hood that properly replaces the contaminated air with fresh, breathable air. We specialize in the installation of hoods over each of your main cooking appliances and equipment which includes air ducts, exhaust fans, and many other components of your restaurant’s HVAC.

                              Exhaust Hood Repair

                              In a large, commercial kitchen, anything can go wrong with your exhaust hood due to various reasons. The ventilation system can malfunction or the exhaust fans can stop working all of a sudden.  As a smart restaurant owner, you should always invest in a high-quality exhaust hood system that performs its job well. You need ventilation that functions at the highest level of efficiency so as to continuously replace the smoky and heated air with fresh air from outside. If you notice any issue with your exhaust hood, reach out to us and our technicians will do the repairs. For exhaust hood repair, we employ advanced methods and the latest equipment and tools. 

                              Kitchen Hood Cleaning

                              Every commercial kitchen requires thorough cleaning on a regular basis, due to the high volume of cooking that goes on in it. Most importantly, the kitchen hoods need deep cleaning by professionals. At the APS Hoods, we provide thorough vent hood cleaning, exhaust fan cleaning, duct cleaning, and the removal of grease, dirt, and grime to have a bright and squeaky clean kitchen.

                              Talk to Kitchen Exhaust Hoods Specialists

                              It is essential to keep your commercial kitchen free from heat, smoke, and grease and offer your workers and visitors a healthy and safe environment. Whether you are in need of exhaust hoods installation, repair, or maintenance, head straight to APS Hoods. Located in Denver, Colorado, we help a wide range of restaurants and large kitchens run smoothly and safely. You can reach out to our hood installation experts and technicians via a quick phone call or email.

                              Some Related Psts:

                              1. Exhaust System Cleaning for Restaurants (A Quick Guide)

                              2. Restaurant Cleaning Instructions and Checklists for a Happier Health Inspector

                              3. Restaurant Cleaning Services: Commercial Kitchen Appearances Matter – The Importance of a Pristine Exhaust Hood Finish | Denver

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                                Exhaust System Cleaning
                                ventilation systems | Exhaust System Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                Exhaust System Cleaning for Restaurants (A Quick Guide)

                                Restaurants use kitchen exhaust systems for the safety of their staff and guests. The kitchen ventilation system keeps the cooking space free from heat, stuffy air, smoke, stale smells, etc. Today, we have highly effective exhaust systems that perform their responsibilities quite well.  However, it is crucial to pay serious attention to the cleaning of the hood exhaust system – right from the hood, ductwork, and the exhaust fan to the roof of the hood. By performing thorough and proper hood cleaning, you can keep the kitchen protected against fire hazards and make the entire restaurant environment pleasing and comfortable for visitors. Key benefits of kitchen exhaust cleaning include: Prevention from fire hazards Uninterrupted airflow Improved air quality Increased lifespan of kitchen equipment Save money in the long term

                                If you get kitchen hood cleaning done on a regular basis, you don’t just reduce the risks of hazards but you also save money.

                                Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                NFPA Standards for Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning

                                The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has multiple codes and standards to minimize the risks of fire hazards. As a restaurant owner, you are required to abide by their guidelines and make sure you give your kitchen exhaust system a routine professional cleaning. As per the NFPA standards, you should get the kitchen exhaust cleaning done by trained and qualified professionals. Today’s kitchen hood systems use such advanced technologies that restaurant owners don’t understand how the system actually functions and how exactly it needs to be cleaned. Commercial kitchen cleaning is an expert’s job. It’s the job of someone who is quite well-versed with the inner workings of modern hood systems. If you get the cleaning done by someone who isn’t trained and certified, you’ll be only putting the life of the kitchen staff at risk. In the occurrence of a fire, you may have to face potential litigation. Therefore, always ensure that you hire a professional hood cleaning company. Qualified and experienced professionals understand the exhaust system of a kitchen like the back of their hand. They use a variety of techniques to clean the different components of the hood system in an effective manner. 

                                Methods for Cleaning Kitchen Exhaust

                                Broadly speaking, there are two fundamental methods that hood cleaning companies use – scraping and pressure washing. Pressure washing is also termed as steam cleaning. Both the cleaning methods are known for their effectiveness in different cleaning situations. Depending on the specific needs of a commercial restaurant, the cleaning company can either use scraping or pressure washing or both. Provided it is done well, scraping will give remarkable results. At the same time, scraping of duct systems is a low-cost cleaning method. On the other hand, pressure washing or steam cleaning takes a lot of time and it is an expensive method. Since this is an elaborate cleaning method, cleaning companies need to do some advance planning and preparation for the same. Moreover, this cleaning method involves the use of some expensive equipment and tools. The biggest plus point or benefit of this method is that it can clean the hood exhaust system of the kitchen to bare metal. In most cases, cleaners use a combination of both scraping and steam cleaning to do an excellent job of exhaust cleaning. In this way, the kitchen hood system is cleaned thoroughly and the overall environment gets enhanced protection from different kinds of fire and safety hazards.

                                Step-by-Step Cleaning of the Hood System

                                The kitchen exhaust system consists of multiple parts, which work together to pull out grease, smoke, heat, and fumes from the kitchen. The hood cleaning process involves paying adequate attention to each comprising part of the kitchen exhaust so that proper and thorough cleaning can be done.

                                Disconnect Movable Elements:

                                A kitchen exhaust system has some parts which are portable. This means you can detach them from the main unit while leaving only the static components. Next, hood cleaners remove the grease filters and use the plastic sheeting to create the shape of the chute along the outer edge of the exhaust system for the cleaning process to begin. Exhaust Rooftop Cleaning: Usually, most professionals begin cleaning from the roof of the hood system. The exhaust fan housing is a potential area that collects a lot of grease over time. Hood cleaners will either remove the grease from this element or replace the grease pads with new ones. This component needs more attention from hood cleaners. Wherever there is grease buildup, the cleaning company will clean all the pads and filters.

                                Exhaust Fan Cleaning:

                                The cleaning of exhaust fans is a task in itself. Kitchen exhaust cleaning professionals inspect this area and start cleaning as per what is required. They will clean the fan blades. They’ll review the motor and find out if it is in good condition and working properly. They will inspect the bearings. If the fan belt is loose, the cleaner will fix it as well.

                                Ductwork Cleaning:

                                Cleaning the ducts is one of the most essential parts of the overall exhaust system cleaning. Professionals use the method of steam washing to clean the ductwork of the exhaust. For cleaning convenience, the NFPA recommends restaurant owners use large access panels. If your ductwork has large access panels, it will be easy for the staff to perform the cleaning task. If the access panels are not wide enough, the cleaning company will ask you to replace them and use wider access panels. Cleaning contractors can also use scrapping as part of ductwork cleaning for thorough and proper cleaning.

                                Hood Cleaning:

                                The plenum and the inside of the kitchen hood have grease buildup that isn’t always easy to clean. If the buildup is stubborn, the cleaning professional will use the scraping method for cleaning. Otherwise, they will clean these areas through the pressure washer system. Pressure washing is often needed for cleaning the hoods of the exhaust system.  After the cleaning of the hood system is complete, the contractor will dispose of all the grease and wastewater from the kitchen. They’ll efficiently reconnect all the detachable elements of the kitchen exhaust. Then, an inspection of the exhaust will follow to make sure all components are well-connected and the entire system is working properly. If there are leakage issues with the ductwork, they will fix it and finally submit a report of the completed cleaning assignment.

                                How Often Exhaust Cleaning Should be Done

                                The frequency of exhaust cleaning varies from one kitchen to another. It depends on the volume of cooking in the kitchen. Another important factor is whether the stove used is wood-burning or gas. If you use a wood stove or charcoal stove, exhaust hood cleaning will be required more frequently. In fact, you’ll need a hood cleaning service at the interval of every two weeks. There are different cleaning frequencies for 24 hours of restaurants, cafeteria, hamburger restaurants, snack bars, etc.  Regardless of what type of restaurant you operate, you should get in touch with a reputed, commercial kitchen cleaning company and have a consultation about your specific cleaning needs. Kitchen exhaust cleaning can never be ignored by any food establishment or restaurant. Routine exhaust cleaning helps you abide by the NFPA and local fire codes as well as enhance the safety of the cooking staff and the guests that come to your restaurant. Regular cleaning also increases the lifespan of kitchen equipment. If you are looking for a kitchen hood cleaning service, feel free to give APS-Hoods a quick call or shoot them an email. They operate in areas like Colorado, Lakewood, Aurora, etc.

                                Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your pressure washing, ventilation, sanitizing, or vent/duct/hood needs.

                                How to Choose a Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Service

                                Kitchen exhaust cleaning is a job that comes with a lot of responsibility. If you end up working with a fly-by-night cleaning company, you can get yourself in serious trouble. Worse still, you may have to completely shut down your restaurant business. Therefore, always make sure the cleaning company you work with is well-known, reputed, qualified, and trained for doing the job. Before you hire a company that provides hood cleaning, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask them a couple of questions in regard to:
                                • Certification, affiliation
                                • Overall experience
                                • Areas of expertise
                                • References
                                • Training program for employees
                                These are some of the key criteria on the basis of which you can vet the commercial kitchen cleaning contractor. When you are entrusting a crucial task such as kitchen hood cleaning, you should work only with the best. A good cleaning company offers you quality and value for money. APS-Hoods, operating throughout Colorado, is a kitchen hood cleaning company that carries 20 years of experience. They have worked with a wide range of small and big restaurant businesses and have successfully conducted the cleaning tasks. APS-Hoods has affiliations with the National Fire Protection Agency. The company is also fully insured and bonded. When working with APS-Hoods, you can feel confident that your kitchen exhaust system will get a proper and thorough cleaning, which is in full compliance with the state and local codes.

                                Some Related Posts:

                                All About Exhaust Hood System CleaningRestaurant Cleaning Services: Commercial Kitchen

                                Appearances Matter – The Importance of a Pristine Exhaust Hood Finish | Denver

                                Hood Exhaust Cleaning & Kitchen Maintenance Best Practices for Busy Restaurants

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                                  Commercial Kitchen deep cleaning | Covid-19 | sanitizer | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                  Maintaining Your Commercial Kitchen During COVID-19 with APS-Hoods revised

                                  As you know, deep cleaning your restaurant and the commercial kitchen does not just give it a beautiful, sparkling appearance, it also keeps your customers and employees safe! During the COVID-19 pandemic, this level of safety is more important than ever.

                                  The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new reality for the restaurant industry: social distancing, altered operating standards, and the need for intense cleaning. Keeping your kitchen sanitary will help keep your customers both safe and happy, as well as more likely to return to your establishment.

                                  Having a professionally cleaned restaurant implies a high level of care for your customers. So here is all you need to know about maintaining your commercial kitchen during the COVID-19 pandemic, straight from the professionals themselves.

                                  Cleaning During COVID-19

                                  Why is it so important to keep your kitchen clean and sanitized during the COVID-19 pandemic? The viral outbreak caused by COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. With over 4.5 million cases worldwide, and over 350,000 reported deaths due to the virus, it has caused devastation on a global scale.

                                  COVID-19 can cause severe respiratory problems including trouble breathing, fever, loss of smell and taste, and even blood clots. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has had a major impact on the restaurant industry, with restaurants either forced to close or operate at a lower capacity. It has been connected to incidents at many restaurants, eateries, and coffee shops, including Starbucks, Panera, and Waffle House.

                                  Gaining customer trust as restaurant limitations are raised depends on more than just handling food safely. Having your restaurant cleaned and sanitized by a professional company is a prime way to show your customers that you are taking this seriously. This entails cleaning your kitchen appliances, walls, floors, dumpsters, ceilings, vents, grease ducts, hoods, and fans.

                                  Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your pressure washing, ventilation, sanitizing, or vent/duct/hood needs.

                                  Proactive Cleaning During COVID-19

                                  Both the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Food Industry Association have put out special guidelines on how to proactively clean your restaurant during this time. These include a front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house cleaning checklist.

                                  Front of the House

                                  The front of the house gives off the first impression that your customers will get of your restaurant. Taking the following steps will ensure that their first impression is a good one and that you are taking the sanitization of your restaurant seriously.

                                  • Sanitizing tables, countertops, registers, floors, walls, and bathrooms. This will mitigate the risk of transmitting or contracting COVID-19. The virus can live on surfaces for hours. Wiping down surfaces and continually participating in restaurant cleaning help stop the spread of the virus.


                                  • Make sure you are using cleaning solutions that are proven to eliminate COVID-19. Not all cleaning solutions are effective in killing the COVID-19 virus. Make sure you use cleaning solutions that are certified to be effective in eliminating COVID-19.

                                  Back of the House

                                  The back of the house is where you are making the magic happen! Because there is so much going on, the back of the house also gets dirty. Food is being made; dishes are being taken out, and messy plates are being brought back in. Even now, while many restaurants are not fully open, the back of the house remains busy. Below are some steps that your restaurant can take for the back of the house cleanliness.

                                  • Sanitizing countertops, prep areas, cooking equipment, refrigerators, walk-in coolers, food storage areas, sink areas, floors, walls, and ceilings. These are the areas and surfaces where food is handled and prepared. It is imperative that they clean and sanitized regularly, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                  • Ensure there is soap, clean towels (or paper towels), and accessible sinks. Your staff is working hard to make sure that your restaurant stays open, safe, and profitable. Make sure that they also have the tools needed to stay safe in the kitchen!


                                  • Cleaning with EPA-approved disinfectants.

                                   At APS-Hoods, we can make this process easy and less time consuming for you by providing you with complete kitchen cleaning. This would include all kitchen items and surfaces mentioned above.

                                  Your Kitchen Exhaust and Fire Protection Needs During COVID-19

                                  Having your kitchen hood exhaust system professionally cleaned is something that is of the highest importance when it comes to maintaining your restaurant. Not only does it help keep your restaurant clean, but it also helps to prevent kitchen fires. Not having a properly cleaned hood system is one of the leading causes of commercial kitchen fires. At APS-Hoods we take this very seriously, and our goal is to make sure that your hood exhaust system is thoroughly cleaned if grease and other fire hazardous build. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the danger posed by the build-up of fire hazardous grease is still very much present.

                                  Having your hood professionally cleaned is also a way to keep in line with fire protection codes and regulations. It is also required by insurance companies. Allow us to help you remain compliant with your local fire department, as well as your insurance company. We will clean your hood exhaust system from the atmosphere to the atmosphere. This includes the hood, filters, all areas of the grease duct (including opening any access panels), and the exhaust fan. We will make sure that the fire hazardous grease is cleaned out of your hood system.

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                                    Commercial Kitchen deep cleaning

                                    APS-Hoods: Time-Tested Experts

                                    We understand that deep cleaning your restaurant takes a lot of time and effort. With COVID-19 continuing to spread, taking on this endeavor can be even more nerve-wracking. So leave the complete commercial kitchen and restaurant deep cleaning to the professionals.

                                    APS-Hoods are the experts when it comes to sanitizing, cleaning, and disinfecting your commercial kitchen during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have 20 years of experience providing restaurant kitchen cleaning, complete restaurant cleaning, and hood exhaust system cleaning. We are also National Fire Protection Agency affiliated, fully insured, bonded, and service Colorado and the surrounding states with our quality guarantee.

                                    When you work with APS-Hoods, you work with a team that will go above and beyond to proactively address any of your commercial kitchen and hood exhaust system needs, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. You focus on your customers; we’ll focus on the rest. Whether you’re looking for pressure washing, kitchen cleaning, hood exhaust system cleaning, or anything in between, we are here for you.

                                    Are you ready to build customer trust and keep the health inspectors, fire departments, and insurance carriers happy? Contact APS-Hoods today for a free in-town quote for all your hood cleaning, grease duct, kitchen sanitization/cleaning, disinfecting, and restaurant cleaning needs.

                                    There is no obligation when you call APS-Hoods for a quote on your commercial restaurant kitchen and hood exhaust system cleaning needs. We are here to give you the resources and information you need to make the best decisions for your business. So contact us today for help maintaining your commercial kitchen through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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                                    Restaurant Cleaning Services in Denver, Colorado

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                                    Hood Cleaning Services | Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood | Grease Management | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                    Grease Management Tips for Restaurant Cleanliness & Fire Prevention

                                    Grease is one of those things that can harm your restaurant. No, not the musical. We’re talking about food-related grease, the hot liquid and cold solid material that can clog your drains and cause flames to rage out of control.  The fact is, grease buildup is one of the top hazards that can affect restaurants and other commercial kitchen establishments everywhere. If you have accumulated grease, it’s only a matter of time before you face the trouble of your own. There is hope, however. Excess grease can be prevented once you know the proper steps to follow.  Here is all you need to know about this food waste material and how to avoid expensive fines, closures due to fire, as well as bodily injury and death that can all be caused by the buildup of grease. 

                                    Hazards of Indoor Grease Buildup 

                                    The average restaurant produces copious amounts of waste in the form of grease on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. While it’s easy to let grease management fall by the wayside, especially as you deal with all the stress that comes with running a busy restaurant, forgoing the grease cleanup is a mistake. These are some of the issues you are likely to run into if you allow the grease to pile up out of control. 

                                    – Enhanced Risk of Bodily Harm

                                    Grease can easily find its way onto your tile floor. When that happens, watch out. Employees can slip and slide and even fall down, leading to an expensive liability issue. OSHA regulations for restaurant safety require you, as the restaurant owner or manager, to create a safe working environment that is free of hazards like the accumulation of grease that could then go on to cause injury or death.  If an employee is injured on your greasy floor, all that person has to do is file a complaint with OSHA while claiming damages. Do you really want that expense or knowledge that you could have prevented the employee’s injury by cleaning up all the grease? The lesson? Keep the floors and entire establishment grease-free to prevent injuries and future lawsuits.

                                    Plumbing Backups

                                    While it’s true that grease becomes liquid during the cooking process, the substance hardens when it cools. Before you know it, you have a gelatinous mess on your hands. If that mess finds its way into your plumbing system, you face a heavy clog. To make matters worse, when your business’s plumbing is affected, the problem could go on to clog the local sewer system, causing a stinky mess that isn’t easy to clean. Unless you want number two all over your commercial kitchen and dining areas, cleaning grease buildup should become your number one priority.

                                    FOG Fees

                                    Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) should all be disposed of properly. FOG programs around the country exist to monitor restaurants and other food establishments for the purposes of ensuring sanitary conditions and the appropriate disposal of FOG. These programs also require you to properly service and maintain all Grease Management removal equipment.  If you don’t comply, you could be hit with expensive FOG build up fees.

                                    Environmental Damage

                                    You might wonder how to grease buildup inside your business could possibly be an environmental concern. However, the cost to the local ecosystem becomes clearer when you consider the following. Your standard rooftop grease collector maintains about four quarts of grease. Your kitchen exhaust hood sends about a quart of grease to the rooftop collector each month. If you only change out the grease pad every year when the inspector comes around, you could find yourself dumping around eight quarts of grease onto your roof each year. The moment it rains, all that grease could flow off your roof and into your rain gutters, subsequently finding itself into your storm drain, and then into the streams and rivers. All that grease can quickly go on to kill plants, fish, and other wildlife.  Keep the environment clean by keeping your restaurant free of excess grease. 

                                    EPA Penalties 

                                    The unauthorized discharge of grease-tainted stormwater is against the law. You could be subject to fines from the Environmental Protection Agency if you don’t keep up with the buildup of grease in your rooftop collection system. 

                                    Foul Odors

                                    The longer grease remains in your kitchen, the worse it’s going to smell. Your goal is to keep a clean and pleasant-smelling environment for your customers to enjoy a meal. Having an unpleasant odor wafting from your kitchen isn’t going to cut it and could lead to declining business and negative reviews.  Keep your restaurant smelling like the delicious meals you serve by keeping excess grease at bay.


                                    Lingering grease can attract mice, rats, drain flies, roaches, and other nasty vermin.  The fact is, a buildup of heavy grease is a serious sanitation issue.

                                     Increased Fire Risk

                                    Aside from cleanliness, the heightened fire risk is by far the most important reason for Grease Management in your commercial kitchen. Grease is highly flammable. When it builds up, the risk of dangerous fire significantly increases. When a fire ignites, you face restaurant damage and injury, or even loss of life. The financial drain on your business could be enormous, not to mention the emotional toll on customers and staff. Your reputation could be harmed, and your bottom line could be affected for months, if not years, into the future.  Keep the risk of fire at an absolute minimum by cleaning the grease inside your establishment on a regular basis. 

                                    The Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Excess Grease Buildup 

                                    You now have plenty of reasons to maintain a grease-free environment for customers and staff. Here are a few steps to follow to ensure that happens now and in the future. 

                                    Clean Your Grease Traps

                                    Your kitchen’s grease trap doesn’t just catch grease, but it also catches oil and fat. Remember FOG? Oh yeah, your grease trap’s full of it. It’s up to you to empty it out every once in a while. If you fail to clean the trap, all that grease can find its way into the local sewer, and we’re right back to a sewer backup.  You can clean a grease trap on your own. You can even get your staff to do the job for you. However, only a professional can ensure that the grease trap is opened, cleaned, serviced, maintained, and sealed properly. A wrong move can leave a grease trap that isn’t properly cleaned or that isn’t well-maintained, giving you problems sooner or later.  Most grease traps have to be opened carefully, with specialized tools so that you don’t break the gaskets. All that gunk needs to be removed and then properly disposed of. You can’t just dump all that FOG down the drain, nor should you toss it into the garbage. You can get fined for that, which is another case for getting professionals to do the job on your behalf. Professionals can also repair parts and replace them as needed, making sure your FOG excess is always collected and that all the waste in the local sewer system stays right where it belongs.

                                    How Often Should Grease Traps Be Cleaned?

                                    Your restaurant’s grease trap cleaning frequency will vary depending on the size of your trap and the amount of grease your staff use in your kitchen. Most cities require restaurants to clean the trap so that they maintain less than 25% FOG accumulation. For most establishments, this equates to a thorough cleaning at least once per quarter and sometimes as frequently as once per month. 

                                    Grease Trap Buildup Warning Signs

                                    You should be aware of indicators that can tell you when your grease trap should be cleaned and/or maintained. One warning sign to look for is a drain system that doesn’t go down as fast. Backed up drains are almost a sure sign that there is too much grease in your trap.  Another warning sign is a strong and foul odor. FOG waste produces an extremely unpleasant odor after sitting stagnant for extended periods of time. You need to ensure you remove them frequently. Cleaning grease traps properly, and having professionals do the job, will prevent these foul odors from accumulating inside your restaurant.  Finally, if your sewers are backing up, that could be an indication that your grease trap is full and needs to be cleaned out. 

                                    Vent Hood Cleaning

                                    A dirty ventilation hood can be a major fire hazard. You can also get fined by your health inspector for having blocked or soiled ventilation components. Your staff should be engaging in nightly, weekly, and monthly cleaning duties. One of those duties is likely the cleaning of the grease filters on the vent hoods. But how well is your staff inspecting the hoods to ensure they are free of all grease and debris? You can maintain the cleanest vent hoods and keep the health inspector happy with regular vent hood cleaning by experienced professionals. A vent hood cleaning service will ensure that every inch of your unit is clean and well-maintained. Most importantly, the service will keep you code-compliant. Those codes exist to keep your restaurant, personnel, and customers safe from foul smoke and dangerous fire. For those reasons and more, you will sleep easier knowing that your vent hoods are cleaned by those who know the value of cleaner and more breathable air. 

                                    Cooking Oil Pickup 

                                    It’s not just grease you have to worry about. You also should think about any cooking oil your kitchen is producing to excess. It can be dangerous to leave used cooking oil just hanging around. Talk about a fire hazard! A single spark can pose a dangerous situation to your building, staff, and loyal customers. For this reason, ensure that you are removing used cooking oil on your premises and that you are following all local rules and regulations while doing so. You can ensure that your restaurant follows the law by calling on certified professionals who regularly work with FOG related removal. Removing used cooking oil doesn’t have to be a messy job. In fact, professional services exist whose reputation depends on fast, clean, and courteous pickups of all types of substances, including used oil and grease. 

                                    Clean Your Kitchen Floors

                                    Grease doesn’t have to spill in a puddle to cause a fire or slip hazard. Grease can accumulate on your kitchen floors for a long time. This results in a sheet of grease that must be removed if you hope to leave your restaurant safe for staff and customers alike. Your kitchen floors are especially susceptible to grease buildup after the grease trap has been cleaned and maintained.  While your staff is undoubtedly keeping your floors somewhat cleaned with their nightly sanitation duties, professional cleaning on a regular basis can give you much better peace of mind. Professional floor cleaners use powerful degreasing agents. They also use heavy duty machines like floor scrubbers and carpet steamers. Removing grease can be done with your wait and kitchen staff, but professional services will make sure your floors are always cleaned to your satisfaction.

                                    Now, For Major Grease No-Nos

                                    So far, we have covered steps you can do to keep grease buildup from becoming a problem. Now we are going to discuss a couple of things you should never do to keep your restaurant clean and free from grease buildup.

                                    No Pouring Grease Down the Drains!

                                    Everyone in your kitchen should know that you should never pour grease down the drain directly. However, you are essentially doing that very thing when you allow food waste of any kind to grace your drain system. All waste should be disposed of properly, in the garbage bin, particularly solid food waste. Don’t rely on garbage disposals and always empty your drain strainers.  The goal of your kitchen staff should be to minimize at all costs the amount of food that sneaks into the grease trap.

                                    Don’t Leave Outdoor Oil Storage Containers Unsecured

                                    If you recycle cooking oil and leave that oil stored in outdoor containers, make sure they are always properly secured. These containers should always be locked away and maintained so that they are far from wastewater systems. These protocols ensure that the grease and oils never enter the natural environment. Locking the containers also keeps thieves from stealing and selling your used oil and build-up grease. 

                                    Don’t Let the Grease Buildup Get Out of Hand 

                                    You now know the damage that can be done to your restaurant if you allow grease and FOG altogether to accumulate to excess. The restaurant cleaning professionals at APS-Hoods want to talk to you if you have heavy amounts of grease and wish to make your establishment cleaner and safer for everyone involved.  Your staff and customers deserve an environment that is sanitary and that prevents slips, falls, and deadly fires. Let us provide you with a free quote and we can ensure your grease stays at a minimum for maximum health and safety. Call now in Denver, Colorado

                                    Some Related Postes:

                                    What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?

                                    Do You Have a Smoky Kitchen? We Have the Perfect Solutions.

                                    Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

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                                      Grease Management
                                      Restaurant Cleaning Instructions | Restaurant Cleaning Instructions |commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                      Restaurant Cleaning Instructions and Checklists for a Happier Health Inspector

                                      Restaurant Cleaning Instructions – Denver, CO: Restaurant cleaning is no easy feat. Even on a slow day, crumbs could find their way into the carpet, a little grease could get splashed onto the walls, and the bathrooms could end up looking like a war zone.

                                      That’s not even mentioning all the places there are to clean in your average restaurant. The floors, walls, ceilings, kitchen, bathrooms, and other areas will need to be scrubbed thoroughly. Because you know what happens if you don’t engage in the necessary cleaning. Your health inspector could become displeased.

                                      No restaurant owner wants an unhappy health inspector. You could face foul marks that could make their way to the news, and you could be levied with fines or even be forced to shut your establishment down.

                                      Let’s prevent any of that from happening, shall we? Here are some steps to take to ensure that the health inspector always gives you rave reviews for every future inspection. 

                                      Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate


                                      Restaurant Cleaning 101

                                      Most restaurants have their staff clean the floors, tables, and kitchen on a nightly basis. Doing so prevents rodents and insects from becoming guests of your establishment and makes the place nice and presentable for the next wave of customers. 

                                      However, sweeping and vacuuming the floors and wiping down the tables, even giving the kitchen a complete scrub-down is inadequate at best for keeping your restaurant clean. For a more thorough job, you should consider hiring a restaurant janitorial company. 

                                      Advantages of Restaurant Cleaning by Professional Janitors

                                      You may think you are saving money by having your staff do all the cleaning, but restaurants who choose to hire janitors get to enjoy the following benefits.

                                      Safe & Sanitary Environment

                                      Your staff may not have the training or experience to get all the grease off the floors, which can lead to slips and falls. If your staff misses some crumbs in the corner or fail to get the hidden grease off the walls, you could be inviting roaches, rats, and dangerous microbes into your restaurant. 
                                      Learn more about: Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean: How Long Will the Kitchen be Down and is It Worth It?

                                      Professional janitors make your restaurant safer for staff and customers and will sterilize your environment to make it unappealing to pests while simultaneously making your restaurant inviting to customers. 

                                      Health Code Compliance

                                      Most local health codes require you to get your restaurant professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This is necessary for safety and sanitation, which we have mentioned, but it’s also a good idea if you want to serve excellent food that won’t make your customers sick.

                                      They Can Clean Hard to Reach Places

                                      Professional janitors can clean the walls, floors, ceiling tiles, and every other area of your restaurant. They don’t cut corners like staff might when they’re trying to get off early. Janitors will clean in the corners and in every nook and cranny to ensure a complete restaurant cleaning job.

                                      Complete Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

                                      Keeping the Back of House Clean

                                      When we talk about “back of house” we are referring to the kitchen and other areas that customers aren’t readily exposed to. 

                                      Daily Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning

                                      • Clean the fryers until every remnant of food or grease is gone.
                                      • Sanitize all food preparation surfaces, including the cutting boards.
                                      • Brush and scour the grills until all the crusty gunk is removed.
                                      • Empty the trash cans and wipe them down with a damp rag and antimicrobial soap.
                                      • Take all the rags to the laundry to be professionally cleaned (unless you do this in-house).
                                      • Launder all the chef’s aprons and coats while you’re at it. 
                                      • Sanitize the meat and cheese slicers. 
                                      • Make sure all refrigerated food items are kept in air-tight containers and properly labeled.
                                      • Sweep and mop all floors, including the walk-in cooler and freezer.
                                      • Wipe down the outside of the ice machine.
                                      • Clean the grease traps. 
                                      • Clean the ventilation hood filters by running them through the dishwasher. 
                                      • Replace the tin foil liners on the grills and ranges.
                                      • Empty all the trash and recyclables. 
                                      • Wash the floor mats.
                                      • Empty and clean the steam tables. 
                                      • Sanitize the sinks, faucets, and soda dispensers.
                                      • Properly dispose of all grease and oil.

                                      Weekly Kitchen Cleaning

                                      • Clean the ovens by adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions. 
                                      • Empty, clean, and sanitize the walk-in cooler. 
                                      • Clean the coffee machines. 
                                      • Wash the walls. 

                                      Monthly Kitchen Cleaning

                                      • Wash behind the fryers, flat tops, stoves, and oven. 
                                      • Remove all built-up grease, which can become a fire hazard.
                                      • Empty and clean the walk-in freezer.
                                      • Empty the ice bin, then clean and sanitize the inside. 
                                      • Wash the ceiling tiles.
                                      • Check the equipment: Are the knives sharp? Is the thermometer calibrated?
                                      • Check the entire restaurant for signs of pests and rodents. If you notice droppings or other signs, call pest control immediately!

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                                        Keeping the Front of House Clean

                                        The front of the house includes all the areas staff may come into contact with, including your entrance, dining areas, bar, and others.

                                        Daily Restaurant Cleaning

                                        • Wash every surface of the restaurant (walls, floors, ceilings, countertops, bar, tabletops, chairs, and booths) with clean and sanitized rags. 
                                        • Clean and sanitize the restrooms (you should also check them multiple times per shift and clean them as necessary).
                                        • Sweep and mop the floors.
                                        • Wipe down the condiment dispensers.
                                        • Check the menus for cleanliness and wipe them down as needed.

                                        Weekly Restaurant Cleaning

                                        • Dust the blinds, ceiling fans, walls, picture frames, and anywhere else dust has gathered. 
                                        • Clean the table and chair legs.
                                        • Wipe down the baseboards.

                                        Restaurant Ceiling Cleaning

                                        Even though the ceiling tiles are way up high doesn’t mean they can’t become caked with grease and other contaminants. The fact is, the ceiling is positioned above everything, including your cooking appliances. That means that everyday food is being cooked and prepared, and your ceiling tiles are absorbing everything, from fumes and oil to grease and odors. 

                                        Failing to clean your ceiling tiles can make your entire restaurant look old and dingy. On extreme bases, the ceiling tiles can begin to negatively affect the air quality of your restaurant, leading to a fire hazard and failed health inspections. 

                                        Whether you have your staff clean the tiles or you hire a professional janitorial service, make sure the following steps are performed. Missing even a single step can leave your restaurant susceptible to disaster, and you may end up turning off your customers. 

                                        Cover Everything in the Kitchen

                                        Cleaning the ceiling tiles means that all those contaminants are going to come raining down on your tables, floors, cooking appliances, and everything else. Therefore, make sure you cover everything down below with plastic tarps or drop cloths. You can also use old sheets or butcher paper. While you’re at it, cover your eyes with protective eyewear before the cleaning begins. 

                                        Remove the Tiles

                                        If your restaurant sports a drop ceiling or suspended ceiling tiles, you will first want to remove all the tiles from along the ceiling grid. Use a shop vac and clean all the areas that aren’t readily available, like the vents, corners, and light fixtures. If your shop vac has a dusting attachment, use it to get into the nooks and crannies. If the tiles are excessively filthy, alternate between vacuuming and dusting until the tiles look clean. 

                                        Whatever you do, don’t use disposable dusting cloths on ceiling tiles, as they will snag and tend to leave behind fibers. These fibers, in turn, will catch and attract additional dust and dirt. Use rags or towels instead. 

                                        Clean the Commercial Ceiling Tiles

                                        With the dusting complete, you will next want to wash the tiles using a mixture of ten parts water and one-part dishwashing liquid. Next, use a wet sweeper to swab the tile’s surface. Don’t over-wet the tiles, as you can warp them or cause water damage. Make sure you wring your sweeper out before applying it to the tiles to avoid any water mishaps. 

                                        Instructions for Cleaning Permanent Ceiling Tiles

                                        If you are tasked with cleaning restaurant tiles that are permanently set into the ceiling, use a static duster to first eradicate any loose dirt. From there, use the shop vac to get to all the hard to reach places, then use a wet sweeper dampened in the same dishwashing solution directly onto the ceiling tiles. Don’t get the sweeper too wet so that it doesn’t drip and cause a mess.

                                        Finally, use a lint-free cloth to get the ceiling tiles as dry as possible. 

                                        Call Aps-Hoods Now!

                                        Restaurant Fire Cleaning

                                        The above advice is for standard restaurant cleaning, but what happens when the fire has reared its ugly head? Whether you suffered a small fire, or your restaurant has been gutted, there are strict protocols in place for how your restaurant should be cleaned.

                                        Cleaning and Removing Smoke Odor

                                        After a fire, your entire establishment could end up smelling like a giant ashtray. The first course of action is to give your restaurant a thorough scrubbing while eradicating the foul stench of acrid smoke.

                                        Cleaning the Walls, Furniture, and Floors

                                        To remove soot and smoke from surfaces like walls and floors, and from your furniture, use a mild soap or detergent. You can also mix four to six tablespoons of tri-sodium phosphate and one cup of household cleaner or chlorine bleach to every gallon of warm water. Always wear rubber gloves when cleaning up after a fire and be sure to rinse all the surfaces afterward with clear warm water before drying thoroughly.

                                        Wash the walls one small area at a time. The best technique is to work from the floor up while taking care to prevent streaking. Rinse with clear water immediately after washing. 

                                        You should always wash the ceilings last. If you are considering repainting, only do so after the walls and ceilings are completely clean and dry. You can further reduce the chances of mold growth and mildew by wiping down all the surfaces with a solution comprised of one cup of bleach to a gallon of water. Always test the solution on small areas first to prevent unnecessary discoloring. 

                                        If you have drywall or insulation that was soaked by water from sprinklers or fire hoses, you should consult with a professional for assistance. You cannot dry these areas out and reuse them, as mold and mildew can result. The areas will have to be replaced completely by a professional before your restaurant can reopen. 

                                        Commercial Kitchen Fire Cleaning

                                        Wash all the appliances and pots, pans, and utensils with soapy water. Then, rinse them down before polishing them. They can also be run through the dishwasher. 

                                        If any food or other items were damaged, they must be removed from the premises immediately, preferably before cleaning is conducted.

                                        If your business is closed for renovation or repairs, your establishment will need to be reviewed and inspected by local authorities before you can reopen for business. This is why it is critical that you hire a fire restoration and cleanup service so you’re not handling everything on your own. A service can make sure all steps are completed for a faster and more efficient reopening. 
                                        Learn more about: Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist for Commercial Operations in Denver, CO

                                        Construction Cleaning

                                        There is one more aspect of cleaning a restaurant that we haven’t discussed, and that’s to clean up after new construction or a renovation project. Whether you recently built your establishment, or you remodeled it, you likely have a big mess on your hands. 

                                        Post-Construction Cleanup Checklist

                                        • Sweep and vacuum all the surfaces, including all the ceilings and walls.
                                        • Sweep, mop, and disinfect the floors.
                                        • Vacuum the upholstery. 
                                        • Wipe down the doors, knobs, baseboards, moldings, and hardware. 
                                        • Give a thorough wipe-down and sanitization of the bathrooms and kitchens, including the appliances, cabinets, and counters. 
                                        • Dust and wipe down all the window interiors, including the sills and frames. 
                                        • Dust the air ducts, grates, vents, ceiling fans, blinds, and lighting fixtures.
                                        • Clean hardware such as hinges and handles and clean the outside of all shelves and cabinets.
                                        • Cleaning inside all cabinets is essential.
                                        • You have to clean the inside of the cupboards.
                                        • Remove all trash and debris (though your construction contractor should have removed this already as part of your contract).


                                        Some Related Posts:

                                        The Definitive Guide to Restaurant Facility Cleaning

                                        Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

                                        What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?


                                        Why Not Trust the Restaurant Cleaning to the Experts?

                                        Instead of putting your staff to work on these really tough jobs, call APS-Hoods in Denver, Colorado instead. We can perform restaurant cleaning, kitchen cleaning, fire cleaning, and construction cleaning. Not only will you have less stress, but you can keep the health inspector happy, preventing fines and potential shutdowns. 

                                        Call today for a free estimate and let APS-Hoods make your restaurant the cleanest in town.

                                        Pressure Washing - commercial restaurant kitchen cleaning in Denver, CO | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                        Why is Pressure Washing Important for Restaurants

                                        Getting your restaurant professionally cleaned is important to uphold the level of professionalism you hope to convey to your loyal customers. A clean restaurant tells new customers that the owners take pride in exceptional presentation. When a restaurant is clean, customers tend to trust that the food is of the highest quality and that every effort has been made to appease customers with a sanitized environment.

                                        Without pressure washing, you may inadvertently send a negative message to your customer base about your food quality and services, forcing them to choose elsewhere for their dining needs.
                                        Pressure washing gives the right message that your restaurant is always open and available for a fine dining experience.

                                        Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate

                                        What Can Pressure Wash for Restaurants Clean?

                                        Pressure washing offers a range of benefits for restaurant owners. A pressure washing team can begin with the exterior of the building, helping to clean gum and stains from the sidewalks and patio. If there are grease and oil spills, those defects will quickly become a thing of the past, no matter how old they happen to be.

                                        Your building exterior can be cleaned of dirt and grime, breathing new life into your exceptional curb appeal, and the roof and windows can be sprayed until they look as good as new. Exterior cleaning can also include a deep-water scrub of your parking lot, awnings, entryways, and patio furniture.

                                        One of the most important aspects of exterior cleaning is to ensure that your signage is always viewable and presentable. Pressure washers use a telescoping wand to reach ultra-high signs for enhanced customer attraction.

                                        Only when the outside of your restaurant is completely cleaned will the team move to the interior of your building.
                                        Inside, the pressure washers can clean your kitchen appliances, ovens, and other equipment. All that built-up grease that occurs after numerous busy kitchen shifts can be easily scrubbed clean, making your kitchen much cleaner and less susceptible to dangerous fires. Finally, pressure washing can help to clean the walls and floors of food particles, grease, and caked-on dirt for a spotless kitchen the health inspector will love.

                                        If your restaurant has experienced vandalism such as graffiti, pressure washing can take care of those pesky marks as if they were nothing but chalk on cement. The pressure washing team can even sanitize your dumpster areas and corrals for a thorough job well done.

                                        Learn more about: Pressure Washing for Restaurants

                                        Pressure Washing for a Healthier Restaurant

                                        Not only can pressure washing give your restaurant a sanitized appearance, but the environment will be healthier for your staff and customers.
                                        Pressure washing services can be used to clean your kitchen exhaust systems and other ductwork. Your kitchen exhaust collects all the hot air and grease that builds up during a typical kitchen shift. Over time, your exhaust system and connecting duct systems can become covered with old grease deposits. Not only can all that grease lead to the outbreak of fire, but it can also contaminate your food and the air your staff and customers breathe.

                                        Another reason you will want to have your duct system cleaned is to rid your ventilation system of all signs of mold and mildew. Over time, mold and mildew can make your staff and customers sick, leading to horrible reviews, fines from the health inspector, and a potential shutdown.

                                        Pressure washing your exhaust and duct systems improves your air quality and food purity while keeping your staff and customers safe. When it comes to cleaning your exhaust and duct systems, the pressure washers will focus on all your kitchen hoods, ducts, filters, and fans, ensuring they are free of grease and other particles for long-term safety and cleanliness.

                                        Pressure Washing for a Safer Restaurant

                                        An employee heading to the dumpster with a container of grease and oil can easily cause a spill on the sidewalk, setting the stage for a potential disaster. A customer slipping and falling could open your business to expensive lawsuits, making pressure washing an excellent investment.

                                        Pressure washing can rid your restaurant of all sorts of risks, like fire caused by grease buildup, and accidents caused by slick food waste. With high-pressure water scrubs and superior cleaning agents that are designed for restaurant use, you can feel assured that your customers are safe, and your business protected, every time you order a pressure washing job.

                                        Types of Pressure Washers Available

                                        There are a variety of pressure washers on the market that can be used to sanitize your establishment.
                                        Gas-powered pressure washers are heavy-duty and used to clean a restaurant’s outdoor areas, including the awnings, patios, and the exterior of the building. You only want to use these washers outside as they produce carbon monoxide gas that can pose a danger to staff and customers.
                                        Electric power washers don’t produce carbon monoxide and thus can be used for indoor use, such as in the kitchen area. While not as powerful as gas washers, electric power washers generally have enough oomph to handle most grease-covered restaurant messes.

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                                          Restaurant Fan and Duct

                                          DIY Pressure Washing vs. a Professional Pressure Washing Service

                                          You may be tempted to pressure wash your restaurant all on your own. You should know that the cost of renting a pressure washer may be lower than hiring a professional, but cleaning a restaurant isn’t so easy. You may find that there is a learning curve that goes along with using the pressure washer correctly. This may make the cleaning of the interior and exterior of your business more trouble than it’s worth.

                                          Furthermore, you are required to clean the pressure washer all on your own before returning it. By the time you are finished, the time expenditure and frustration may make you wish you hired a professional pressure washing service, to begin with. We recommend focusing on what you do best, which is to run your restaurant while producing exceptional food. Leave the pressure washing to the professionals instead.

                                          Professional pressure washers have years of experience and know how to use the equipment efficiently so that there is less of a mess and more cleanliness all around. Professionals are also well-versed in safety, which means there is a lowered likelihood of accidents and damage to your valuable equipment.

                                          Finally, commercial equipment tends to be stronger than rented equipment, which means you may not get as much cleanliness out of a rental as you will when hiring professional cleaners.
                                          When you let professional power washers handle the job, you can ensure a clean restaurant without any of the hassles that can come with trying to pressure wash your restaurant all on your own.

                                          Professional Restaurant Waste Removal

                                          Attempting to power wash your restaurant on your own means you are responsible for grease disposal. Collecting grease is a messy job, and so is disposing of it. Furthermore, you need to ensure that you dispose of grease properly. The EPA has strict rules for disposing of restaurant grease. If these protocols aren’t followed, you leave yourself open to hefty fines by the health inspector if you are ever discovered.
                                          A professional service can not only get your kitchen free of grease but any grease that is removed will be properly thrown away. Professional power washers use commercial grease disposal equipment and law-mandated processes that keep your restaurant clean and keep your business health code compliant.

                                          How to Prepare for Power Washing

                                          When you hire a crew to pressure wash your restaurant, the technicians will prepare the interior of your building and your equipment before the cleaning begins.

                                          Each appliance will be covered with quarter-inch heat boards to protect the cooking equipment from the high-pressure water. The appliances will also be covered with plastic to provide extra protection.
                                          The crew will shut off the power to your vent hoods, hood lights, and exhaust fans before removing all the grease filters, trays, and cups.
                                          If there are any electrical wires, outlets, or boxes nearby, these areas will be covered with tape. The exhaust system will be enclosed in a watertight film and draped in plastic to channel the water into a wastewater container.

                                          The roof exhaust fan will be disassembled, with the crew being very careful with the electrical wiring. To aid in the cleaning of the exhaust fan, duct, and vent hoods, many teams will apply a degreasing chemical to each component before pressure washing begins.

                                          Regular Pressure Washing Ensures Health Code Compliance

                                          A professional pressure washing team can accommodate your schedule so that the cleanup-job offers minimal disruption to your business. With recurring pressure washing, your restaurant can remain sanitized while getting the professional maintenance your business needs.

                                          A professional pressure washing service also knows what your restaurant needs to comply with all health and safety regulations. With commercial-grade equipment and powerful solutions that are safe to use around food, a pressure washing service can help you maintain a sanitary and health compliant business.

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                                          Qualities to Look for in a Commercial Power Washing Service

                                          When it comes to cleaning your restaurant, you only want the best in your area. This means the service must demonstrate the following qualities.

                                          • Commercial-Grade Equipment:

                                            When interviewing restaurant power washing services near you, find out what kind of equipment they use. Are the components gas or electric-powered, and how well do they cut through grease and grime? A professional service near you will have the very best equipment money can buy.

                                          • Quality Service:

                                            The cleaning crew you hire should have excellent reviews from other business owners. Read through the reviews and look for phrases describing the quality of the cleaning job and the cleanliness of the restaurant after the power washing is done. An inexperienced crew might be able to cut through grease, but they might also leave water everywhere for you to clean up. A professional service will get everything clean and leave you with a spotless and dry interior and exterior.

                                          • Professionalism:

                                            Start grading the power washers near you from the very first encounter, even if that meeting occurs over the phone. Are you treated with respect? Are all of your questions answered promptly and thoroughly? Professional power washers prioritize customer service. From the very first phone call to the time when the technicians show up to perform a quality job, you should feel confident at all times that you have found the right power washing service for your budget and needs.

                                          • Honest Quotes:

                                            When it comes to giving you an estimate for professional power washing, ensure that your quote includes all the fees you can expect. You don’t want hidden fees or other surprises when it comes time to pay the bill. Make sure there is transparency at all times, whether you are discussing the work to be done or the amount you have to pay. A professional power washing service holds honesty as a primary tenet, giving you the ultimate peace of mind.

                                          • Power Washing on Your Schedule:

                                            The act of power washing your restaurant doesn’t have to disrupt your normal operations. The power washing company you select should be able to work during times when customers are scarce, allowing for the proper cleaning before you open or after you close. A professional service should also be able to schedule consistent cleaning, such as monthly or bi-yearly, to keep your restaurant looking attractive for customers all the year through.

                                          professional pressure washing service

                                          Schedule Power Washing for Your Restaurant Today

                                          How clean is your restaurant, really? If your exterior shows caked-on dirt and your kitchen equipment is getting a little greasy, a power washing is just what your business needs. With a full-power washing of your parking lot, patio, entranceway, kitchen, vent hoods, and ventilation ducts, you’ll have no trouble maintaining a positive reputation your customers are sure to love.
                                          Schedule a free estimate by calling APS-Hoods, now serving restaurant owners like you in Denver, Colorado. For power washing that’s always done right, APS-Hoods has you covered.

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                                          restaurant air duct cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                          Top Tips for Commercial Air Duct Cleaning by Ventilation Cleaning Experts in Denver, Colorado.

                                          Air duct cleaning is important for commercial businesses of all types. Whether you have a bookstore, a pet supply store, a restaurant, or a dental clinic, your vents likely need cleaning. When is the last time you had the proper work done?

                                          Even if you keep a spotless establishment, even the cleanest commercial operations can end up with dirty vent ducts. 

                                          Six reasons for keeping your air vents cleaned

                                          Depending on the type of business you operate, you have at least six reasons for keeping your air vents cleaned. 

                                          1. Better Air Quality:

                                            Over time, commercial air ducts can become filthy and coated in dust. All that gunk can find its way into the air your staff and customers breathe. If you don’t put effort into keeping the air breathable, illnesses could result. Employees could call in sick and customers might stop coming. You might also get a nasty writeup from commercial reviewers or on customer review sites. A clean establishment is a customer draw and that requires squeaky clean ventilation ducts.

                                          2. Cleaner Environment:

                                            Not only could the air become contaminated with dirty ducts, but dust and grime can find its way on your store shelves. For restaurants, greasy air ducts can contaminate the food, leading to poor customer experience.

                                          3. Healthier Staff:

                                            Your staff show up daily and work hard to fulfill your business interests. Reward your staff by keeping all of your vents free of dust and debris. Otherwise, your staff can be forced to inhale contaminants like dust, spores, mold, and microbes on a regular basis, leaving them susceptible to illness and expensive time off. 

                                          4. Pleased Customers:

                                            Your customers won’t want to spend much time in your establishment if your air ducts are mucking up the air and throwing dust everywhere. Instead, customers prefer a pristine environment, and keeping sanitized air vents is an excellent first start.

                                          5. Reduced Costs:

                                            It is much easier to keep your commercial air ducts clean if you do a thorough cleaning on a regular basis. Soiled ducts also force your HVAC system to work overtime, putting a strain on the system leading to potential burnout and replacement. Your energy costs could also potentially skyrocket even though your environment never really gets comfortable. An efficient HVAC system keeps your costs low, and that’s where a clean air vent comes into play.

                                          6. Happy Health and Safety Inspector:

                                            If your commercial business gets regular visits by health and fire inspectors, you can avoid hefty fines and keep your business healthy and safe by keeping your air ducts squeaky clean.

                                          Air Duct Cleaning 101

                                          Now that you know the importance of duct cleaning, here is how to gain all the benefits of spotless ducts with a few well-placed tips. 

                                          1. Cover All Supply Registers:

                                            It is recommended that you clean the supply air registers, which are the openings that supply heat into the rooms, with paper towels before you begin the process of cleaning your vents. You can cover the vents by lifting the register and wrapping paper towel on top before replacing it.

                                          2. Turn on the Fan:

                                            It is best to keep the fan running while your vents are being cleaned. As you vacuum and brush away the dust, you want it moving along so that it can be collected easily. Set your thermostat to “fanon” and turn off the “heat/cool” mode so that only the fan runs. If your HVAC system doesn’t have a fan-only option, run the heat or install a new, more modern thermostat. 

                                          3. Change the Furnace Filter:

                                            Over time your filter can throw up a lot of dust and debris. Changing the filter ensures that your air ducts are kept clean while the system runs.

                                          4. Shop Vac the Air Ducts:

                                            Use a shop vac with a heavy-duty and decent hose to collect dust, dirt, rodent droppings, mold spores, and anything else that can collect inside commercial ventilation ductwork.

                                          5. Brush the Ducts Clean:

                                            Vacuuming the inside the ventilation ducts is only the first step. You should always follow up on the shop-vac work with a toilet brush or similar employment. A stiff-bristled paintbrush could also work for heavier duty debris that won’t readily vacuum away.

                                          6. Clean the Supply Registers:

                                            Now you can start sweeping the dust that has collected in the supply registers. Keep the vacuum running and the end of the hose pointed toward the register, then lift the register. The hose should catch any dust that is being pushed out by the fan. You can then sweep the dust and debris into the hose using the brush. Then, sweep out the return air registers, which are usually fastened in place with screws. Try to get as far back into the register piping or cavity as possible. 

                                          7. Shut Off the Fan:

                                            Once the registers are clean, shut the fan off at the thermostat and turn off the power to the furnace via the breaker switch panel. 

                                          8. Clean the Blower Compartment:

                                            Once the HVAC system is turned off, remove the panels on the front to access the blower compartment and return air boot. Using the shop-vac, sweep up the dust that has built up inside the blower, and return air boot. While you are at it, clean the furnace fan to ensure your system is free of dust that can then find its way into your clean air vents.

                                          9. Access the Main Ducts:

                                            There are likely duct compartments that cannot be accessed with a shop-vac hose and toilet brush. For those areas, you can remove the end caps from the rectangular ductwork to access the inside of the air vents. Slide the drives down the duct and pull the cap out of the slips. Use a flashlight to look inside the old ducts for dirty areas, but the majority of dust will be in the easily accessible areas and inside the HVAC unit.

                                          10. Clean the Basement Registers:

                                            If you have registers installed throughout your HVAC system to distribute air to the basement, you will want to remove and clean these registers as well. Use the same procedure you did for the upstairs registers. You will soon find that cleaning the basement registers has the added benefit of giving you further access to the main trunk line. 

                                          Follow these steps regularly for air vents that are always clean for happier customers and staff and better savings. 

                                          3 Expert Tips for Vent Cleaning by Air Duct Specialists 

                                          1. Break Contaminants Loose

                                          For a thorough job, you need to be able to locate the sources of any and all contaminations. For an accurate visual, use a flashlight and look for unusual spots along with the inner ductwork. Then, work these spots clean using vigorous hand-brushing and contact vacuuming. For stubborn contaminants, you can even use compressed air nozzles, which is how the experts clean stubborn air vents.

                                          2. Collecting Contaminants

                                          Each stroke of your brush or sweep of the shop-vac is likely to kick up dust and debris, sending them airborne. Professional ventilation duct cleaners use negative pressure by way of heavy-duty vacuums to prevent the spread of contaminants. Using room ionizers can usually remove airborne particles that may result from a proper vent duct cleaning.

                                          3. Sanitize Ductwork with Antimicrobial Chemicals 

                                          A good way to put a final seal of approval on your duct cleaning project is to apply an antimicrobial solution to keep mold and microbes from spreading. A good cleaner can also help to control odors, giving your environment a professional shine your customers are sure to love. Look for chemicals that are registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency or EPA. 

                                          Is It Worth Hiring Air Duct Cleaning Companies?

                                          Absolutely! Only a professional commercial air vent cleaning company will have the tools, know-how, and experience to ensure your business remains sanitized and protected. 

                                          A company like Aps-Hoods, for example, will not only ensure the air ducts stay clean, but will also inspect and scrub the coils, drain pans, registers, grills, air plenums, blower motors, air filters, heat exchangers, and air cleaners. This allows the vent duct cleaners to potentially maintain and replace components as needed for clean and efficient airflow.

                                          Average Price for Air Duct Cleaning

                                          The price you can expect to pay for air duct cleaning can range between $400 and $1000, depending upon several factors. These figures come from studies by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA). 

                                          Your fees will depend upon the following factors. 

                                          • The size of your ductwork and type.

                                          • The level of contamination.

                                          • Accessibility of your vents and ductwork.

                                          • Number of crew members required.

                                          • Potential duct repairs.


                                          Where to Find Air Duct Cleaning Near You

                                          When looking for commercial vent hood cleaners, you have several to choose from, no matter where you operate your business across the country. Aps-Hoods, for instance, has locations in both Denver, Colorado. Both of those locations have several competitors each to contend with.

                                          However, our customers continue to turn to us for proper ventilation cleaning because we possess the following qualities. 


                                          Our duct cleaning technicians are all bonded, licensed, and insured by the state they operate in. If you are in Denver, you can ensure that your ventilation service will be conducted with the utmost skill and precision as mandated by the federal, state, and local regulations. 


                                          Each of our technicians has vast experience cleaning all types of HVAC systems and ventilation ducts. We can get access to even the most hidden-away places to eradicate contaminants to keep your business healthy and safe. 


                                          Each of our technicians shows up in the appropriate company issued uniform and is prepared to demonstrate a solid work ethic until the duct cleaning job is complete. You can be assured a job well done, which means that your vent hoods will be free of dust, dirt, mold, and microbes after every cleaning, guaranteed. 


                                          We provide all of our customers with fair pricing that is based on industry averages. We also work with manufacturers directly to deliver parts at a discount, in case any components are seen to malfunction during the vent cleaning process. Our goal is to help you maintain a clean and healthy environment for staff and customers while saving you in cleaning fees and energy costs. 

                                          All-in-One Vent Hood Cleaners:

                                          We can clean, maintain, and replace any components during the ventilation duct cleaning process. If fans aren’t working, wires are frayed, or we notice that your HVAC system is running inefficiently for any reason, we will sniff that reason out and provide you with affordable repairs for a clean and well-maintained business.

                                          Free Estimates:

                                          Our customers always know that there is no obligation when they call Aps-Hoods for commercial duct cleaning services. We show up to assess your system and offer free quotes for all work and no surprises, giving you all the information you need to make an educated decision when hiring our air duct specialists.

                                          Call Now for a Free Estimate and Green Clean Duct Cleaning 

                                          Whether you live in the greater Denver area, Aps-Hoods is your local leader in professional ventilation duct cleaning. We can assist you with any level of cleaning, even if your ducts have been left to fester for quite some time. We can help with all sizes of commercial operations and all industries, from retail and restaurants to industrial warehouses and office buildings. Your vents deserved to be cleaned by the experts. Call Aps-Hoods today for a free estimate and let us do the job for you when you want clean ducts and immense savings.

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                                            restaurant equipment
                                            Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning | exhaust hood installation | commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                            Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist for Commercial Operations in Denver, CO

                                            A restaurant kitchen deep cleaning is necessary for three primary reasons. For one, a dirty kitchen may produce lackluster food. A messy kitchen can also have contaminated air, which can seep out into the eating areas, leading to a less-than-stellar dining experience. Then there are all the fines you face by allowing your kitchen to reach the kind of cleanliness level health inspectors loathe. 

                                            Keep your food tasting delicious and your customers happy while ensuring your health inspector only gives you the best marks by putting the following checklist into action. 

                                            Here is the restaurant deep cleaning checklist all commercial kitchens should follow. If you need help cleaning your kitchen, call Aps-Hoods, now serving restaurants like yours in Denver, Colorado. 

                                            The Deep Clean Checklist for All Restaurant Kitchens 

                                            Daily Cleaning

                                            Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning

                                            Clean Grills & Change Foil

                                            Each day of operation, your cooking appliances can produce food and grease buildup. Not only does this affect the quality of the food you cook, but all that Food, Oil, and Grease (FOG) can cause the breakout of fire. 

                                            To keep your cooking appliances clean, scrub the grill, range, and flattop by following the manufacturers’ recommendations. In most cases, you will want to scrape food from the flattop or grill slats before scrubbing the cooktops with a degreaser. 

                                            Don’t forget to clean behind and underneath each cooking unit, as grease tends to hide in the peskiest of places. While you’re at it, be sure and change out all foil liners, which can also keep a potentially dangerous fire at bay. 

                                            Clean Grease Trap

                                            All the grease your commercial kitchen produces can build up, causing overflow and a potential fire hazard. Your staff should be instructed on how to open and empty the grease traps to keep them at safe volumetric levels. With most models, the trick is to open the lid before removing the water with a bucket or small pump. The grease can then be scooped out to prepare the grease traps for the following day.

                                            Grease trap cleaning is a job better left to the experts, as only professional grease trap cleaners have the necessary equipment and training to not only remove but dispose of the built-up grease properly.

                                            Disinfect Surfaces

                                            All food preparation areas can become breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, and food-borne pathogens. 

                                            To keep your commercial kitchen clean, and prevent customers from getting sick, use a commercial-grade disinfectant that is safe for use in commercial kitchens. 

                                            Pay special attention to the surfaces where the food touches during each shift, including grills, cooktops, salad prep areas, meat slicing areas, and all others for a complete kitchen deep clean. 

                                            Wash Food Prep Appliances

                                            During busy shifts, non-cooking appliances can become coated with sauces, oils, and other substances. Use a professional disinfectant to thoroughly scrub down all your can openers, mixers, meat slicers, blenders, and grinders. Units with multiple missing parts may need to be disassembled before cleaning to perform the most thorough job.

                                            Wipe Down Walls

                                            The walls of a restaurant can easily become coated with oil and grease, which lead to mold, fungus, and illness-causing pathogens. Keep your walls spotless by cleaning them with the appropriate disinfectant. Scrape any food that may have accumulated on the walls but be sure and clean that debris off the floor afterward.

                                            Mop Floors

                                            While every effort has been made to make commercial kitchen floors as non-slip friendly as possible, unfortunately, falls happen. Rubber mats can help, but so can keeping the cleanest floor possible. 

                                            First, sweep all the debris and collect the piles into a dustpan. Ensure no solid waste falls down the floor drains, as clogs and overflow can result, making your job much harder. Mop the floor with a powerful commercial kitchen floor cleaner. Make sure you get into every nook and cranny, everywhere food and grease may want to hide. 

                                            Wash Beverage Dispenser Heads

                                            Caked up soda dispensers make drinks taste foul while throwing the pour mixture off balance. To keep your beverage dispenser heads flowing freely with just the right mixture, remove the heads and soak each one in a sanitizer solution. To be extra thorough, hand-wash each one with a dedicated brush, then dry and towel dry. 

                                            While you are cleaning the dispenser heads, empty out the drip pan and sanitize every side, front and back the same way. Wipe down the entire surface of the dispenser to keep it free of smudges, buildup, and bacteria. And finally, empty the ice bin and clean the sides of the interior before cleaning the ice chute inside and out.

                                            Disinfect Waste Disposal Area

                                            Commercial kitchen garbage disposal areas and dishwashing stations must be cleaned every day. Your staff should be vigilant about following a strict protocol when it comes to the garbage disposal and commercial washing areas, as doing so will very much please the health inspector. 

                                            All spills must be cleaned up as soon as they happen, as stagnant water can lead to all sorts of health issues. Wipe down the sinks as often as possible using a commercial-grade disinfectant and remove all trash the moment the bins are full. 

                                            After each trash change, clean the garbage cans with chlorine to kill any bacteria and pathogens left behind. Sweep and mop the floors and thoroughly clean the dishwasher. The dishwashing unit should be cleaned of all debris before the interior is sprayed with regular water to rinse food, oil, and grease away.

                                            Clean Hood Filters

                                            Your range hood filters are bound to become grease-city before the end of every long shift. 

                                            To clean the filters, remove each one from the main housing, and gently wipe off any excess grease with a paper towel. 

                                            Most filters easily slide or pop out of the underside of the unit. Slip the filters into a sink or bucket filled with hot water. Add to the water a non-corrosive, metal-safe cleaner that is designed for hood filters. Usually, this amounts to a cup of granular or 4 ounces of liquid cleaner for every gallon of water. 

                                            Soak the filters overnight, then rinse them clean the following morning. The hoods will then be ready for immediate use. 

                                            Weekly Cleaning 

                                            Sanitize Walk-Ins

                                            Staff members tend to enter and exit the cooler and freezer multiple times on a daily basis, and sometimes food gets spilled around. Your staff should always be trained to keep the doors to the walk-in cooler and freezer closed. The door should never be propped open for any reason, for example, nor should anything be blocking either door. 

                                            The condenser coil and fans can be cleaned at least twice per year, but they should be checked weekly for the best results. Cleaning the walls of the walk-in units is easy, as a simple solution of soap and water works best. Never use harsh chemicals in your cooler and freezer, as those substances can harm the metal surfaces. 

                                            Make sure all surfaces are thoroughly scrubbed, including the doors and floors, to keep mold, debris, and pests away.

                                            De-Lime Sinks

                                            Your sinks may look clean after a thorough scrubbing, but they may have accumulated limescale. To de-lime, a sink means to clean that white-colored deposit that tends to build on the inside of pipes, kettles, and pots. 

                                            Limescale is caused by the minerals leaching from the water and will have to be cleaned. While the sinks should be cleaned daily, the weekly cleaning regimen will involve using a non-abrasive cleaner and all-purpose cleaning spray to give the sink a thorough deep clean. 

                                            Clean Ovens

                                            Your commercial ovens pull a lot of weight each week. Therefore, each one should be cleaned of all food particles, grease, and other debris. If this cleaning isn’t performed on a weekly basis, smoke and fire can result, not to mention costly heating inefficiencies. 

                                            To clean your ovens, use a dedicated hand brush to sweep out any crumbs from each unit’s interior. Remove the racks and wash them separately by dunking them in soapy water. 

                                            For stubborn debris, use a scouring pad or wire brush to keep the racks clean. Wipe down the walls and doors of the oven with warm water or an industrial-strength oven cleaner. Finally, clean the doors and fans to promote maximum airflow. Some oven doors are removable, making them much easier to clean. 

                                            Clean Floor Drains

                                            Floor drains are easy to miss when performing a weekly deep cleaning, which is why keeping a restaurant deep cleaning checklist is so handy. Above all, instruct your staff to keep the drains free of as many solids as possible. Many people are unaware, but mop water filled with particles is one of the most common causes of commercial kitchen drain clogs. Make sure all particles are filtered out before the mop water is dumped down the drain.

                                            To keep your drains clean every week, begin by flushing out loose debris using hot water. For best results, stay away from chemical-based drain cleaners. Instead, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which works to break down built-up materials within the pipes. 

                                            If a drain becomes clogged, you can eliminate the problem with a snake drain or drain auger, which may require the services of a professional plumber or commercial kitchen deep cleaning service. 

                                            Monthly Cleaning

                                            Clean Coffee Machine

                                            Over time, a coffee machine can develop buildup, gunk, and grime. This can affect the taste and quality of the coffee, leading to poor customer experience. Descaling can help your coffee maker produce the choicest blends. Use a white vinegar and water solution by filling the coffee pot with one-third vinegar and two-thirds distilled water. Turn the machine on and allow the coffee maker to fill the pot with the heated solution. 

                                            Dispose of the brewed byproduct, then remove the spray head. Use a soft-bristled brush with warm water to scrub the spray head until all debris is gone. While you are at it, scrub the funnel and filter it in a similar manner. 

                                            Poor a pot of warm water into the coffee maker and brew a pot, then repeat the process until all traces of vinegar are gone. Reattach the spray head and give the exterior of the machine a thorough cleaning with a food-grade disinfectant. 

                                            For any grime that is built-up on the outside of the maker, use a baking soda and water solution along with a microfiber cloth before wiping the machine down and drying to remove any trace of moisture.  

                                            Empty Grease Traps

                                            Grease traps can be located inside or outside your kitchen, depending on the size of your commercial kitchen operation. Deep cleaning your grease trap can prevent the local water supply from becoming contaminated. You can also avoid potentially hefty fines by keeping your grease trap as clean as possible. 

                                            You know it is time to clean your grease trap when 25% of the liquid consists of grease or oil. This is usually once per month for a restaurant-style layout. 

                                            It is recommended that you hire a professional to clean the grease trap, as the job can get extremely messy. If you are doing the job yourself, make sure you empty and clean the trap thoroughly. 

                                            While you are at it, go on a grease hunt by washing behind all the fryers, flat tops, stove, and oven with a degreasing agent. When you are finished, use a polishing agent on any stainless-steel units for a healthy sheen.

                                            Clean Ice Machine

                                            Failing to clean your ice machine could put a hefty dose of bacteria into each customer’s drink. A deep clean of the ice maker is more than a simple empty and scrub down. 

                                            To ensure the best job, we recommend that you hire the services of a professional kitchen cleaning service who can scrub down each individual component of your ice machine, and some disassembly may be required. 

                                            If you are doing the job yourself, turn off the machine, unplug the water supply and power connection, then discard all the ice. Drain the water from the ice maker while you’re at it. 

                                            Check your manufacturer’s instruction manual for which cleaner to use inside and outside the machine. Some require scrubbing with a nickel-safe cleaner, while others need a mild phosphoric acid solution. 

                                            Flush all the water from the system and clean all the condensers to ensure they remain free of food and grease. 

                                            Finally, clean all parts that touch water or ice with a commercial kitchen deep cleaning solution or bleach to kill any microorganisms that remain. Be sure and rinse the machine thoroughly after this deep clean and allow it to air dry. 

                                            You can then wipe down the exterior before plugging the unit back in and allowing the ice maker to resume its regular operation. 

                                            Wash Ventilation Hoods

                                            Your monthly deep clean is never complete until your ventilation hoods are sparkling clean. 

                                            Vent hoods are designed to keep exhaust fumes from permeating throughout your kitchen. The stainless-steel units also collect grease and debris. Over time, the buildup can occur, leading to a smoky kitchen and risk of fire. 

                                            To clean your greasy ventilation hoods, unplug the unit and then remove the grease receptacles, which are usually located on the sides of the hood. 

                                            Do not throw the collected grease in the trash, but instead, store it in a dedicated container for later disposal. 

                                            Soak the receptacles in hot water with the manufacturer’s recommended cleaner, then remove the filters and spray them with a chemical degreaser or all-purpose cleaner. 

                                            Scrub the exhaust hood with a degreaser and soft cloth and be sure and clean the fan blades. 

                                            This is another job we recommend that you leave to a professional, as restaurant vent hood cleaning can be tedious. Furthermore, all grease must be removed, which is sometimes tough for a do-it-yourselfer, leading to the risk of fire down the road. 

                                            By hiring professionals to do the job, you can protect your investment while keeping your commercial kitchen sanitized all year long. 

                                            Professionals can also inspect and provide HVAC cleaning services to ensure your restaurant is always well ventilated for a healthy and customer-friendly environment. 

                                            Get Regular Commercial Kitchen Cleaning from the Denver, CO Experts

                                            This commercial kitchen deep cleaning checklist should give you some idea of how extensive the process can be. The fact is, while a deep clean of your restaurant sounds simple enough, all the hard work may be too much for you and your staff to manage. There is a lot that can go wrong, and your main goal should always be to keep both your customers and the health inspector happy.

                                            Aps-Hoods can help you do both with complete commercial kitchen deep cleaning by experienced professionals. We service in Denver, Colorado. If you are located in either of those areas and you want a commercial kitchen that is always clean, we have the training and equipment to get any sized job done. Call us now for a free estimate.

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                                              Restaurant Kitchen Deep Cleaning

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                                              10 tips to how often restaurant equipment should be cleaned or serviced

                                              Restaurant Equipment – Denver, CO: Commercial kitchen restaurants should be cleaned and inspected regularly, which includes appliances. For best results, a schedule should be devised so that all stoves, fridges, deep fryers, ovens, and ventilation hoods are assessed for defects and damages. Those appliances should also be put on a regular cleaning schedule. This keeps your commercial kitchen operating as it should, no matter how busy you get. All it takes is for one component to shutting down or malfunction and you could have a big and expensive mess on your hands.  Restaurants that have a plan in place for repairs, for example, tend to spend half as much as other restaurant owners who don’t plan ahead.  To help you save, we’ve devised a list of ten things to think about when determining how often to maintain and clean your commercial kitchen appliances.

                                              1- Make Cleaning a Priority 

                                              If your commercial kitchen isn’t cleaned adequately, your staff could get sick, customers could fall ill, and pests could pose as unwanted guests. While your staff may do most of your cleaning, especially during their night closing duties, it is very easy to forget about cleaning a deep fryer or meat slicer.  For this, we recommend hiring a professional commercial kitchen company like APS-Hoods, which can ensure every appliance is adequately cleaned for bacteria and virus removal. And so that you can remain in the health inspector’s good graces. 

                                              2- Consider Periodic Cleaning

                                              Monthly cleaning would ensure that your kitchen appliances always remain sanitized for when the health inspector rolls through. Even quarterly deep cleaning services can keep grease from building up and appliances from getting too overloaded to work efficiently. At most, you should schedule a professional appliance cleaning service to come once yearly, as doing so will keep your restaurant and all your appliances in tip-top shape. 

                                              3- Hire a Cleaning Staff to Assess Appliance Damage & Defects

                                              If you manage to hire a commercial kitchen appliance cleaning company, have that same company check your equipment for any and all problems. A wire that appears frayed on a vent hood fan, for instance, could cause acrid smoke to fill your restaurant, which can, in turn, taint your food and put your customers off. By having your cleaning crew also provide regular inspections, you can keep your appliance maintenance ongoing while saving money on costly repairs.  

                                              4- Wipe Down Your Appliances Nightly 

                                              All of your kitchen equipment should be wiped down inside and outside. Make sure you use a powerful degreaser that cuts down on any films left behind. Any amount of grease can cause a fire, so pay special attention to your ventilation hoods and other components that tend to collect grease over time.  Make sure you get up any moisture around the sinks and faucets by using a soft, dry rag, as that will prevent rust from collecting on your kitchen appliances. While you’re at it, unassembled your beverage machine faucets and soak them to prevent buildup. Finally, make sure you get up any grease from off the floor. While this isn’t technically appliance cleanup, it can also help prevent deadly fires.

                                              5- Check All Equipment Monthly

                                              Every month, you and your staff should check the refrigerators and freezers for cold air leaks, as well as cracks or punctures. You will also want to check your refrigerators, as well as your ovens, for any cracks or leaks. Check the hinges on your cooler and freezer doors, as well as your ovens, and test the suction on your ventilation hoods to ensure they are pulling the right amount of bad air out of your kitchen.  While you’re at it, ensure you clean all the fan blades, including your make-up air fans, vent fans, and any others your restaurant employs. A commercial kitchen can use tons of fans, and each one should be cleaned and inspected at least monthly to ensure all components are working as they should.

                                              6- Outsource Your Restaurant Equipment Maintenance & Repairs 

                                              At least once a quarter, we recommend hiring a company like APS-Hoods to come to your restaurant and inspect your vent hoods, ovens, refrigerators, and all other commercial kitchen equipment. This inspection will check your components for wear, which can be an indication that they may need to be replaced. Regular maintenance of your equipment will extend its life, but sometimes replacements do become necessary. A professional commercial kitchen cleaning and repair service like APS-Hoods can ensure you are always notified when equipment is faulty and needs to be switched out with the latest brand.

                                              7- Schedule Service & Repair at Least Every Two Years

                                              If you don’t opt for monthly or quarterly commercial kitchen equipment cleaning and maintenance, consider having a service arrive on your property at least every two years. This check can be as thorough as you prefer, including inspecting all your HVAC systems and ducting to ensure it’s free of grease and debris, as well as taking apart your ice makers and cleaning every internal component. These checks, once again, can save you loads in future replacement costs. 

                                              8- Get Replacements Based on Professional Recommendations

                                              For a restaurant that runs optimally, you never want to base your equipment replacements on the look of an appliance or the cost. Instead, get a professional’s opinion based on your kitchen layout, your normal levels of business, and other important factors. 

                                              9- Replace Your Ventilation System Exhaust Belt Each Year

                                              So that your commercial kitchen is always clean and fresh smelling, ensure you change out the exhaust belts of your ventilation system every year. This is a minor investment that can save you loads in the future.

                                              10- Call APS-Hoods for Regular Equipment Maintenance & Repairs

                                              If you operate a commercial kitchen, you may not know where to turn for monthly, quarterly, or annual cleaning and maintenance of all your appliances. Aps-Hoods is the qualified leader in commercial kitchen cleaning and repairs, and we serve both Denver, Colorado, for your convenience. Call now to schedule a free consultation.

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                                                Commercial Hood System | Kitchen Power Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                How Does a Commercial Hood System Work?

                                                Commercial Hood System – Denver, CO :

                                                A commercial kitchen needs powerful equipment to vent smoke, heat, grease, and food particles away from food and personnel so that they are out of harm’s way. Too much smoke can make the air unbreathable and can lead to poor food quality. Your customers also won’t want to stick around if there is too much soot in the air. Likewise, too much grease and oil can lead to a breakout of fire. This makes a ventilation hood a wise investment for commercial kitchen owners.

                                                Not only is a commercial hood system necessary for safety and health, but you need the proper ventilation equipment to comply with National Fire Protection Association Standard #96, otherwise known as NFPA #96). That’s because commercial vent hood systems are one of your first lines of defense against deadly fire.  

                                                Here is all you have to know about how commercial hood systems work so you can remain up-to-code and protected from fire and poor air quality.

                                                Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                Ventilation Hoods Balance the Air

                                                The primary use of a commercial kitchen vent hood is to remove the foul air and replace it with good, breathable air. The hood itself is located above the cooking appliance. As the appliance does its thing cooking the food, powerful fans will waft all that smoke and debris up through the hood and into the shaft. That is where the magic happens.

                                                From Hood to Fan and Back Again

                                                Every commercial hood system has a powerful exhaust fan that helps to remove the bad air and effluent, which is a fancy word for smoke, grease, heat, and cooking by-products.

                                                The type of fan you have will depend on the appliance you are using, the type of food you cook, and the position of your cooking appliance. Most hoods are positioned overhead, but they can also be wall-mounted.  Ask your ventilation system installation team for details on the type of hood system that is ideal for your commercial kitchen layout.

                                                When the exhaust fan removes the air away from the building, a return air fan will be used to supply make-up air. This is the air that replaces all the cooking effluent so that the air stays breathable, balanced, and safe for customers and staff alike.

                                                As you can imagine, the fans you use have to be powerful enough to remove and replace the air at the proper volumes. Not only that, but your commercial hood system, fans, and ducts help your HVAC system work more easily. After all, can you imagine how much power would be required to force your heating and air conditioning system to fight against grease and smoke to keep your restaurant cool or warm?

                                                All these fans and ducts and your commercial vent hood must work together to keep grease and harmful vapors at bay. As you can imagine, these systems can become soiled and overloaded with grease over time. Most hoods contain grease traps on either side of the hood, and these filters must be cleaned regularly.

                                                You must also ensure that your commercial hood and the vents connected to your hoods and fans are cleaned regularly. Not cleaning your commercial vent hood components can lead to buildup and, eventually, malfunction.

                                                Do you leave the cleaning up to your commercial kitchen staff and possibly your wait staff, as well? You can and many restaurant owners do. However, it is recommended that you combine your staff’s cleaning with professional commercial hood cleaning services. Only then can you be assured that the proper degreasing solutions and equipment will be used to keep your equipment clean and working as it should for years to come.

                                                The Necessity of Commercial Hood Cleaning

                                                You will know that your commercial vent hood system is backed up or not functioning normally when you see more smoke in the air than normal. You may smell foul odors from outside the building, and your HVAC system may seem to be on the fritz.

                                                If you are keeping your restaurant’s grease trap clean, that can help against backups. But make sure you are also keeping your vent hood traps clean. Clean all fan components and use a powerful degreaser on the equipment and in all the interconnecting ducts.

                                                If the front door of your vent hood opens easily without a suction feeling, that is an indication that your commercial hood system is clogged with grease or other debris. Or that your fans aren’t working properly. Either way, it may be time to contact a commercial kitchen vent hood service, who can repair your components and provide you with a full cleaning job, whichever you prefer.

                                                Benefits of Professional Vent Hood Cleaning

                                                Not only will cleaning your commercial hood system keep your kitchen safe and air breathable-clean, but you will save money. An efficient vent hood system uses less energy than one that is clogged and forced to work overtime.

                                                Therefore, to save time, money, and future frustration, contact APS-Hoods, now serving commercial kitchen owners throughout Denver, Colorado. Using the proper equipment and years of experience, we can keep your vent hood system working optimally and cleaned professionally.

                                                Your customers will thank you and you will remain health code and fire code compliant. When your air is pure, the food is untainted and tastes terrific, and you are able to show code inspectors that you have been keeping up with all the necessary ventilation protocols, you’ll be doing yourself a great service for your restaurant’s success.

                                                Are you ready to keep your kitchen safe and the health inspector at bay? Contact us today to receive a free quote in Denver.

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                                                  Commercial Hood System
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                                                  Restaurant Cleaning Services: Commercial Kitchen Appearances Matter – The Importance of a Pristine Exhaust Hood Finish | Denver

                                                  Restaurant Cleaning Services: Most commercial kitchens resemble a shimmering chrome wonderland on opening day. All that equipment like your vent hoods gleaming in the fluorescent lighting invoke mouth-watering images of all the delicious meals set to be prepared for years to come. 

                                                  However, it only takes a single busy shift for all your commercial kitchen equipment to become covered in grease, grime, soot, and debris. In some cases, scrubbing your kitchen equipment, and especially your ventilation hoods might seem like a useless act. The chrome will only get tarnished with every new lunch or dinner rush. 

                                                  You might want to make the appearance of your commercial kitchen a priority, however, and particularly with regard to keeping a pristine exhaust hood finish. The finish of your vent hood matters, and not only for cleanliness. 

                                                  Here are ten reasons why the finish of your vent hoods is of the utmost importance, and how to keep your commercial kitchen spotless and constantly performing for your loyal customers.

                                                  Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                  1. A Clean Exhaust Hood Looks Good As New

                                                  As a rule, you should strive to keep your exhaust hood finish and all associated equipment looking as clean as the day it was initially installed. The alternative is to allow your equipment to become caked with grease and other flammable materials, which could cause dangerous and expensive problems later. 

                                                   There are two rules: First, after each shift, train your employees to protect their hoods, stoves, and other appliances from any contamination. This may require some elbow fat, but your equipment will be more durable and therefore perform better. The second rule is to use restaurant cleaning services periodically, which can improve the performance of your equipment, such as the opening day.

                                                  2. The Proper Chemicals & Cleaning Equipment

                                                  Ensure your staff is using the proper grease-cutting equipment that is safe to use on your equipment. Harsh chemicals and even abrasive equipment could cause scratches in your exhaust hood finish. While that sounds like more of an aesthetic issue, marring the finish can strip your hoods of any protective layers they were issued during the fabrication process. Speak to your vent hood manufacturers to determine which cleaners and equipment you should be using to keep your commercial kitchen clean.

                                                  3. Keep Your Exhaust Hoods Grease-Free

                                                  The finish on your commercial exhaust hood may look great, but looks can be deceiving. Ensure your staff consistently checks the grease filters and trap to keep your restaurant protected from back-ups and deadly fire. While keeping your exhaust hood finish gleaming is a priority, always check “under the hood” and keep the grease to a minimum. 

                                                  4. Check the Drip Tray

                                                  While you are checking filters and your grease trap, make sure the drip tray isn’t overflowing. That drip, drip, drip could end up on the floor and in the unlikeliest of nooks and crannies. Errant grease can cause slips, falls, and fires. This is another vent hood cleaning component you must be mindful of when keeping your chrome equipment always looking its best. 

                                                  5. Check the Exhaust Fans

                                                  Commercial kitchens need clean air in addition to grease and soot removal. Exhaust fans carry out both and need to work optimally in order to keep your staff safe and all prepared meals tasting delicious. While you are keeping the exhaust hood finish so clean you can see yourself in it, ensure your fans are working properly. Test the fans and call in a kitchen fan maintenance crew at the first sign of slow down, strange noises, or other issues. These are all indicators that your fans are not working properly, much to the detriment of your air quality.

                                                  6. Pressure Wash Vent Hood Exteriors

                                                  Your employees do not have to clean the air conditioning hoods to reduce grease. High-pressure hoses can be used to wash all food, oils, and fats (FOG) so that your system is thoroughly clean and suitable for inspectors. Many Restaurant Cleaning Services offer vent hood pressure washing services because nothing is more effective in contaminating your equipment.

                                                  7. Your Exhaust Hood Finish Matters to Inspectors

                                                  Speaking of inspectors, both the fire and health department professionals will be very interested in just how clean your exhaust hood finish happens to be. Of course, inspectors will also check the grease traps, ducts, and the cleanliness of your grease filters. This should serve as another reminder to keep your hood finish clean along with all components attached and underneath. 

                                                  8. Test the Lighting & Wiring

                                                  Commercial vent hood cleaning should always involve a check of the associated electrical components. We mentioned checking your exhaust fans, but what about the wiring that keeps those fans operational? What about the lighting? Lighting that is out or bad lighting can also contribute to staff members missing grease or debris in out-of-reach places. Inspect the lights and wires while keeping your exhaust hood finish spotless to ensure optimal function, even during the busiest of times.

                                                  9. When the Finish Goes, Consider Replacement

                                                  In some cases, no matter how hard you scrub your ventilation hoods, nothing will get them clean. When that happens, it might be a good sign that you are due to a complete commercial ventilation hood replacement. Venting out the bad air is critical, as is keeping your kitchen free of grease and other flammable materials. A vent hood installation service can give your kitchen equipment the immense gleam you remember from opening day.

                                                  10. Maintaining Your Fire Protection System

                                                  Fire will tarnish your exhaust hood finish more than anything else. That is why you should always test your fire suppression equipment while you are engaged in kitchen exhaust cleaning. Whether you have an Ansul fire protection system, wet or chemical fire suppression equipment, you want to ensure that the slightest spark will be extinguished. With your fire suppression in good working order, you will keep your staff and customers safe and your business under constant protection.

                                                  How is the work done on your exhaust hood? You can trust Aps-Hoods for restaurant cleaning services, where you will always receive exhaust hood cleaning, installation, and fan hood services that you can trust throughout Denver, Colorado. Call to get a free offer.

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                                                    Exhaust System Cleaning

                                                    Some More Post Related

                                                    hood exhaust cleaning | Kitchen Power Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                    Hood Exhaust Cleaning & Kitchen Maintenance Best Practices for Busy Restaurants

                                                    Hood Exhaust Cleaning – Denver: Every restaurant owner strives to maintain a clean restaurant, but this task becomes even more difficult the busier your eatery gets. Keeping your HVAC system clean is a significant aspect of restaurant cleanliness, and this holds especially true for your commercial kitchen exhaust hood system.

                                                    Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your pressure washing, ventilation, sanitizing, or vent/duct/hood needs.

                                                    The Importance of Clean Vent Hoods

                                                    Having proper ventilation in your restaurant’s kitchen is critical for employee and customer health, but also food sanitation. When grease, soot, and debris are ventilated safely from the kitchen and out of harm’s way, the results are myriad: Lower utility bills, increased employee productivity, and even calmer employees and customers. Food quality will also be improved, leading to a restaurant that is always highly reviewed and visited.

                                                    The Dangers Posed by a Dirty Vent Hood System

                                                    A poorly ventilated kitchen, on the other hand, poses numerous risks to personnel and customer health, and it can hinder foot traffic. After all, who wants to spend time in a restaurant where the air is arid, unhealthy, and stinky? Few, if anyone, will want to spend time in a bistro, café, or another type of restaurant with that type of air quality. Let your HVAC and vent hood exhaust system go uncleaned and unmaintained for too long, and your local health inspector might just penalize you or shut-down your restaurant entirely.

                                                    How to Clean & Maintain Your Exhaust Hood System to Improve Restaurant Quality

                                                    Scrub Your Vent Hoods & Ducts

                                                    Your vent hoods and ducts are responsible for whisking away all the impurities produced by the heavy cooking your kitchen is accustomed to engaging in daily. To properly clean the vent hoods and all the ductwork they’re attached to, it helps to disassemble the system as much as you can. This lets you get to the minuscule parts for a thorough and detailed cleaning. Whatever you do, make sure you unplug all equipment before cleaning. This helps you prevent any surprises, such as a dangerous electric shock, during the cleaning process. Once the power source is disconnected, remove the grease receptacles on either side of each hood, as well as the filters. Soak the receptacles and filters in hot water that has been treated with a degreasing agent and leave them to soak while the cleaning process is ongoing. Apply the same degreasing agent to a soft cloth and give the vent hoods themselves a good scrubbing. You may have to spend some time getting the vent hoods and ducts free of all grease and debris. However, this meticulous job is necessary if you want a clean vent hood system that’s free of grease and safe from the outbreak of fire.

                                                    Degrease the Exhaust Fans

                                                    When we refer to exhaust fans, we’re talking about any fans that are responsible for directing grease and debris away from your kitchen, which includes all fans on the rooftop. The fan blades and motors that power those blades must be treated with the same attention-to-detail that you used on the ventilation hoods. Any grease that’s left behind on the fan blades themselves or within the motor casing can cause a potential shutdown in the future. At the very least, your system can run inefficiently with caked up grease on the blades and motors, leading to more expensive energy costs and the deadly risk of fire. Don’t take the risk. Instead, spend lots of time ensuring the fan blades and motors are spotless before continuing on to the next stage of proper vent hood cleaning and maintenance.

                                                    Clean Your Grease Trap

                                                    A busy kitchen is never without a full grease trap. For optimal results and to prevent the outbreak of fire, it’s best to clean your grease trap every four to six weeks. If you let your grease trap go too long between cleanings, not only can grease and food particles clog the sewer or septic system, causing an inconvenient and very expensive shut-down, but the grease trap can overflow, leading to sewer backup and a very messy commercial kitchen cleanup job. Proper grease trap cleaning requires the necessary equipment. All personnel should wear a gas mask, coveralls, or at least clothing that covers the skin, and rubber gloves. In order to clean a grease trap, it helps to understand how they work. The baffles inside the trap effectively separate the flow of wastewater from fats, oils, and grease (otherwise referred to as FOG). The FOG rises to the top of the tank, which allows the cleaner water to pass through the trap before it enters the sewer system. Now that you know how the grease trap works, you’re ready to begin cleaning. First, empty the water from the 3-compartment sink or automatic dishwasher and wait for the water inside the grease trap to cool, which usually takes around ten minutes. Next, remove the lid, which in most cases involves a crowbar. In some cases, a wrench will be necessary to remove the bolts in order to open the grease trap so that the inside can be emptied and cleaned. Using a scraper, begin removing the grease sludge from the top of the tank. This layer can grow to be up to two inches thick in some cases. Once all the sludge has been removed, the remaining contents of the grease trap must be bailed out. A shop-vac can be used to clean out the remaining sludge in the bottom of the trap, then do your best to clean all grease and debris from the pipes within the trap. Once cleaned, the lid can be replaced, and normal activity can resume. The sludge will need to be thrown away properly. In some cases, this requires a double garbage bag and kitty litter to solidify the material before disposal.

                                                    Perform a Deep Fat Fryer Inspection

                                                    If your restaurant uses a deep fat fryer, a thorough inspection should be made to ensure your unit is performing optimally. As a general rule, you should inspect and deep clean your fryer every three to six months. The cleaning of a deep fryer is referred to as a “Boil out,” which is the term for emptying out and replacing the old oil with fresh, new oil. To begin, drain the deep fryer and discard all the oil, grease, and fat into an oil caddy or pre-approved oil discharge container. A fryer cleaning rod can then be used to remove any remaining debris from the drain line. Before refilling the fryer, rinse the fryer with hot water to remove the excess undrained oil and fat. Fill the fryer with cool water to ¾” from the top. Next, add a deep fryer cleaning agent, which will work to scrub the rest of the fat away. Boil the solution for twenty minutes, then drain the fryer slowly. Once the water has completely drained, use a long-handled brush to clean the sides, top, and each of the heating elements. Rinse the fryer thoroughly to remove any oil residue, then add your new oil. While you’re at it, add fry powder or oil stabilizer to the fresh oil, which will help the solution last longer between cleanings.

                                                    Clean the Floors, Walls & Ceiling

                                                    FOG can also land on the floor, where it can hide in all the nooks and crannies. It can splatter on the walls and even get onto the ceiling tiles. Most restaurants have specific cleaning protocols for staff to follow at night. The same establishments may have cleaning crews that come and do a regular and more thorough job. Still, it pays to be vigilant to keep your restaurant and personnel safe, as well as to keep the health and fire inspectors at bay. It is important to instruct staff and your cleaning crews to use a degreasing agent on the floors, walls & ceiling, along with their usual cleaning solutions. Any emulsified grease that results from this cleaning should be squeegeed down the drain. A professional commercial kitchen cleaning team may repeat this process five to seven times, depending on how much grease is produced by the degreasing process.

                                                    Maintain Your Equipment to Keep Your Restaurant Clean & Safe

                                                    In addition to making sure your kitchen is debris and grease-free, it helps to check and maintain your commercial kitchen equipment. Inspecting your exhaust hoods, fans, grease trap, and the deep fryer is necessary to prevent malfunctions and downright shutdowns. If parts or entire appliances need to be replaced, you’ll want to discover the fact during one of these checks and not during a lunch or dinner rush. You have been forewarned. When it comes to the installation, maintenance, and cleaning of your exhaust hoods and all associated equipment, you should only trust Aps-Hoods, now serving clients throughout Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, and Centennial. Contact us now for a free estimate and keep your restaurant clean, safe, and busy all year round.

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                                                      Exhaust System Cleaning
                                                      Vent Hood Cleaning | Restaurant Facility Cleaning | restaurant cleaning services | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                      All You Need to Know About Restaurant Hood Maintenance to Protect Your Investment

                                                      Your restaurant hood system controls the ventilation in your commercial kitchen and keeps grease buildup to an absolute minimum. If your vent hood system is not properly maintained, all that grease, debris, and other dirty materials can get kicked into your kitchen’s atmosphere, leading to foul odors permeating your otherwise family-friendly environment while increasing the risks posed by dangerous and deadly fires. Proper maintenance of your systems is key to protecting what’s so very important. Here is all you need to know about vent hood cleaning from time-tested professionals.

                                                      Understanding the Vent Hood System

                                                      When discussing proper restaurant hood maintenance, it’s important to know about each individual component. These are the elements that will need to be thoroughly cleaned and inspected to ensure proper maintenance is performed.

                                                      Extractor Hoods:

                                                      These components are otherwise referred to as exhaust or range hoods. They’re those devices that look like chimneys and hang over the stovetop. Inside the extractor hood is a fan that works to remove all those contaminants that tend to appear in a commercial kitchen, like grease, odors, smells, smoke, and steam. Along with the cleaning and maintenance of the extractor hood, the grease traps of the establishment should also be cleaned thoroughly.

                                                      Hood Filters:

                                                      Also inside the extractor hood lies the hood filter, which also captures airborne particles. Without the filter in place, all those particles would just be kicked back into your kitchen and the air your staff and customers breathe.

                                                      Extractor Fans:

                                                      In many cases, extractor fans will be located within the hood, but that’s not always the case. The fans are tasked with removing old and contaminated air from your kitchen, whereby the stale air will be vented outside and away from the building. These fans are responsible for proper ventilation, which keeps your kitchen at the proper temperatures and limits the risk of fire.

                                                      Exhaust Ducts:

                                                      Otherwise known as grease ducts, these components take the grease, vapors, fumes, and other nasty contaminants outside and away from the building, usually from the rooftop.

                                                      Rooftop Containment Systems:

                                                      When grease accumulates enough, it can get onto and negatively affect the integrity of your restaurant’s roofing. Too much grease can lead to water leaks and fire hazards, just to name two. This means that a rooftop containment system is necessary, as is the maintenance of such a device if you hope to protect your investment. Within the rooftop containment system, you will find a grease runoff system along with a grease trap. These must be emptied out regularly to prevent grease overflow. Ensure the system is waterproof, as well, since rain getting into the grease trap can cause eventual flooding. Your ventilation hood system may contain different parts than the ones listed here. However, the basic concepts will be similar, no matter what type of system your restaurant employs to keep grease and other contaminants at bay. Check with the manufacturer of your vent hood components to get actual figures and dates for proper restaurant hood maintenance. However, the following checklist should give you an excellent guideline to follow.

                                                      Why Proper Hood Maintenance is Necessary

                                                      Scheduling and hiring a crew to maintain your hood system is critical for your business. Here are just three reasons to convince you.

                                                      Avoid Future Repairs:

                                                      When your stove hoods are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis, a professional crew can look for faulty components during every scrub down. You want detail-oriented hood maintenance personnel watching out for your kitchen equipment, which you likely spent big money on. Regular maintenance cuts down on unnecessary repairs and any downtime that may occur if a breakdown happens and you were otherwise completely unaware.

                                                      Enhance System Performance:

                                                      With the expense of owning and maintaining kitchen equipment, you want the most out of each machine and appliance you operate. Proper maintenance ensures there’s no grease build-up that can muck-up even the most powerful of machinery. You’ll keep your fans, vent hoods, and ducts operating at peak efficiency, which has the added benefit of contributing to more energy savings.

                                                      Prolong System Replacement:

                                                      Even well-maintained equipment will need to be replaced ten, fifteen or twenty years down the line. New and better equipment will have been developed by then, so it makes sense that you’d want to remain current with all technology. Not maintaining your equipment, however, can actually shorten the life of your equipment, adding to your expense. You can get peak efficacy and longer life out of all commercial kitchen vent hoods and related equipment by employing professionals who are experienced in restaurant hood maintenance. Here is the schedule the professionals at recommend for the average commercial kitchen establishment.

                                                      Remain Fire Code Compliant

                                                      By engaging in the proper maintenance of your restaurant hood system, you will lower the risk of fire. The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recommends monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual inspections, depending on the volume your restaurant is accustomed to producing. Heavy volume restaurants, for example, such as 24-hour establishments, require quarterly maintenance schedules. Meanwhile, low-volume cooking operations, like day camps and churches, can get away with vent hood maintenance checks once per year.

                                                      For Best Results, Engage in Daily Maintenance

                                                      You can enhance the output and life of your kitchen equipment by making a maintenance schedule part of your staff’s nightly closing protocols. While kitchen staff is mopping floors and cleaning dishware, your personnel can also follow a daily vent hood maintenance checklist. A ventilation hood daily maintenance checklist would begin with the removal of all hood filters. The filters should be soaked in a sink or moved through the dishwasher until all buildup has been removed. All stainless-steel surfaces should be wiped down carefully so that no hard surfaces scratch any of the appliances. The cleaner’s job should be to remove all accumulated grease, especially on those surfaces comprising the ventilation hood system. Using a detergent solution, the vent hood system, including the extractor hood, should be wiped down until cleaned thoroughly. A rinsing cloth should then be used, followed by a dry cloth to remove any excess liquid. If this schedule can be maintained on a nightly basis, you’ll save more at the meter while getting the most out of your vent hood equipment, contributing to your business success.

                                                      Monthly Maintenance Schedule

                                                      Each month your business should be in the habit of disposing of any contained grease. Check with your local city to ensure you’re following the proper and legal methods of grease disposal. After the grease has been disposed of, check the container for potential leaks. When you become accustomed to checking for leaks and other defaults on a monthly basis, you cut down on a number of business hazards, including the risk of fire. Your rooftop containment system will need to be checked monthly, as well. This ensures that there is no grease buildup on the roof, which we have already established can be detrimental to your investment. Your duct systems will also be checked for grease buildup and mold growth.

                                                      Quarterly Maintenance Schedule

                                                      A deep clean by a professional restaurant hood maintenance crew is recommended every three or four months. During this cleaning, your vent hood systems will be scrubbed with powerful agents that will simultaneously protect your equipment. The crew will pay special attention to your ducts, grease traps, fans, and filters. The latter will be soaked in heavy degreasing agents or completely replaced to ensure optimum equipment efficiency. A professional crew will also check the bearings in your fans to ensure they are well-lubricated. If the bearings do require lubrication, grease will be added to ensure the fans replace the bad air in your establishment as needed. The crew will clean your vent hood system from roof to kitchen and every inch of duct in-between. The crew will inspect the wiring, fan components, and hood filters to identify potential issues before they get out of hand, leading to potential business shutdowns.

                                                      Yearly Maintenance Schedule

                                                      During a yearly restaurant maintenance inspection, the professional crew will inspect your belts, bearings, and grease. If something needs to be replaced, this is the time to get it done. Learn more about: What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?

                                                      Why Can’t Staff Perform the Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly Maintenance Checks?

                                                      Many business owners, in an effort to save money, ask why their staff can’t perform the necessary maintenance checks. It is possible for staff to do all the degreasing and other dirty work, but you’re putting your business at a distinct disadvantage by trying to cut costs. For one, your staff may not know how each of your vent hood components works. And with how intricate some of those systems can be, only knowing how they all work together can someone properly clean the systems for optimum health and safety.

                                                      Here is how the typical cleaning checklist should go:


                                                      In order to clean your restaurant vent hoods and all associated components properly, your entire system should be taken apart. Grease, soot, and debris can hide in the unlikeliest of places, which means that buildup can occur without you realizing how bad it’s getting. The result could be equipment slow-down, breakage, or a dangerous grease fire. A maintenance crew will disassemble all pieces to check for and clean grease.

                                                      Fan Removal:

                                                      All mounted fans will need to be removed in order to clean the shroud and blades of each unit.

                                                      Fan Inspections:

                                                      The fans and their individual components will then be inspected to determine if any blades are loose or belts are worn out. Most of all, every aspect of your vent hood wiring will be inspected to check for frays or otherwise search for problems. A faulty wire could cause your fans to break down. In worse cases, a frayed wire could cause the outbreak of fire.


                                                      Each vent hood and fan component, along with will all other stainless-steel appliances, will be thoroughly cleaned until all grease is removed. Even a light sheen of grease could pose a problem down the line. When the cleaning and maintenance crew is finished, you should be able to run a finger along any stainless-steel area of your kitchen without feeling the slightest hint of grease.

                                                      Polish All Ductwork:

                                                      If your staff aren’t keen on cleaning your restaurant’s duct-work, all that grease buildup can lead to contaminated air and deadly fires. Moisture accumulation can also cause mold to grow, putting your staff and customers at further risk. A maintenance and cleaning crew will polish your ductwork so that it’s free of grease and looks as clean as it is.

                                                      Cleaning Certificate:

                                                      A professional crew will sometimes provide you with before and after photos that prove that your ductwork has indeed been cleaned thoroughly and on-schedule. Most if not all companies will provide you with a certificate showing that your ventilation system has been systematically dismantled, scrubbed, de-greased, and maintained. You will have dates and signatures that you can then show to health and fire inspectors.

                                                      Do You Have a Professional Restaurant Vent Hood Maintenance Company in Mind?

                                                      As a business owner, you have a ton invested into your restaurant and the appliances that produce the food that in turn keeps your customers happy. The health of your equipment can spell the difference between business success and one that bleeds money. When you allow grease to build up and equipment to run faulty, you run the risk of breakdowns, business delays, and business-destroying fire. You also put your staff and customers at risk. A professional restaurant hood maintenance crew like APS-Hoods offers impeccable service, the ability to remove grease from every hood component, and peace of mind that comes from knowing that your business is always protected. When you want to maintain a restaurant maintenance schedule you can always count on, contact APS-Hoods in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, and Centennial, Colorado for a free quote.

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                                                        Exhaust System Cleaning
                                                        Hood Cleaning Services | Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood | Grease Management | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                        10 Things to Look for When Searching for Professional Hood Cleaning Services

                                                        Some business owners avoid searching for professional hood cleaning services because they feel their staff can perform the task better. However, if you truly want to protect your restaurant, and your time and financial investments, you owe it to yourself to hire professionals who can deliver the training, experience, and proper tools to do a thorough and inspection-passing job. There are quite a few reasons why you would be better off searching for restaurant hood cleaning services rather than let your staff perform all the cleaning for you.

                                                        Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                        The Importance of Restaurant Hood Cleaning Services

                                                        Greater Health Standards: Professional hood cleaners know that you face fire and health inspections and that you’ll be fined heavily if your restaurant isn’t kept up to code. With spotless ventilation hoods, your restaurant will be seen by inspectors and customers alike as having one of the cleanest restaurants in town.

                                                        Diminished Risk of Fire:

                                                        Ventilation hoods can quickly accumulate oil, grease, and other contaminants. That sludge coating may look harmless, but all it takes is a spark to put your restaurant, staff, and customers in grave danger. Professional vent hood cleaning services are designed to keep your vent hoods free of all fire-causing substances, protecting your business and everyone inside.

                                                        Better Air Quality:

                                                        The job of your ventilation hood system is to scrub the air of impurities and to provide your staff and customers with clean, breathable air that all good restaurants are known for. When all that oil, grease, soot, and other contaminants are left to accumulate, those particles can get trapped in your HVAC and make-up air systems, filling your restaurant with foul odors and harmful air. Professional vent hood cleaners will ensure your air is always clean and pleasant to breathe for staff and customers alike.

                                                        Remain Fire & Health Code Compliant:

                                                        Every restaurant faces regular fire and health code inspections. A single violation could cause your business to face heavy fines or even a shut-down until any issues are corrected. Filthy vent hoods are one of those aspects of restaurant safety inspections that can send up major red flags. Dirty air and fire are certainly major risks of an unclean vent hood, but there is also a potential risk of dirty particles getting into your customers’ food. Professional vent hood cleaning services are in the business of making sure you pass all NFPA and health code standard inspections.

                                                        More Energy Savings:

                                                        Cleaner vent hoods don’t have to work as hard to replace the air in your commercial kitchen environment. This means that your HVAC system and make-up air systems will have an easier time maintaining a healthy environment for staff and customers. When you hire professionals to clean your vent hoods, you’ll begin to notice a decrease in your monthly energy bills. Find the right service, and before long your vent hood cleaning services may just pay for themselves.

                                                        A Cleaner Working & Dining Environment:

                                                        Every commercial kitchen is going to get some grease and grime on their vent hoods. By remaining vigilant with regular cleaning, however, you can ensure that your staff and customers both have an environment they’ll love to spend time in. To put it simply, hiring professional vent hood cleaning services is simply good for the restaurant business.

                                                        The Qualities All Good Vent Hood Cleaning Services Possess

                                                        You have a lot of choices when it comes to finding the ideal cleaning services to keep your vent hoods in tip-top and spotless condition.

                                                        1. Experienced Technicians

                                                        Vent hood cleaning is not for amateurs, which is another reason why you should never let your staff tackle the job. Technicians who work on ventilation hoods know how to clean the hoods of top brands on the market. Using specialized tools and techniques they’ve honed for years, professionals are able to dig down into the tiniest nooks and crannies where grease, oil, and debris like to hide. Furthermore, professional vent hood cleaning services typically employ technicians who can maintain and repair your equipment. While cleaning a vent hood, a technician may notice that a fan has a defective part, for instance. If that’s the case, the technician should be able to identify the problem and troubleshoot the issue to restore the fan to optimal conditions. Many companies not only provide cleaning services but also vent hood and component repairs. These companies work with top brands and can furnish you with any type of part for quick service done right. You could say that these are all-in-one vent hood services, which is what you want when the protection of your business and the success of your restaurant are always firmly on your mind.

                                                        2. Known for Keeping Clients NFPA Compliant

                                                        When searching for a company for your needs, ask about other restaurants they’ve helped, and make sure those businesses remained compliant with the National Fire Protection Agency. Only restaurants that remain code compliant are able to avoid fees and shut-downs that can cost you big. With referrals from other restaurants around the area, you can ensure that your restaurant will remain compliant long into the future.

                                                        3. Works Around Your Schedule

                                                        Your ventilation hoods can’t be cleaned during your peak hours when your equipment is heated up and flames are active. Instead, a professional service works around your schedule, ensuring that your business operations are never interrupted as your vent hoods are cleaned. A professional vent hood cleaning service will operate when your kitchen is either shut down for the night or during slow periods if you happen to operate 24/7. This ensures your commercial kitchen remains clean and safe, no matter what hours of operation you keep. For the best results, you are encouraged to ask about monthly cleaning services. This keeps your restaurant as clean as possible, even during the busy seasons. The company of your choice should be able to show up and clean without delaying your normal operations or disturbing your staff and customers. Instead, the best vent hood cleaning services will work in the background, doing a thorough job until your entire commercial kitchen cleaned and maintained just as it should be.

                                                        4. Possesses the Necessary Accreditation

                                                        A company worthy of your money will have no problem showing you the proper accreditation certificates that prove the organization is authorized to clean vent hoods in your area. You have put too much time and money into your business to trust your vent hoods to anyone who can’t hold or refuses to possess the proper credentials. Ask for accreditation and get proof before hiring the vent hood cleaning services for your needs.

                                                        5. Provides Photo Documentation

                                                        Not every cleaning service offers photo proof that your vent hoods have been cleaned, but this is a good perk to ask about when searching for a nearby company. The companies that do offer photo proof use this method as a way of going above and beyond, and there are many benefits to having before and after photographs in hand. For one, you get to see just how much grime and gunk were removed from your vent hoods, ducts, and fans. Furthermore, you can show the fire and health inspectors the photographs to prove that proper kitchen cleaning is a priority to your business. For those reasons, it may pay to ask the vent hood cleaners you’re interested in if they offer photo proof, as photographic evidence can help you remain confident that your restaurant kitchen is always as clean as it could be.

                                                        6. Offers Preventative Maintenance

                                                        A good company will know how to check for faulty fan components, frayed wires, and appliances that aren’t working as well as they should. By hiring a vent hood cleaning service that employs experienced technicians, you can ensure that you’re always getting the most out of your vent hoods and all associated components while they’re being cleaned.

                                                        7. Performs a Thorough Job

                                                        Professional vent hood cleaners have their reputation on the line when it comes to doing a thorough job. If only one restaurant owner complains about a service online or off, that could damage the company’s ability to drum up a new business. For that reason, search online reviews and ask other businesses in the area to see which vent hood cleaning services are the best nearby. When you find a company with an observable penchant for helping customers like you, you can remain confident that your vent hoods will be cleaned with precision and that your business investment will always be well protected.

                                                        8. Charges Affordable Fees

                                                        You should be able to have your vent hoods thoroughly cleaned without breaking the bank. Companies that clean vent hoods and other commercial kitchen equipment charge based on a variety of factors. You may be charged based on the number of vent hoods you have, the intricacy of your HVAC and make-up systems, whether or not you also require vent hood maintenance and repairs, and if you have multiple restaurant locations. A company worthy of your business will work with you to ensure you get a fair deal for all hood cleaning services and maintenance, repairs, and whatever other tasks you require.

                                                        9. Has the Proper Hood Cleaning Equipment

                                                        Vent hood cleaning services require heavy-duty tools and powerful chemical solutions in order to cut through all that grease and grime. Examples of equipment that professional hood cleaners might employ include power washers, chemical degreasing solutions, hand-held scrapers, brushes, and others. These tools and chemicals are specially designed to remove pesky grease, oil, and other contaminants to keep your business protected from fires, foul odors, noxious air, and broken equipment, all of which can bring your business to a standstill. Keep your business always operating at its best by finding vent hood cleaning services that deliver the proper tools to perform any sized job.

                                                        10. The Company Guarantees That You’ll Pass Inspection

                                                        When searching for a company to clean your vent hoods, ask the representative if the organization guarantees you a passing score for all fire and health inspections. A company that isn’t certain of their ability to have you pass the necessary inspections is not worthy of your business. On the other hand, if the company promises to help you pass, no matter what, an organization like that may be worthy of your contention. Only when you get a guarantee that your restaurant will receive stellar marks the next time the fire and health inspectors come calling will you be able to find the cleaning crew that’s perfect for your needs.

                                                        Get Vent Hood Cleaning Services by the Best

                                                        If your restaurant operates in Denver, Colorado, we encourage you to contact APS-Hoods, the local leader in commercial kitchen cleaning services. Our vent hood cleaning services, most specifically, are designed to keep your ventilation, ducts, and fans spotless while protecting your business from a dangerous fire. We only employ the most experienced and well-trained cleaning, maintenance, and repair technicians, which means that we not only do a good job, but we also protect your business investment in several key ways. Our professionals clean with precision, ensuring that all nooks and crannies are free of grease, oil, and other debris. We guarantee that you will pass the necessary fire and health code inspections. When inspectors get a glimpse of our thorough work, they’ll have no choice but to deem your business NFPA and health code compliant. Furthermore, we are able to identify issues and troubleshoot the sources to keep your appliances and vent hood equipment consistently operational and at maximum efficiency. This saves you money in energy costs and keeps the air in your restaurant pure for complete staff and customer satisfaction. We are fully accredited to operate in Denver and bring the necessary tools, training, and experience to finish any sized job. For vent hood cleaning services you can always count on, contact APS-Hoods, your local source in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, Centennial, Colorado for precision hood cleaning done right.

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                                                          Exhaust System Cleaning
                                                          Grease Interceptor Internal

                                                          What Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services Entail?

                                                          Image Source Like most restaurant owners, you probably have an equipment maintenance checklist that includes checking equipment for failure and ensuring appliances are working efficiently for maximum energy savings. However, if you don’t have a proper cleaning checklist, you should get one fast. Cleaning a commercial kitchen involves a ton of elbow grease and the knowledge to know which areas to clean for proper food and environmental safety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cite commercial kitchens as the source for more than 50% of all foodborne outbreaks. This means that thoroughly cleaning your commercial kitchen can actually help to spread airborne illness. Proper cleaning of a commercial kitchen must involve the countertops and other hard surfaces, all the appliances and other equipment, your exhaust hoods and vents, as well as the floors, walls, and ceilings. Before you finish your list, there is a critical component to commercial kitchen cleaning that we failed to mention: Grease traps. If your kitchen’s grease traps aren’t cleaned on a regular basis, you could find yourself with a mess on your hands, not to mention a major fire hazard.

                                                          Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Services needs.

                                                          The Importance of Cleaning Your Commercial Grease Traps

                                                          A grease trap that is regularly cleaned is vital to the health of your restaurant business. Grease traps that aren’t cleaned thoroughly can produce foul odors, which can offend even the most laid back of restaurant patrons. Dirty grease traps can also cause you to commit expensive state and federal code violations. For those reasons, you will want to ensure that you put into place a regular grease cleaning schedule that will keep your patrons happy and your restaurant profitable.

                                                          What is a Grease Trap?

                                                          A grease trap is a plumbing device that is designed to intercept grease and other solids before they have a chance to enter the wastewater disposal system. While some wastewater does contain a small amount of oil, grease traps keep large amounts of oil, fat, and grease from clogging the septic tank and sewer lines. Commercial kitchens produce a ton of oil, fat, and grease, sometimes on a daily basis. When these particles enter the grease trap from the commercial kitchen’s outflow, the solid food particles sink to the bottom while the grease, oils, and fat float to the top. The grease-free water is fed into the septic system, leaving the grease trap accumulating more of the gunk all the time. Since these substances can solidify when cooled, the mixture of them can cause blocked drain pipes. A grease trap also manages to keep the septic and sewer lines cool while preventing a dangerous fire from occurring. However, grease traps can only work effectively when they are cleaned regularly. That’s because a buildup of grease is one of the most dangerous problems you can encounter in a commercial kitchen. When you combine the grease buildup with sparks and flames that regularly occur in a high-pressure kitchen, dangerous and deadly fire can result. The good news is that you will likely be reminded to regularly clean your commercial grease traps, as state and local codes, and even some insurance companies, along with the local fire department, will often have schedule requirements for proper grease exhaust cleaning. Learn more about: All You Need to Know About Restaurant Hood Maintenance to Protect Your Investment

                                                          How Frequently Does Your Grease Trap Need to be Cleaned?

                                                          The schedule you adhere to for proper grease trap cleaning varies, depending on your restaurant type, size, and other factors, such as your hours of operation. Generally speaking, you should plan to have your commercial grease trap cleaned every thirty-days if your establishment uses wood or charcoal grills, char-broilers, and if your doors are open 24/7. Many hamburger restaurants need a schedule like this due to the high rate of table turnover and cooking production. All those burgers produce a ton of grease, which needs to be cleaned out every month. Every sixty-days is the required commercial grease trap schedule for the average restaurant. This includes cafeterias, hotel kitchens, hospital kitchens, and your local family restaurant. Since the grease traps aren’t overflowing on a monthly basis, every two months might be an acceptable schedule for your needs. Check with the local code authorities to determine if this schedule is right for your restaurant or other commercial kitchen business. Many fast food locations have become very efficient with their grease trapping and cleaning, which means that these types of establishments can often get away with ninety-day grease cleaning schedules. A thorough scrubbing every three months should keep the grease traps clean and the cleaning process affordable for restaurant owners. For pizza restaurants, convalescent hospitals, snack bars, and oven hoods, every 120 days or once every four months should suffice for proper grease trap cleaning.

                                                          How is a Grease Trap Cleaned?

                                                          For best results, you should always hire a professional commercial kitchen cleaning service to thoroughly clean your grease traps. Only a reputable company will have the training, tools, and abilities to clean your grease traps so they are always up to code. If your grease traps aren’t cleaned as well as they could be, you could face a load of problems. For one, your insurance company might revoke your insurance. You also face serious liability and litigation from fires that were caused by you not ensuring that your grease traps were properly cleaned. Hefty fines or a personal injury court case could put you out of the commercial kitchen business entirely. The National Fire Protection Association or NFPA states that the majority of restaurant fires start when cooking appliances flare into the kitchen exhaust system. When you consider that grease fires burn as hot as 1400 degrees Fahrenheit, a grease fire can spread quickly through neglected exhaust systems that are laden with grease. The fire could then travel to the roof, where more business-killing damage can be done, not to mention the threat of injury and loss of life. Nearly 11,000 commercial kitchens are damaged by fire every year, resulting in over $160 million in damages. Make sure yours is not one of them with proper commercial grease trap cleaning and maintenance. Depending on the company you hire, your grease traps will be cleaned with a variety of high-pressure tools and precision techniques. Each team that is hired to clean your kitchen knows there are pipes and ventilation shafts that can become traps for grease, oil, and debris. These areas need to be cleaned just as thoroughly as your grease trap to prevent future problems. Unless your time schedule was specified by fire and other coding authorities, your grease traps should be professionally cleaned at least every four to six weeks. Failure to clean your grease trap can cause all those solids to enter the wastewater, causing blockages that could then flood your restaurant with foul-smelling sewer water. If that does happen, it will take at least two days to sanitize your commercial kitchen establishment, leading to an expensive and unnecessary shutdown. When the professionals show up to clean your commercial grease trap, the first thing they’ll do is assess the type of grease trap you operate. ( Learn More About Grease Trap Service in APS-HOODS ) There are four essential types of commercial grease trap.

                                                          Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor (HGI)

                                                          A hydromechanical grease interceptor is a small grease trap that is usually located in cabinet space underneath a sink. This type of grease trap provides passive oil trapping and is the least expensive to install. The drawback to the HGI grease trap is that it requires frequent cleaning, which might end up costing you more in cleaning and maintenance costs in the long run.

                                                          Automatic Grease Removal System

                                                          This type of grease trap features an automatic mechanism for removing grease from the tank, where it’s kept in a separate container. While these systems can be a good alternative for the HGI, they make it a little harder to prove that your commercial kitchen skims FOG (Fat, Oil, and Grease) regularly.

                                                          Gravity Grease Interceptors (GGI)

                                                          These grease traps separate water, solid waste, along with fat, oil, and grease using the force of gravity. The tanks are constructed of metal, concrete, or a strong plastic and are designed to collect wastewater while separating FOG. When the FOG is collected, it floats to the surface while the solids sink to the bottom. The wastewater flows into the sewer network or the water treatment plant, and the grease is kept in the trap. If your establishment has a GGI, the grease will need to be pumped out regularly, or at least at the point where solids and grease become 25% of the overall tank’s contents. These grease traps are more expensive to install but require less maintenance than HGIs or their automatic system counterparts.

                                                          Maximum Retention HGIs

                                                          For restaurants that don’t have space for larger, more conventional grease traps, maximum retention HGIs are becoming increasingly popular. These grease traps are on the smaller side, and yet tend to trap more FOG per volume. Some units manage to trap up to 85% of their liquid capacity. The best part is that these systems require far less maintenance than your standard grease trap systems. Depending on the type of grease trap your establishment uses, here are some common ways a commercial cleaning company will keep your restaurant spotless and safe with proper grease trap cleaning.

                                                          Proper Cleaning Protocols for Commercial Grease Traps

                                                          The company will begin by removing the grease trap lid, typically with a crowbar or a wrench, as some traps are sealed with bolts. The cleaning professionals will need to ensure that the grease trap is completely cool before working on it. Allowing the liquids inside to reach room temperature will also cause the fats, oils, and grease to float to the top, which makes it easier to scoop out. The cleaning crew will first inspect the baffles, which are the parts of the grease trap that separate the flow of wastewater in the grease trap tank. If yours is an outdoor trap, there will be a PVC pipe fitting known as an outlet T. Without this device, the grease trap wouldn’t be able to do its job properly. The outlet T will ensure that the water leaving the grease trap is coming from the middle of the grease trap and that none of the solids are entering the sewer system. Cleaning a grease trap begins with removing the solid FOG that has floated to the top. This usually consists of a two-inch layer of thick sludge. The cleaners will use a scoop for this job until all the fats, oils, and grease have been lifted out of the tank. Only water and leftover food solids will remain after this part of the job is completed. Now comes time to use the heavy-duty grease trap cleaning tools. A powerful shop vac will be used to remove the residual solids and leftover water. During this process, the cleaning crew will need to ensure that the automatic dishwasher is turned off and that the sinks are not in use. Doing so will prevent the grease trap from filling up while the cleaning process is ongoing. Next, the commercial grease trap cleaners will scrape off the baffles, sides of the grease trap, and the lid. All excess grease will need to be removed before the cleaning crew can call it a job well done. Your grease trap will then be flushed-out with soap and a degreasing solution, in most cases, then clean water. By the time the crew is finished, you will be left with a clean and sparkling commercial grease trap. One of the primary reasons that a professional crew is often selected for grease trap cleaning is because these services have the means to safely remove any FOG collected. These services will typically offer grease trap cleaning in addition to vent hood, fans, ductwork, and HVAC cleaning, making sure your restaurant is free of fire-starting grease and other debris.

                                                          Want a Free Quote for Professional Grease Trap Cleaning?

                                                          If you want your grease trap to remain clean at regular intervals throughout the year, keeping you code compliant and your restaurant safe, you’ll want to call on the commercial kitchen cleaning professionals. Aps-Hoods proudly serves clients throughout Denver, Aurora, Centennial, Lakewood, Colorado. For safe and reliable commercial kitchen cleaning that will save you time and money, contact our grease trap cleaning professionals for a free quote. (image source)

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                                                            grease trap cleaning
                                                            ventilation systems | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                            What is the process and method of cleaning air ducts and vents? When should your ventilation systems be replaced?

                                                            Running a restaurant or other type of commercial kitchen business requires you to maintain your business at every angle. One area where many business owners tend to lack is in the cleaning of all air ducts and ventilation systems throughout the establishment. Over time, the air ducts in a restaurant can become caked with grease and other particulates, leading to restrictions in airflow, and even risk of fire.

                                                            As time goes on, your business may require expensive duct repair, because all that gunk can make your air ducts too restrictive for proper airflow to get through, leading to more expenses and danger. Yes, that’s right. The more buildup there is in your restaurant duct system, the more impure the air will be in your restaurant. This means that your staff and customers will be breathing air that has been contaminated with cooking and other wastes. Not only that, but your HVAC and air make-up systems will have to work overtime, putting those systems at risk for breakdown.

                                                            To make a long story short, if you don’t properly maintain your ducts with proper cleaning, you’re facing large expenses, the risk of fire, and potentially business disruption if systems need to be replaced or fire causes your business to close.

                                                            Here is how to maintain your restaurant’s ductwork and all accompanying systems to keep your restaurant code compliant, safe, and presentable for staff and customers alike.


                                                            Beware of the In-House Approach to Exhaust Hood and Duct Cleaning

                                                            Like most business owners, you’ll always look for ways to save. This might mean time or money savings but retaining more of those things is always top priority.

                                                            With this in mind, many restaurant owners strive to save time and money by having their staff clean their commercial exhaust hoods, exhaust fans, and all accompanying ductwork.

                                                            Here are five reasons why that is the wrong approach.

                                                            • Your Staff is Not Fully Qualified

                                                            Depending on how busy your restaurant gets, your ductwork and associated commercial hood systems likely get exposed to a significant amount of heat and grease. Over time, this grease can build-up, requiring the use of powerful, industrial-size cleaners.

                                                            Unless you have restaurant-grade pressure washing machines, powerful and safe chemical degreasers, and all the necessary equipment to clean your restaurant’s kitchen exhaust system thoroughly, you’re putting your business, staff, and customers at risk.

                                                            • You May End Up Spending More in the Long Run

                                                            Each bit of grease and debris that are left behind by inexperienced staff members can contribute to a future fire hazard. Your kitchen exhaust fan and make-up air systems may also become overloaded, resulting in an impure environment and expensive potential breakdowns.

                                                            • Your Business Requires Constant Cleaning

                                                            Your staff would have to work overtime to maintain the type of restaurant hood and duct cleaning that would be required to keep your business safe from fire and other risks all year round. Your staff is too busy opening for business, serving customers, and closing down at night. In many cases, professional commercial duct and hood cleaning requires the cleaners to work long into the night, when your business is closed to the public. Unless your staff is willing to work overtime, costing you even more money, it’s best to hire professional vent hood cleaners for commercial kitchen establishments.

                                                            • You Must Remain Fire Code Compliant

                                                            Only professionals who are experienced with commercial hood installation and cleaning will understand how to maintain a clean environment that will pass any local and Federal agency inspection.

                                                            Your staff simply don’t have the certification or expertise to handle a job of such magnitude. Commercial vent hood cleaning and kitchen duct cleaning are major jobs that require professional-grade tools and years of experience, which are qualities your staff is unlikely to possess.

                                                            • You’ll Save More Time & Money with the Experts

                                                            When you hire ventilation hood installation and repair experts to clean your commercial kitchen duct systems, you know you’re getting a fast and efficient service that works with your schedule.

                                                            You won’t have to pay staff overtime to clean your ducts and other commercial kitchen equipment, nor will you face expensive mistakes by going the in-house cleaning route.

                                                            Expert vent hood and duct cleaners have the tools, chemicals, steam, and related machines and techniques to rid your restaurant of grease and buildup while keeping your business code compliant.


                                                            How ventilation systems Hoods & Ducts Are Cleaned in a Commercial Kitchen Environment

                                                            When it comes time to find a commercial kitchen cleaning service, you want to look for a few qualities.


                                                            You want to know that the service you hire to clean your commercial ducts, hoods, exhaust fans, and HVAC systems has worked on your type of business and equipment before. Having this level of experience allows the cleaning professional to troubleshoot any problem quickly, leading to less costly and more efficient repairs.



                                                            Your commercial vent hood cleaning service should employ only those who understand commercial kitchens and the ways in which they operate. The service personnel performing the duct cleaning should be familiar with the top brands and know-how to simultaneously repair ductwork, vent hood systems, and replace equipment if necessary.



                                                            Only a commercial kitchen cleaning equipment that provides all its services in-house can fully help your business remain safe and compliant. This means that the service personnel can perform all duct cleaning, service, and repairs without having to turn to expensive and potentially inexperienced contractors.



                                                            Professional ventilation hood installation, maintenance, and repair experts know that you require regular cleaning services in order to remain code compliant. The best companies work with you to give you a competitive quote on all commercial kitchen cleaning services without hidden fees or other charges.



                                                            The company should operate close to where your business resides. This is because you never know when you might require emergency ventilation hood cleaning or grease trap cleaning, for instance. With grease and oil and high heat providing such a risk of fire and debris-filled air, you want to know that professional commercial kitchen cleaners are always just a phone call away.


                                                            How a Professional Vent and Duct Cleaning Company Will Clean Your Restaurant

                                                            The first step to cleaning your commercial ventilation hood systems and all associated ductwork is to come out and assess your restaurant. This step is usually completed when you get your free estimate, which most commercial kitchen cleaners do provide.

                                                            Look over your estimate carefully and ensure that it includes everything necessary in order to prevent dangerous grease buildup and prevent future problems.

                                                            This includes a thorough cleaning, maintenance, and potentially repair of all ventilation hoods, exhaust fans, ductwork, HVAC systems, make-up air systems, grease trap, and all other relevant components.

                                                            A professional will be able to walk you through this process to ensure you have peace of mind that your ventilation and duct hood cleaning are always in the best of hands.

                                                            Working Within Your Schedule

                                                            The act of providing your restaurant with a comprehensive duct and hood cleaning is not a quick affair. It will take hours, so generally, these services are performed during the times when your business is closed.

                                                            If your restaurant business is open 24/7, this won’t prevent the commercial kitchen cleaners from doing a thorough job. It just means that you’ll need to find an experienced service that will provide the least disruption to normal service as you have your systems scrubbed and made code compliant.

                                                            Shutting Down Necessary Systems

                                                            In order for your ducts and ventilation hood systems to be cleaned as you prefer, all necessary appliances, machines, and equipment will need to be switched off. This is to ensure that there is no harm to personnel, as well as to protect the safety of your equipment. These machines are easier to clean when they’re not in operation.

                                                            Covering Appliances & Machines

                                                            The cleaning of commercial kitchen equipment, ducts, hoods, and exhaust fans can get messy. For this reason, all cooking and other surfaces will be covered to keep them clean and safe.

                                                            Pair and Split Up

                                                            Most of the time, your commercial ventilation hood and duct cleaning will be performed by pairs of experienced personnel. Once all the necessary equipment has been shut off, the next step is for your commercial kitchen cleaners to split up. One will go up to the roof while the other will stay in the kitchen.


                                                            Commercial Ductwork and Ventilation Systems Pressure Washed

                                                            Once on the roof, the commercial kitchen cleaning expert will use powerful machines and chemicals, as well as steam, to pressure wash any lingering grease out of the ductwork. Once the cleaning begins, all the flushed away grease and debris will flood down into the kitchen area. This is why it was necessary to cover everything.

                                                            The kitchen vent hood cleaning expert inside the kitchen area will use equipment to catch all the flushed grease and debris, allowing it to be responsibly disposed of.

                                                            With all of the restaurant’s HVAC, make-up air systems, and other roof-based ventilation equipment clean and disinfected, both commercial kitchen cleaners will meet back up in the kitchen, where the true cleaning begins.

                                                            ventilation systems Hood Cleaning

                                                            The areas over the stoves and other commercial kitchen equipment are most prone to grease and debris buildup. These areas, if not cleaned properly, can become literal hotbeds for the breakout of fire. These systems will be disassembled and cleaned inside and out. This includes ventilation hoods, exhaust fans, and any associated ductwork.

                                                            Since you took the time to find a one-stop-shop for commercial kitchen cleaning services, you know that your personnel will be able to replace fans, wiring, ductwork, or any other systems that appear to be defective during the cleaning process.

                                                            Commercial Duct Cleaning

                                                            Next, the kitchen cleaning experts will ensure that all ducts are flushed of grease buildup and debris that can cause your HVAC system to malfunction and kick dangerous impurities into the air. A professional kitchen cleaning service will test all of your equipment to ensure that it’s always operating as it should. These tests are crucial for preventing future problems and saving you loads of time and money in the long run.

                                                            The Cleanup Process

                                                            The goal of a professional commercial kitchen cleaning service will be to provide you with fast, thorough, and efficient service. That means that you can expect your cleaning crew to work quickly as they flush grease from the roof to the kitchen, then clean the kitchen area with meticulous attention to detail.

                                                            During this cleanup process, all the ventilation hoods, exhaust fans, and ducts will be checked for quality assurance, and all appliances and machines uncovered for the next business day.

                                                            When the service is complete, you’ll be able to walk into your kitchen smelling cleaner, more breathable air, and witnessing your ventilation hoods, ducts, exhaust fans, and all associated systems gleaming from a cleaning job well done.

                                                            We are known for our high attention to detail and the ability to clean even the most elaborate of the duct and vent hood systems for all types of restaurants and commercial kitchen establishments.

                                                            Call APS-Hoods for a Free Quote

                                                            Your kitchen business may be serving customers on the daily, but you’re doing yourself a disservice if you fail to clean your ventilation hoods and ducts properly and on a regular basis.

                                                            If you live in and around Denver, Colorado, call APS-Hoods and we can provide you with professional commercial kitchen cleaning services. Our experts have years of experience and are trained on all top brands of commercial kitchen equipment.

                                                            From ventilation hoods and exhaust fans to ductwork and every other system in between, APS-Hoods can provide you with a free quote on thorough cleaning that gives you peace of mind and keeps your business code compliant.

                                                            Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                            How Often Do Each of Your ventilation systems Need to be Replaced?

                                                            The ventilation system in your commercial kitchen or food prep facility can prevent the air from becoming polluted and can also prevent fires. If you have recently installed your vent hoods or it’s been a couple of years, replacement isn’t likely. Even in the busiest of kitchens, these components are designed to last years into the future, and many come with warranties that protect against the risk of fan breakdowns and other anomalies. Yet if you have had your vent hood system for fifteen years or more, you may want to consider a replacement. Here are the signs to look for when you’re wondering if a new vent system may be worthy of your investment.

                                                            Signs to Replace Your Vent Hoods


                                                            Tons of Grease Buildup

                                                            If anything will catch on fire quickly, it’s a grease-laden vent system. When grease gets caked into your fans and vents and throughout the various components that comprise your system, the slightest spark can create a dangerous situation you won’t want to encounter. To save your employees, equipment, building, and customers, keep your ventilation system free of grease at every turn. While some buildup is normal during the average shift, too much is a hazard. Use a heavy-duty cleaner nightly and schedule regular vent hood cleaning and maintenance to keep your equipment grease-free. If the grease builds up over a long period of time, it can turn into an uncleanable mess, and replacement might be your best and least-costly option in the long run.

                                                            Working Too Hard

                                                            If your ventilation systems is huffing and puffing and yet seems to be pushing even less air through than before, that’s a good sign that your vent system needs to be overhauled or replaced. In some cases, a simple fan replacement can do wonders, but only a professional ventilation hood expert should make that call. Scheduling regular maintenance can keep the problem of not enough airflow in check, but outdated systems may be helpless and replacement may be your only recourse.

                                                            Changes in Production

                                                            If you have recently changed your menu or if you are suddenly producing more volume in your kitchen, your old vent hood system may not be able to keep up. This isn’t something you want to find out weeks into the new way of doing business. It’s far better to schedule a maintenance and cleaning call if you do suspect that your equipment isn’t in the best working order before things get out of hand. New and energy-efficient vent hoods by top manufacturers will keep production ramping up without sacrificing quality, and you’ll even save on energy costs.

                                                            Changing Your Vent Hood Filter

                                                            Of course, some ventilation systems can seem to be malfunctional when changing your filter is all the situation calls for. Make sure you are changing or at least cleaning your hood filters regularly to prevent grease buildup and other problems. And, of course, to keep your ventilation system operating like new.


                                                            The bottom line is that you should never make the decision to replace your vent hoods all on your own. Get an expert’s opinion by scheduling regular vent hood cleaning and maintenance or by calling for a free estimate on a complete replacement. Only a professional will be able to give you an honest assessment of whether your equipment needs to be maintained, fixed, or replaced altogether. For more information on vent hood maintenance, cleaning, and replacement, visit Aps-Hoods, your choice for commercial kitchen ventilation systems, food truck construction, and more. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                              ventilation systems
                                                              Hood Cleaning Services | Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood | Grease Management | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                              Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning : The Definitive Guide

                                                              Unlike a home kitchen, a commercial kitchen is a large space where food preparation and cooking processes go on for hours on end. As a restaurant owner, it’s your duty to keep the distinct areas of your kitchen properly cleaned, particularly the exhaust hoods. The purpose of the kitchen exhaust hood is to release smoke, heat, and smell and keep the kitchen atmosphere clean and safe.

                                                              The cleanliness of a restaurant is crucial both from the employees’ and the visitors’ point of view. If the kitchen environment is not well-maintained, the productivity of the employees will be impacted. Nobody would want to spend multiple hours in a kitchen if it exposes them to health risks. Visitors too want to sit and eat in a restaurant that is squeaky clean and free from any kind of smell. That’s why every restaurant owner is also bound by the law of their state to keep their restaurant properly maintained and guarded against safety hazards.

                                                              In case the safety codes are violated, the owner may have to face heavy penalties or shut down their restaurant altogether.

                                                              Parts of a Restaurant Exhaust Kitchen Hood

                                                              Before the cleaning task is performed, it’s a good idea to remain informed about the various parts of a commercial kitchen hood. An exhaust hood system consists of three main parts – filters, ducts, and fans.

                                                              Generally, an exhaust hood goes through a cleaning system before it exits the building. The exhaust hood, as the name suggests, functions to take the smoke, heat, and odor inside the kitchen out. It’s a ventilation system which also pulls in some fresh air from outside to keep the kitchen atmosphere clean and easy to work in. Broadly speaking, kitchen hood systems can be categorized into type I and type II. Type I exhaust hoods deal with grease whereas the type II exhaust hoods handle heat and odor. Together, they perform a great job of cleaning the kitchen atmosphere. The hoods are placed just above the fryer and burner in the kitchen.

                                                              Though a kitchen hood system comes along with two fans (for exhaust and makeup air), you can also install an additional fan on the roof over the exhaust duct system to speed up the ventilation process. The fans inside the hood are often linked with the building’s HVAC system. Just like the fans, the steel-made ducts are also two in number, one for releasing air and the other for makeup air. Other components of a commercial kitchen hood system include backsplashes, vapor proof lights, grease filters, and grease cups.

                                                              Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning

                                                              Cleaning the kitchen of a restaurant is a long, tedious process that can take up 4-6 hours. Abiding by the legal safety standards, you’ll be required to clean the hoods at least twice a year. But how
                                                              many times your restaurant kitchen will need to be cleaned also depends on the current condition of your hoods. If you have a very busy kitchen and cleaning has been neglected for several months in a row, you may need the hoods cleaning done multiple times.

                                                              An experienced hood cleaning company can visit the distinct areas of your commercial kitchen and then suggest the best cleaning ideas. These service providers have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to clean the exhaust hoods of a kitchen to the bare metal and ensure efficient overall ventilation. The hood components that need cleaning include:

                                                              Hood Filters:

                                                              The filters of an exhaust hood system gather the most amount of grease and oil in the kitchen. That’s why they must be cleaned on a frequent basis. The code in your area will require you to get the
                                                              hood filters cleaned once every month to avoid fire and safety hazards. As a responsible restaurant owner, you should never ignore cleaning the filters. In fact, you should get the hood filters cleaned every couple of weeks to remain fully safe from dangers.

                                                              Hood Ducts:

                                                              The second most important part of a hood system is the ducts. After the filters, it is the hood ducts that accumulate the most amount of grease, particularly when the hood filters are not doing their jobs well. All the smoke and heat produced from cooking processes pass through these ducts, and so they need proper cleaning on a regular basis. professional kitchen hood cleaning contractors understand the value of ducts and clean this component professionally using the equipment and tools that are best suited for the task. If there are errors in the placement of ducts, the contractor can get that problem fixed as well for safety.

                                                              Hood Fans:

                                                              Both the fans and the motor are located inside the duct. While the ducts are being cleaned, the contractor will also check the fans and the motors to see if they are working properly. If the quality of the motor has degraded or it is not functioning to its fullest potential, the air quality in the kitchen will suffer. Therefore, it’s important that you get the fans and the motor serviced and maintained appropriately. This will improve the efficiency of the entire hood system.

                                                              Finally, the hood cleaning professionals will clean the other smaller components of the kitchen hood system. But there are many other things that cleaners need to do before they get started with the task. They follow an appropriately laid out procedure and a cleaning checklist to deliver the best results. Make sure you work with a reputed contractor and never skip the cleaning schedule.

                                                              Why You Can’t Ignore Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning

                                                              There are several benefits that a well-maintained and clean commercial kitchen has to offer. If you operate a restaurant, you should seek the services of a professional kitchen cleaning company to clean every distinct area of the kitchen. But one area which needs the most attention is the kitchen hood system.
                                                              Therefore, you should make sure that every component of the hoods you have installed gets a spring-clean so that it functions to its maximum efficiency level. The top reasons you should get your kitchen hoods cleaned by a professional company on a regular basis are as follows:

                                                              Food Safety:

                                                              An unclean kitchen is the breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria. The build of grease and oil in the hoods can encourage the growth of these bacteria and ruin the quality of food in the kitchen. People getting sick from consuming contaminated food or drinks is a common problem. By giving your kitchen a routine cleaning, you can keep your food items safe and remove the risk of contamination. The high quality of foods translates to getting more customers.


                                                              If your employees are productive, it helps you get more done in less time and grows your restaurant business as a result. But an unorganized and smoky kitchen ruins productivity as well as jeopardizes the health of your staff. On the other hand, a clean and efficient kitchen exhaust hood system helps harmful particulates escape into the outside air and keeps the kitchen atmosphere clean and safe for the staff to work in and deliver their best performance.

                                                              Fire Hazards:

                                                              A commercial kitchen remains exposed to a lot of heat for hours on end. Add to it the build-up of grease and oil in the exhaust hood. All of this together increases the risk of a potential fire in the kitchen. If a fire breaks out, it can do harm to both life and property. The expense of repair could be in millions. The most effective way to reduce these risks is to get the exhaust hood system of your commercial kitchen cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.

                                                              Code Compliance:

                                                              Since a commercial kitchen is such a busy place, you never know when things can go wrong. That’s why the law in every state has mandated for all large kitchens to follow a safety code. An untidy kitchen hood is a common reason for not clearing the inspection. If you land your restaurant in an emergency situation due to a lack of cleaning, you can end up paying heavy fines. You can avoid all these issues by keeping the exhaust hood system as well as other areas of the kitchen free from any kind of greasy buildup or contamination.

                                                              System Efficiency:

                                                              A vent hood system is not inexpensive to install. So, it deserves a good, proper cleaning on a regular basis too. The accumulation of grease and oil in the hood filters, ducts, and fans disrupt the smooth functioning of the hood system and reduce its longevity. If you just keep the exhaust hood cleaned, you can have it serve your needs quite efficiently for years in a row.

                                                              Most importantly, the maintenance of your commercial kitchen is directly related to your business growth. A safe and clean restaurant is equally loved by employees and customers. It speaks volumes about your values, concerns for people’s health and safety, and your brand. So, make sure your kitchen’s exhaust hood system is spick and span and works exactly as it should.


                                                              How Frequently You Should Get Your Restaurant Kitchen Hood Cleaned

                                                              While regular cleaning is always advisable, the number of times you should give your kitchen hood a cleanup depends on a number of factors. These include the size of your kitchen, volume of cooking, and frequency of inspection among others. You can talk to a professional kitchen cleaning contractor and find out what frequency of cleaning is best suited to your restaurant.

                                                              Depending on your unique requirements, you can set the frequency of the kitchen hood cleaning as one of these:


                                                              Commercial kitchens with solid fuel cooking operations develop a lot of greasy and oil buildup over a short period of time and need the most frequent cleaning. Such systems should be cleaned up every month.


                                                              If you have 24-hour food service in your restaurant, you definitely cook large volumes of food. In this case, you need professional cleaning at the interval of every three months. A quarterly cleaning frequency serves well both your inspection and maintenance requirements.


                                                              If the volume of your cooking is moderate and you have a sit-down facility in your restaurant for customers as well, you should get your exhaust hoods cleaned up at least twice every year.


                                                              There are many cooking centers that operate only for a couple of months every year. This means they cook a small volume of food. In such cases, cleaning the kitchen once a year should suffice.

                                                              Seek the Expert Consultation of a Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning Company

                                                              A professional kitchen hood cleaning company has wide experience in addressing a variety of cleaning needs. They can tell you how often you should get the exhaust hoods of your commercial kitchen cleaned. Have a consultation with a reputable contractor and schedule cleaning for your restaurant. Once the cleaning up has been done, you can run your restaurant worry-free for the next six months. In addition, you can also check out the cleaning criteria set by the National Fire Protection Association to find out more about how frequently you should get your kitchen’s exhaust hood systems cleaned for safety against fire hazards.

                                                              If you haven’t found a professional kitchen hood cleaning contractor yet, feel free to talk to APS Hoods. At APS Hoods, we offer top-quality cleaning services for all types and sizes of commercial kitchens. Whether you’re in need of exhaust hood cleaning, equipment cleaning, or installation, maintenance, and repair of an exhaust hood system, we can fulfill all your specific needs.

                                                              We operate throughout the Denver area and serve the cleaning needs of commercial kitchens, day camps, seasonal businesses, senior centers, etc. We have been delivering remarkable cleaning solutions to all kinds of restaurants in Denver and its surrounding areas for more than 20 years. Our cleaning professionals are expertly trained to abide by the regulations of the National Fire Prevention Association as well as comply with the state and local codes. While working with us, you can feel confident that our crew members will do an excellent
                                                              cleaning job.

                                                              Call today and receive your free quote. (800)750-7313

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                                                                Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood

                                                                Some More Related Post:

                                                                HVAC System: Summer is a Perfect Time for Adjusting by APS Hoods

                                                                Image Source Denver, CO – While commercial kitchens always run hotter than dining areas, in the summertime–restaurant kitchens become can become hazardously hot. Furthermore, restaurant owners find that their energy bills–from cooling, fan use, and unbalanced air, etc.–increase dramatically. This ends up leeching resources from their profits. It also makes summer an ideal time to fine-tune and check your commercial kitchen HVAC system professionally. Here are some common problems that may be plaguing your restaurant in the warmer months:

                                                                Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                                Cool Air Is Pulled Out Through Exhaust Fan

                                                                Is your air conditioning bill incredibly high, while your establishment always seems inadequately cool? What may be happening is that your cold, conditioned air is being circulated out of your exhaust hood due to a lack of make-up air. Instead of just doing its job of pulling gasses and hot air from above the stove, the exhaust hood can sometimes suck out the desirable air from inside your building. This often creates a vacuum effect in your entire restaurant, where it becomes difficult to open doors without them slamming you upon closing. The solution to this problem is as simple as installing a makeup-air unit. This kind of unit in your kitchen will generate much needed negative air pressure that will disallow unpleasant smells from flowing out into your general building, while also not letting your air-conditioned air to so easily escaping through the vents.

                                                                Grease Filters Making Your Ventilation Ineffective

                                                                Spring, and especially summer, tend to be the busiest and most profitable month for any restaurant. People are out and about on the town, looking for new eateries to discover.  This brings many more people to your establishment than during the harsher seasons of the year. However, the increased amount of cooking also results in clogged grease traps, which may need to be changed out more often than recommended. Clogged grease filters can cause your kitchen to overheat. Then, your air will become unclean, as a dirty filter cannot function at top capacity. This will cause both the kitchen and dining area to become smoky or otherwise unpleasant in odor. Moreover, your air conditioning bill will rise ever higher, while your exhaust fan will need to work harder to compensate for all these issues. This makes for employee health dangers, customer discomfort/dissatisfaction, and higher bills for you! It is easy for even the most disciplined restaurant crew to forget to monitor their grease filters, but it is necessary to keep tabs on the situation to maintain the optimal function of your HVAC system. It is smart to schedule routine filter changes throughout the Spring and Summer when business really picks up. Learn more about: Grease Management Tips for Restaurant Cleanliness & Fire Prevention For an air balancing test to determine whether your cold air is being cycled out of your establishment or, for grease filter service, call APS Hoods. We will help your restaurant to remain safe and help you to save money on energy bills. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                  HVAC System
                                                                  Drop Tile Ceilings for Restaurant Kitchen | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                  Drop Tile Ceilings: APS Hoods Talks Best Materials For Restaurant Kitchens

                                                                  Image Source Tile Ceilings – Denver, CO – If you are in the process of building or renovating your restaurant kitchen, many questions are bound to arise about which materials are best to use. It is not just about aesthetic value either, but about fire safety, cleaning efficiency, and ease of repair. Let our experts at APS Hoods advise you on some basic rules of thumb when it comes to commercial kitchen Tile Ceilings. Different states have various regulations about which materials are permissible for use in commercial kitchens. However, the general requirements revolve around the material being safe for its use in a kitchen environment.

                                                                  Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                                  The construction material must be:

                                                                  • Easy to clean/smooth: No-textured materials are permitted, as it is hard to clean out dust and grime. Vinyl coated tiles are fantastic, and sealed wood or concrete ceilings are acceptable as well.
                                                                  • Non-absorbent: Since steam will rise to the top of your kitchen, an absorbent and porous material will leave your ceiling susceptible to mold. That will present a health hazard and a costly repair in the future.

                                                                  Other Considerations for Restaurant Ceilings

                                                                  • Ease of Access to Infrastructure: Since you may need to repair above-ceiling pipes or fix electrical wiring, the wisest choice for a ceiling solution is a drop tile grid, not large panels of wood or Sheetrock, This way, all that has to be done for an HVAC or electrician tech to do their inspections or repairs—is popping the individual tile or group of tiles off. Then they can be replaced when the service is over.
                                                                  • Easy Repair: If a part of the ceiling becomes damaged, say—from a leak or fire damage—having a tiled ceiling is a huge advantage since you only need to replace the section that was damaged.
                                                                  If you’d like a quote for professionally cleaning your restaurant walls, ceilings, floors, or equipment, call the experts on commercial kitchen cleaning, at APS Hoods. Reach us at 1(855) 236-6114. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                    Exhaust System Cleaning
                                                                    Makeup Air, restaurant construction | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                    Makeup Air and The Importance in Commercial Kitchens | Denver, CO

                                                                    Image Source Denver, CO – The same exhaust fans that are keeping your commercial kitchen comfortable and protecting the area from overheating may also be creating air imbalance problems throughout your establishment. Because the size, design, door, and window placement of every building varies, the mechanism by which the atmosphere of your restaurant can best be corrected is most accurately established by an HVAC professional. They can provide what is called a Makeup Air service, which essentially replaces the air lost through hood fans with a special unit, which avoids some of the problems which present themselves when air from other areas of the home or building replace that lost air.

                                                                    Call APS-Hoods for a free estimate on your Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning needs.

                                                                    Negative Air Pressure

                                                                    If the exhaust fan was not installed/incorrectly installed, or simply, if the makeup air from the fans is not enough to replace the air exiting from the stove area, negative air pressure can occur. Negative air pressure creates a sort of vacuum in your space, where windows and doors can shut suddenly, dust particles can settle fast onto surfaces or food, and whistle-like noises can also persist when air is let out or into space. These are very undesirable conditions for a dining or cooking area because of hygiene reasons as well as the disruption of ambiance this can create.


                                                                    With negative air pressure sucking everything back into your space, the gasses that are supposed to be going out from your chimney will actually come back in, creating a health hazard. This can set off carbon monoxide detectors and threaten the safety of your patrons and employees.

                                                                    Inefficiencies in Hoods

                                                                    The exhaust hood, unaided by the sufficient amount of make-up air, will–in turn–not be able to process the amount of air it was designed to handle. Over time, you will notice a buildup of grease and grime on your kitchen surfaces. Also, unpleasant cooking and other smells will seep into all the space pockets of your building, including the dining areas, where patrons are trying to enjoy their food!

                                                                    Higher Energy Expenditures

                                                                    Insufficient replacement air in your kitchen will encourage the air from outside to be absorbed inside. This ends up throwing the heating and cooling conditions out of balance when your heater or air conditioner tries to counteract the problem. Your establishment will probably run too hot or too cold at all times, causing freezing or condensation and never really achieving a comfortable state. You, as the restaurant owner will only get a higher energy bill and a big headache trying to figure a way to finally stop this air imbalance problem. However, the problem is one for the professionals with a good diagnostic system that needs to be applied in a customized manner to every restaurant space with the care each one deserves. For help with replacement Makeup Air in your Denver-area commercial kitchen, contact APS Hoods today. © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                      HVAC-Makeup Air
                                                                      Commercial Hood System | Kitchen Power Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                      Kitchen Power Cleaning: APS Hoods Explains | Denver, Colorado

                                                                      Image Source Kitchen Power Cleaning – Denver, CO: If you own a commercial kitchen for any length of time, chances are– you have probably rented a power washer or have contracted commercial power cleaning professionals. The truth is, this service is almost mandatory, as it not only cosmetically improves the look of your restaurant but also protects your facility from fire and bacteria growth.

                                                                      Call Aps-Hoods for a free estimate

                                                                      What does commercial kitchen power washing involve?

                                                                        Commercial power cleaning involves a powerful machine that appears similar to a large lawnmower with a hose and several tanks. The tanks are filled with steaming hot water and commercial grade cleaning concentrate. This piece of equipment is then taken inside your kitchen to help wash your tiles, walls, floors, hood and anything that has built up a greasy film. The high pressure (4000 psi) combined with extra heavy-duty degreasers cuts through the worst messes. Then, outside your facility, we spray down the areas around your garbage, where stains and spills often cause bacteria growth and foul odors. Our enzymatic solution will eat through these stains, restoring your exterior to a pleasant state that will never embarrass you in front of inspectors or new staff. Even your roof, where grease collected through the vents will benefit from a good power washing.

                                                                      Why hire professionals for power washing your restaurant kitchen

                                                                        Many local companies in each city rent smaller power washers for use in foodservice businesses. However, not many of them can compare to a larger, commercial machine owned by dedicated power washing companies. Here are the benefits to hiring the pros for your next commercial kitchen power washing job:
                                                                        • Stronger pressure in commercial grade machines.
                                                                        • No wasted time on a steep learning curve. Proper and effective use of power washers requires your staff to learn special techniques. Cleaning and washing these devices before returning back to the shop is also a job in itself.
                                                                        • The detergents available on the general market do not compare in strength to what is sold to professional contractors. Even if you do get your hands on a powerful solution, you must take care that it doesn’t get into the public water and get you in trouble with the city.
                                                                        • Not all publicity available washers have the steaming hot water feature necessary to really break down grease, while all professional machines do.
                                                                      • Grease disposal: a professional crew can properly discard any oil harvested from your hood and grease filter with no headache for you.
                                                                        If you are ready to speak with a representative about restaurant power washing in any of our locations, please call 1(800)842-1583. We provide power washing, hood/vent/duct cleaning, commercial kitchen cleaning, fan servicing and much more in, Denver. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                        Kitchen Power Cleaning
                                                                        Restaurant Cleaning Instructions | Restaurant Cleaning Instructions |commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                        7 Energy Cost “Busters” for Today’s Busy Commercial Kitchens

                                                                        Image Source Denver-CO | Busy Commercial Kitchens- The cost of food, equipment, and overhead is enough to cripple many food establishments unless precautions are taken. Restaurant managers should prioritize the lowering of energy costs if the business hopes to remain solvent long into the future. Here are the steps to follow when you want to minimize your energy bills to maximize the success of your commercial kitchen.
                                                                        1. Operational Changes:

                                                                          Keep track of business day-to-day and look for any lulls where you can turn off equipment, such as keeping one oven operational as opposed to all three, for example. The smallest actions can lead to major savings when it comes time to receive the energy bill.
                                                                        2. Low-Cost Retrofits:

                                                                          Vent hood professionals can examine your ventilation system to determine if any parts can be retrofitted for major savings. Going off-brand or refurbished can produce the same efficiency as a brand-new name-brand but get a professional’s opinion before any parts are switched out. This isn’t something you want to “wing,” after all.
                                                                        3. HVAC Maintenance:

                                                                          Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system accounts for nearly 30% of your overall energy expenses. For that reason, you will want to ensure that all of your system’s components are operating as they should. Regular ventilation cleaning and maintenance can keep your energy costs down and the risk of fire at bay.
                                                                        4. Short Pre-Heats:

                                                                          Many kitchen managers feel that it’s better to pre-heat early, but this can lead to exorbitant natural gas expenditures. Steam tables, grills, and broilers shouldn’t need to be pre-heated much or at all, and ovens should only need 15 minutes tops, depending on the appliance make, model, and age.
                                                                        5. Newer Equipment:

                                                                          While the thought of purchasing all new equipment can fill frugal restaurant managers with dread, those appliances will soon pay for themselves. When you consider that most major commercial food equipment is designed to be Energy Star rated, you can save loads by giving those energy-hog components the old heave-ho. The ventilation and commercial kitchen professionals can help you choose the ideal components for the lowest energy fees possible.
                                                                        6. Precook Foods:

                                                                          Potatoes, chicken, for example, can be cooked in a steamer before they are fried. Steamers are more efficient than fryers, and soon you’ll see the difference on your electric bill.
                                                                        7. Proper commercial Kitchen Layout:

                                                                          Believe it or not, the way you arrange your kitchen can lead to more significant energy costs. If your ovens are places directly next to your refrigerators, your fridges may have to work twice as hard. For best results and lower energy fees, place all your cooking equipment under a single vent hood and away from all cooling equipment.

                                                                        Regular commercial kitchen Maintenance Can Keep Costs Low

                                                                        There is one more point that must be made. A clean kitchen in a more efficient and cheaper kitchen. When you consider that grease buildup and grime can jam up your vent hood fans and other ventilation system components, you could be paying more than you should to keep your commercial kitchen operational. Regular cleaning by the ventilation and commercial kitchen system experts can keep your energy costs as low as you need to ensure your commercial kitchen – and overall business – succeeds. To learn more about reducing energy costs for commercial kitchens, contact Aps-Hoods, the commercial kitchen and food truck expert in Orange County, CA and Denver, CO. Get a free quote today! © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                          commercial kitchen cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver | Colorado
                                                                          Maintaining fire sprinkler systems in Wyoming | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                          Fire Sprinkler Maintenance: 6 Tips for Between Inspections

                                                                          Image Source Cheyenne, WY – Fire sprinkler systems are often hard to maintain and are easy to forget about, but making sure that they are kept in good repair all year long is important. In fires where sprinkler systems failed, 69% of them were due to water not reaching the fire. Here are 6 Tips to make sure that your fire sprinkler system is in good shape year round. Make sure that the water flow is on. This may seem obvious, but if your place of business catches fire and your sprinkler system valves are closed, they won’t do you a bit of good. In this report from the NFPA, they reported that in 50% of fires the sprinkler system failure was due to “system shut off.” Make sure after any maintenance or inspection is done, that the valves are open so that your system is operational. Make sure that you never paint over the sprinkler system. Sprinkler systems are not the most decorative things in your restaurant or business, and they really aren’t meant to be. They are meant to be functional. While it might be tempting to paint them to blend in with your ceiling, it could block to flow of water and prevent them from serving their purpose. Don’t block the sprinklers. Storage space in restaurants can be limited, and it’s easy to fill any space just to maximize storage. Just make sure that when you are stacking things, you are not blocking the fire suppression system. Your sprinklers can’t do their job if something is obstructing their way. Make sure there is no corrosion or build-up on the sprinkler head. Similar to painting, corrosion or build up of any kind will keep the sprinkler system from working to its full ability. Periodically check the sprinklers to make sure they are clear of anything that might block the water flow. Don’t let it your wet pipe sprinkler system freeze. In an attempt to save money, it can be tempting to turn the heat down when the building is empty. No one will be there to be bothered, right? The problem is that the sprinkler system using wet pipes can freeze, keeping water from flowing through. Make sure that your building is kept at a temperature at least high enough to prevent freezing. Don’t hang things from the sprinkler system. Sometimes it seems really convenient to use your fire suppression sprinklers as mounting anchors. However, these systems are not designed to hold any sort of weight. Hanging things from sprinkler heads can cause bending and breaking. Plus, they may further block the water from reaching its target. Making sure that your fire suppression system is fully operational is just as important as reducing your risk of having a fire. To avoid one of the top causes of fires in your restaurant, make sure to get your vent hoods cleaned out regularly by professionals in restaurant hood repair like Wyoming based APS-Hoods. With fire system installations and semi-annual inspections, we guarantee everything is built and installed in a manner that promotes safety, efficiency, and longevity of the equipment in your commercial kitchen. For more information about cleaning services or fire suppression services, contact APS-Hoods for a free estimate at (800) 750-7313 in Denver Colorado. © 2018 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                            fire sprinkler systems
                                                                            Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning | Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                            Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean: How Long Will the Kitchen be Down and is It Worth It?

                                                                            Image Source Denver, CO – Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean One of the most important, and most overlooked, parts of running a great restaurant is doing a deep clean. While it’s easy to have regular employees do the dishes, wipe the counters, and mop the floors, it’s harder to make time to do the deep cleaning. Deeper cleaning, like cleaning the exhaust hood, ductwork, rooftop exhaust fans, and other appliances, takes a lot more time and effort. This is especially true if you don’t have the proper tools and cleaning products. So what is the cost of professional cleaning and what is the cost of neglecting a deep clean?

                                                                            The Cost of Professional Cleaning


                                                                            Yes. The kitchen will have to be shut down for a professional deep clean. The stoves and fryers must be turned off to cool and some other appliances will need to be turned off for proper cleaning and for the safety of everyone. Cleaning the exhaust hood and ductwork takes an average of 2-5 hours. It depends on the number of hoods and air fans and how long the ductwork happens to be, as well as how easily accessible everything is. The good news: APS-Hoods service times are 24/7, so you can pick a time that you are already closed or if you are open 24/7, a time that you get the least amount of business so that you aren’t missing out on many sales.

                                                                            Cleaning and Servicing Fees

                                                                            APS-Hoods offers a number of services beyond just exhaust hood, air fan, and duct cleaning. We also offer:
                                                                            • Commercial Kitchen and Appliances Cleaning Don’t just wipe down your surfaces. Have them high pressure and steam cleaned and your stainless steel polished to shine.
                                                                            • Ceiling Tile, Wall, And Floor Have your ceiling tile, walls, and/or floor pressure washed, disinfected, and de-greased until it resembles its original condition.
                                                                            • The Exterior Keep your restaurant looking inviting and prevent future damage by having dirt and grease build up steam and pressure washed from your parking lot, dumpster area, sidewalks, roof, and building exterior.
                                                                            The cost is going to depend on which services you choose and the size of your restaurant. For a free quote from APS-Hoods, click here.

                                                                            The cost of neglecting the deep cleaning of the restaurant kitchen

                                                                            Fire Hazard

                                                                            If you have exhaust hoods and fans in your kitchen that have dust or grease build up, that is a severe fire hazard. You may be able to reach some of the gunk yourself. However, there is even more up in the ductwork or in the fans on the roof that is hard to get to and easy to forget about, since you can’t see it. But just because you can’t see grease and dust, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a danger. This report by the National Fire Protection Association lists “Failure to Clean” as the top cause of fires in eating and drinking establishments. That means that the leading cause, 22%, of fires in restaurants was avoidable. Lower Inspection Grades and Higher Inspection Fees Inspectors are trained to find the violations that most people wouldn’t think about. They are there to make sure that buildings are safe and not a health hazard. A simple oversight can cost hundreds of dollars in fees as well as a lower grade, which might turn off some customers.

                                                                            Customer Perception

                                                                            No one likes to be in a dirty place, but especially when they are eating. A customer perception and word of mouth are vital to a business’s reputation and profitability. If a customer sees that a place doesn’t look clean, they will not want to eat there and are likely to warn the people they know as well.

                                                                            Employee Satisfaction

                                                                            Just like no one wants to eat somewhere that doesn’t look clean, no one wants to work in a dirty kitchen either. If it gets bad enough, they might seek employment elsewhere. You will then have to replace them and spend the time and money training someone else. Not only that, but you want to have a safe environment for your employees. A satisfied employee is a more productive employee.

                                                                            The Bottom Line

                                                                            So is it worth it to spend the money and hours of downtime for professional cleaners? Doing it yourself will cost employee hours and stress. Plus, the end result is likely to not be enough. Your employees likely don’t have the experience or the tools to get the job done properly, much less the time. And is it worth the risk of customer perception, inspection fees, and fire hazards? On the other hand, having professionals come in and do a deep, thorough cleaning will eliminate any of the downsides of not having it done well. Furthermore, cleaning will take less time because professionals are trained for this specifically and they have the proper tools to get the job done well. Plus, APS-Hoods guarantees your satisfaction. It will likely save you money in the long run and will give you peace of mind. For more information about cleaning services and Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean, contact APS-Hoods for a free estimate at (800) 750-7313 in Denver Colorado, and elsewhere around the country. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                              Restaurant Kitchen Deep Clean
                                                                              Vent Hood Cleaning | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                              Signs Your Vent Hood Fans Need Cleaning and/or Replacement

                                                                              Source Denver, CO – Vent Hood Cleaning Services Most restaurant owners understand the importance of engaging in a regular commercial kitchen cleaning schedule. Keeping cooktops and food preparation areas spotless is crucial for hygiene reasons, but it’s equally as important to ensure that kitchen hood fans and filters remain just as clean. Here’s why. Grease and dust can build up in range hood fans and filters quickly, posing a potential fire hazard. Grease is highly combustible, so the risk of it catching alight and sparking a kitchen fire are increased if the residue build-up isn’t removed regularly. The kitchen’s hood and ventilation system provide a layer of protection in eliminating air contaminants and odors caused by cooking. So it’s essential the filters and fans are not just cleaned and maintained regularly so they operate effectively; they also need to be cleaned properly, ideally by a professional hood services company, to minimize health and safety risks. However, even with regular maintenance, there are times when a hood fan or filter will need to be replaced completely. Some signs to look for that could indicate a hood fan or filter may need to be replaced include:
                                                                              • You notice damage on the filter during a routine cleaning
                                                                              • The vent fan no longer draws smoke or cooking smells out of the kitchen as effectively
                                                                              • The exhaust fan makes unusual sounds or stops turning completely
                                                                              The risk of an exhaust fan failing during operating hours could be devastating to any commercial kitchen operation. The risk of fire is dramatically increased, but there is also the problem of filling the kitchen and dining area with smoke. The specialists at APS-Hoods recommend creating a scheduled routine for cleaning, maintaining and replacing hood filters in every commercial kitchen. The actual length of time between each deep clean, service and replacement will vary, depending on the condition of the individual range hood. A ventilation hood over a busy restaurant kitchen may have filters that need to be replaced every six to eight months. However, that timeframe may shorten if the range hood, duct work and fan are not cleaned and maintained regularly. The majority of commercial kitchen owners simply don’t have the available staff or resources to undertake such a detailed task. In fact, most eateries need their staff to focus on what they do best – cooking great meals and serving satisfied customers. The easiest and most effective way to ensure that any kitchen’s hood, exhaust and ventilation system is operating at its best is to book a complete hood service and duct cleaning. Appointing a professional company to take care of the cleaning allows you to keep your staff focused on their jobs. You also have the peace of mind that the job is done properly and any faulty or damaged parts can be repaired or replaced quickly. To learn more about cleaning the filters in a commercial kitchen, contact Aps-Hoods for a free estimate by calling (800) 750-7313. About Aps-Hoods: Aps-Hoods specializes in services such as complete kitchen cleaning, Vent Hood Cleaning, hood installation, and fire protection services in Denver, Cheyenne, as well as across Colorado, and Wyoming. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                                Vent Hood Cleaning
                                                                                Fire Restaurant Safety Tips | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                                What you need to know about how to master fire prevention and fire safety restaurant

                                                                                Salt Lake City, UT – While restaurants bring a lot of people joy, the fact is they are highly dangerous places. The kitchen is the culprit. Hot equipment, flames, chemicals, and paper products increase the risks of fire significantly. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that thousands of establishments report fires every year to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. In other words, as a restaurant owner, a fire could cost you a significant amount of money and could cost you your business altogether. It’s not worth the risk, especially when there are ways to prevent restaurant fires. Here are the steps to take.

                                                                                Install a Fire-Suppression System

                                                                                A fire suppression system releases chemicals when it detects a fire. The chemicals suppress the flames, and the system automatically turns off the electrical supply.

                                                                                Keep Class K Extinguishers Within Arm’s Reach

                                                                                Place K Extinguishers near all areas where fires could start, such as near the stoves and ovens. ABC extinguishers are best for areas where paper, wood, and electrical fires could occur.

                                                                                Schedule Inspections Regularly

                                                                                Inspections ensure everything is in good working order and there are no fire risks. They should be conducted quarterly unless your restaurant is a high-volume operation. If your kitchen has wood or charcoal burning ovens, you should schedule monthly inspections.

                                                                                Train Your Staff

                                                                                Fire Restaurant Safety training for staff is important. All staff should have a refresher every six months. Training should include:
                                                                                • Fat removal method
                                                                                • How to deal with a grease fire
                                                                                • Clean the ashes method
                                                                                • Where to store flammable liquids
                                                                                • The importance of keeping areas tidy
                                                                                • An emergency plan

                                                                                Maintenance Is Important

                                                                                You should have all equipment maintained at least every six months. A Fire Restaurant Safety professional can check for any loose or frayed wires and broken switch plates. A report will identify any fire hazards you’ll need to take care of to pass inspection.

                                                                                Schedule Maintenance to Prevent Restaurant Fires

                                                                                Is it time for a maintenance and Fire Restaurant Safety inspection appointment? Contact APS-Hoods for professional cleaning, maintenance, and fire protection services. We can protect your business by ensuring your kitchen’s equipment and setup have a low risk of fire. Call us today at 800-750-7313 for a free quote.

                                                                                How to Master Fire Prevention in the Workplace

                                                                                Denver, CO – Each year, fires cause serious damage to property, sometimes even resulting in injury and death. One of the most effective strategies to protect a building against fire is for management to educate everyone on staff regarding methods of fire prevention and urge them to report any possible fire hazards so that the situation can be handled quickly and properly. Although workplace environments vary, there are some common fire hazards business owners need to be aware of; following are some examples and tips on how to reduce the risk of them causing a fire.

                                                                                Flammable Liquids and Vapors:

                                                                                This is more of a threat in some environments than others. Particularly at risk are factories and industrial warehouses where large amounts of vapors and flammable liquids are kept. Flammable liquids can ignite immediately when they come into contact with a flame or spark. To decrease the risk of a fire in these areas, always be sure that solvents and flammable liquids are correctly sealed – and if a spill does happen – be sure they are safely and properly cleaned immediately.

                                                                                Waste and Combustible Material:

                                                                                In many business offices, there is a buildup of trash, paper, and other flammable items that can easily catch fire. If these objects are not discarded on a regular basis, they can provide ample fuel for a dangerous blaze. Avoid stowing rubbish on site as much as possible, or make sure it is in an assigned area, away from main buildings and any possible sources of ignition.

                                                                                Overheating Objects:

                                                                                In some cases, electrical equipment and machinery warm up during use, providing the potential for a fire. Combustible materials should be kept away from heat sources and unplug any equipment that is not being used whenever possible. Never leave any machinery or electrical equipment turned on overnight unless it is necessary.

                                                                                Overloaded Sockets:

                                                                                This is a common cause of electrical fires, but it can be easily avoided. A fire can start if faulty extension cords are used or there are too many appliances plugged into the same socket. Use one plugin each socket only, and never use appliances that total more than 3,000 watts or 13amps across the entire socket.

                                                                                Faulty Equipment:

                                                                                These fires are one of the most common types that occur in the workplace. Encourage staff to be on the lookout for any signs of loose cables or damaged plugs and replace them immediately. All electrical equipment should be checked by an expert technician on a regular basis.

                                                                                Human Negligence:

                                                                                Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of fires in the workplace is human negligence. Even though the component of human mistakes cannot be completely removed, with proper training business owners can eliminate these errors by providing effective training and guidance for their staff.

                                                                                A clean workplace is a safe workplace. For all your commercial cleaning needs in the Denver areas, call APS-Hoods today at (800) 750-7313 to schedule a consultation, or request a free quote online.

                                                                                © 2017 Millionairium and Farazandeh. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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                                                                                  Fire Restaurant Safety
                                                                                  Fire Suppression Systems | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                                  Are Your Fire Suppression Systems Compliant? (Classifications of Fire Extinguishers)

                                                                                  Classifications of Fire Extinguishers

                                                                                  Salt Lake City, UT – The majority of restaurateurs understand the importance of fire safety in a commercial kitchen. A single fire outbreak has the potential to cost tens of thousands of dollars in damage to a commercial kitchen. There is also the risk of causing injury or loss of life if the fire is not quickly and effectively controlled. Fire systems require much more attention than simply installing a fire extinguisher beside the deep fryer or cooktop. Fires can be sparked by a number of different sources within a kitchen, some of which may require specialized fire systems to extinguish properly. There are several different classifications of fire extinguishers, each suited to fighting fires sparked by different sources.

                                                                                  How Fire Extinguisher Classifications Work

                                                                                  Labels on the front of each fire extinguisher display letters that outline the type of fire each system is suited to fight. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines three classes of common fires and another two specialty classes. These are:

                                                                                  Class A –

                                                                                  Used to combat fires sparked by common combustible sources such as paper, cardboard boxes, or wood.

                                                                                  Class B –

                                                                                  Used to fight high-heat fires fueled by flammable liquids, including gasoline, paint, oil, and other solvents.

                                                                                  Class C –

                                                                                  Used to extinguish electrical fires that may have been caused by appliances or motors.

                                                                                  Class D –

                                                                                  Used specifically for fighting fires that involve combustible metals, such as titanium, sodium, magnesium, or potassium that have the potential to react violently if doused with water or other chemicals.

                                                                                  Class K –

                                                                                  Used specifically for combating fires sparked in cooking appliances or that involve cooking fats or vegetable oils. Standard dry chemicals found in common fire extinguishers are ineffective when trying to extinguish fires in modern cooking appliances, so using specialized fire extinguishers is crucial for improving kitchen safety. Aside from having the correct fire extinguishers and other fire suppression systems in place, commercial kitchen owners can reduce the risk of fire by regularly cleaning and inspecting hood installations, changing grease filters often, and checking that any flammable liquids or chemical solutions are stored properly away from stoves or cooking equipment. All commercial kitchens are required to adhere to national fire testing standard UL-300, which was designed to ensure fires are safely controlled and maintained. A professional fire system service can provide peace of mind that your kitchen’s fire system installation is up to code and that you have the correct classifications of fire extinguishers to suit your kitchen’s needs.

                                                                                  Are Your Fire Suppression Systems Compliant?

                                                                                  Commercial kitchen facilities are required to uphold fire testing standard UL-300, a policy that has been in place since 1994. UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories, the organization that created the rules to help commercial kitchens deal with and control property and life-threatening fires. To earn UL 300 certification, which is necessary to secure a Property Insurance policy, Underwriters Laboratories must test and certify each piece of fire suppression equipment independently. The goal is to help restaurants reduce the risk of fires by ensuring that all cooking equipment and the kitchen setup minimizes the collection of grease in the duct-work and the air. Fire extinguishing equipment must also be adequate in handling the severely hot temperatures that can be found in most commercial kitchen equipment.

                                                                                  UL-300 Certification

                                                                                  Before 1994, most commercial cooking operations used animal fat and deep fryers that were poorly insulated, resulting in inconsistent and inefficient cooking temperatures. In those days, kitchens used dry chemical systems that would smother a fire if one were to break out.

                                                                                  Modern Fire Suppression Systems

                                                                                  These days, kitchens have done away with animal fat and have instead turned to vegetable oils, which tend to heat to cooking temperatures more quickly. The deep fryers used in today’s kitchens retain heat more efficiently and are well-insulated. However, dry chemical systems are no longer used, as they are incapable of extinguishing fires and keeping them extinguished. UL-300 calls for the use of wet chemical fire suppression systems, which serve two primary purposes. First, UL-300 systems still smother fires similar to the way dry chemical extinguishers did. Second, they are designed to cool the liquids so that the fire doesn’t re-ignite, something dry systems were unequipped to do.

                                                                                  UL-300 Requirements

                                                                                  If you hope for your commercial kitchen to pass inspection, the following requirements will need to be put into place.
                                                                                  • Fire extinguishing nozzles should be located in all hoods and ducts, as well as above each cooking appliance.
                                                                                  • All gas and electrical power sources should have automatic fuel shutoff capabilities.
                                                                                  • A manual shutoff pull station should be available for all power sources.
                                                                                  • You should have at least one wet chemical fire extinguishing system that adheres to UL-300 (and that is checked semi-annually by a certified professional).
                                                                                  • All hoods and ductwork should be maintained and cleaned semi-annually by an authorized service company.
                                                                                  • Grease filters should be cleaned on a weekly basis.

                                                                                  NFPA 96

                                                                                  NFPA stands for National Fire Prevention Association, an organization that works to prevent fires in commercial kitchens, and other cooking facilities. The NFPA 96 is a publication that outlines the safety guidelines that restaurant owners can put in place to reduce fire risk. The guidelines include the proper distance and angles for installing exhaust hoods and cooking surfaces, as well as what types of exhaust filters are acceptable for cooking equipment. The publication also delves into the proper construction for ducts, including how large they should be, and what materials they should be comprised of. The angles at which they produce exhaust outside of the building are also covered. While these guidelines may seem daunting, they’re actually good for you, the restaurant owner, as it takes much of the guesswork out of how to properly set up a commercial kitchen. They are also designed to keep your property, staff, and customers safe by preventing grease and other fires. To learn more about being UL-300 compliant and to ensure your fire suppression systems are maintained and cleaned properly, contact Aps-Hoods for a free estimate at (800) 750-7313 in Colorado and around the country.  Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Farazandeh are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links

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                                                                                    Fire Suppression Systems
                                                                                    Fire Protection - fire system service | APS-HOODS | Denver Colorado

                                                                                    Types of fires that threaten your commercial kitchen (Fire Protection / Restaurant Fire Cleaning).

                                                                                    Denver, CO – Fire is always a threat to commercial kitchens. In fact, a single fire outbreak can cost thousands of dollars in damages, not to mention lead to injury and loss of life. As a restaurant manager, owner, or operator, you should know how to fire protection from occurring in your restaurant or foodservice business.

                                                                                    What many do not realize is that fires can be caused by multiple sources, so it is best to be aware of all the bad situations in this area and prevent them, minimizing the risk of fire to your staff and kitchen. Always be safe.

                                                                                    Fire Protection Tips

                                                                                    Install a Fire Suppression System:

                                                                                    You should always be prepared for a fire breakout. Having a fire-suppression system installed in your kitchen is your first line of defense. There are many systems to choose from, but a professional installer will be able to tell you which system will be best for your kitchen size and level of activity. Remember to have your fire suppression system inspected at least twice yearly to keep response times at optimum levels.

                                                                                    Portable Fire Extinguishers:

                                                                                    You should have a few hand-held fire extinguishers easily accessible from several strategic access points around your kitchen, as well as in the dining area. Be mindful that there are various classes of fire extinguishers, one for each type of fire. ABC fire extinguishers are used for fires involving wood, paper, textiles, and plastic. Class K extinguishers are intended for grease fires only.

                                                                                    Routine Maintenance:

                                                                                    Frequent cleaning and service of your exhaust system and electrical equipment will keep any negative surprises from popping up unexpectedly. Without this, your equipment can become dirty or even malfunction, which happens to be two of the most common reasons for kitchen fires. A certified commercial kitchen cleaning company can help.

                                                                                    Regular Testing of Alarms and Sprinklers:

                                                                                    A professional should inspect your sprinkler and alarm system at least twice yearly to ensure everything is in fine working order. And, just in case, make sure you have backup batteries for your smoke detectors and change them regularly.

                                                                                    Don’t Put Off Repairs:

                                                                                    If a piece of equipment breaks or malfunctions, or there are other changes to your fire protection system, call a professional to fix any issues immediately.

                                                                                    Conduct Regular Fire Safety Checks: Management and the owners should make frequent passes through the kitchen and dining room areas to maintain adequate fire safety. Paper and cardboard should be kept away from heat-making equipment, and flame-retardant material should replace as many cloth items as possible.

                                                                                    How to Prevent Grease Fires

                                                                                    Change Grease Filters Often:

                                                                                    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) states that grease filters must be constructed of steel or another material approved by the NFPA. To be acceptable, the alternate material must not bend or crush under normal operation and cleaning procedures. The material also cannot be made of mesh. When installing filters, they should be arranged at an angle not less than 45 degrees so that the exhaust air passes through the filter material. The filters you use should be easily accessible and removable for cleaning purposes.

                                                                                    Clean Grease Thoroughly:

                                                                                    Any grease left behind on ducts, walls, or other surfaces is a potential fire hazard. Make sure staff cleans grease from all equipment, walls, floors, and anywhere else that isn’t a designated grease container. Grease traps should also be cleaned regularly to prevent an overflow or potential fire.

                                                                                    Inspect and Clean Your Exhaust System:

                                                                                    An exhaust system that hasn’t been cleaned in some time can lose its efficiency. The clean air you come to expect in your kitchen could become contaminated, creating a greater danger to your staff. A regular cleaning schedule will keep fans and the rest of your HVAC system operating at optimum levels, maintaining a kitchen environment free of debris, smoke, and of course grease.

                                                                                    Preventing Chemical and Electrical Fires

                                                                                    Regular Maintenance of Electrical Equipment:

                                                                                    When checking the electrical equipment around your kitchen, look for frayed cords or wires, as well as cracked or broken switch plates. Some of these may be difficult to spot with an untrained eye, so it pays to have a professional conduct a thorough secondary check. Even if your electrical equipment is working properly, take care that combustible materials are kept away from all power sources.

                                                                                    Store Flammable Liquids Properly:

                                                                                    Flammable liquids should be kept in their proper containers in a well-ventilated space. The space you choose should be far away from stoves or other heat-producing equipment.

                                                                                    Safely Store and Use Chemical Solutions:

                                                                                    Never mix chemicals unless the directions say so, and make sure the directions come from a reputable source. All spills should be cleaned immediately, and a clean-up space should be provided for employees in case of skin exposure.

                                                                                    How Your Staff Can Fires Protection

                                                                                    Have an Emergency Plan:

                                                                                    Train your employees to head for the nearest exits in case a fire does break out. Regular fire drills never hurt, and at least one employee should be designated to call 911 and lead the evacuation protocol.

                                                                                    Teach Employees How to React to Fires:

                                                                                    All staff should be trained to use a fire extinguisher. Teaching employees the PAST acronym

                                                                                    1. Pull the pin

                                                                                    2. Aim at the base of the fire

                                                                                    3. Make a sweeping motion

                                                                                    4. Ten feet from the fire.

                                                                                    will prevent them from panicking when it comes time to fight a fire. All employees should know where the fire extinguishers are located in the kitchen and dining areas, and all emergency exits should be clearly marked for safe evacuation.

                                                                                    No Smoking!

                                                                                    All commercial kitchens produce some sort of smoke, but cigarette smoke is never acceptable. Even if your employees smoke outside, ensure the cigarette butts are disposed of well away from grease or storage areas.
                                                                                    These fire protection guidelines can help to protect commercial equipment, staff, and patrons from the risk of fire. To learn more about commercial kitchen fire prevention and the cleaning of all hoods, vents, fans, and exhaust systems, call (800) 750-7313 or email Apps-Hoods today.
                                                                                    About Apps-Hoods:
                                                                                    For over 20 years, Aps-Hoods has been providing commercial kitchens and foodservice businesses with Fire Protection installation and cleaning. Based in Denver, Colorado, the dependable employees at Aps-Hoods are prepared to service clients across the state, as well as in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

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                                                                                      Fire Protection

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